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/lit/ - Literature

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10004110 No.10004110 [Reply] [Original]

what books have you only read because of 4chan?

>> No.10004119


>> No.10004138

can you be 100% sincere to me and tell me, as one person to another, if that is worth reading or not?

>> No.10004150


>> No.10004223

If you browse this board, you out of your own will, freely spend your time reading shitposts, either because you enjoy it or have nothing better to do. The book is one massive shitpost. So it's probable you will enjoy it given you browse this board.

>> No.10004228
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>> No.10005120

Still nothing, but I'll probably read Stoner.

>> No.10005126


Shills got me to read Eugenio Loboe. He's great

>> No.10005150

How can someone from 4chan be tricked into buying this book?

me laugh

>> No.10005291

Yeah this board tricked me into reading Murakami; that one and IQ84.

>> No.10005300

>Amidst the chaos of our times, it is a relief to have a brilliant and fearless critic like Angela Nagle to turn to. Unwilling to stomach the liberal shibboleths that fail to adequately explain the emergence and significance of right-wing subculture, she's the only one willing to descend into the grimiest of Internet grottos and give us the benefit of her incisive and cool-headed analysis. --Amber A'Lee Frost, Chapo Trap House

>> No.10005303

i wouldn't have known who thomas pynchon is if it weren't for /lit/. thanks /lit/ i love ya

>> No.10005326

Storm of Steel. Thanks for the rec, /lit/.

>> No.10005398

A good majority of them. Not that I'm shoving memes down my gullet, but I'm always keeping my eye out, and even if I branch out on my own it's with the knowledge that the names I've seen on here have led to that.

>> No.10005400

If you have a shitty taste in humor like me it may be the funniest thing you've ever read.

>> No.10005494

yeah i'm probably going to pick that up to. actually i was surprised to learn that the book itself is fairly highly regarded. i thought people only liked it because of the name.

>> No.10005830

All of them. I wouldn't be reading if it wasn't for /lit/

>> No.10005841
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american psycho, and i enjoyed it

>> No.10005845

The Crying of Lot 49
Bleeding Edge
4chan got me started with Pynchon

>> No.10005846

Murakami is womderful

>> No.10005855

>Trusting this website to suggest reading material

I did however google and read up on several far right authors and philosophies due to their propagation on this site. Strasserism, Mosley, Evola, and so on and so on *sniffs*.

>> No.10005867


If you didn't have family and friends who were into literature when you were younger, and didn't get a decent schooling with regards to literature, /lit/ is a great place for guidance.

>> No.10005877

where do I start?

>> No.10005901

American Psycho which was a garbage book. On of the woest Ibe evrr read. I severely resent the faggots here that suggested it was good.

I often wondered who recommended this shit and where they ived. Who are they? What is their street address? Why did they like this book enough to recommend it? Do they have dogs that bark in their yard? What greater idea is conveyed by thjs novel? What hours do they keep? What drew them to this novel? How far is their home from a wooded area with with heavy concealment?

I feel so many questions unanswerable anon.

>> No.10005903
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i've found this to be unironically true as well. for all of the problems with this site, it excels at revealing new art to its users. whether that be anime, books, films, or video games.

>> No.10005909

>How can someone from 4chan be tricked into buying this book?
I pirated it you dipshit. This site amazes me with its ever stupider stupidity. NO BOUNDARIES

>Unwilling to stomach the liberal shibboleths that fail to adequately explain the emergence and significance of right-wing subculture, she's the only one willing to descend into the grimiest of Internet grottos and give us the benefit of her incisive and cool-headed analysis
Yeah that was dialed up to undergrad newspaper. Must be all the branch swinging.

>> No.10006422

Im currently reading Norwegian wood & got about 100 pages left. What should I read next from Murakami? I hope it gets darker, if so, what else is dark in similiar tone?

I'm considering The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle or kafka on the shore. What else?

>> No.10006431
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>> No.10006445
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was fun enough

>> No.10006478

Hard-Boiled Wonderland. You can pretty much stop after that and pursue some post-war Jap authors who are quite a bit darker

>> No.10006531

John Dies at the End

>> No.10006548
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>> No.10007137


Most of them but /lit/ does actually have decent taste so fair fucks. It's not a good forum for actually discussing them but that's another point altogether.

>> No.10007360


>> No.10008312
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tai pei

>> No.10008326


Listen to the Beatles song. It's basically the book in 2 minutes. I liked it because I've been unlucky in my affections for the most part. Frankly, Inliked the movie better, simply for the dissonant musical score.

>> No.10008558

Didn't anybody read Crystal Grader? I got a big download spike after mentioning it here about six months ago

>> No.10009269


what a waste of my time it was.

>> No.10009299

Reading Crime and Punishment, and /lit/ saying I'm a shitter for only reading the one book is what got me into reading t b h.
All 4chan boards oriented around an interest (like /fit/, /lit/, /v/, /o/, etc) are good for getting you into anything you're interested in.

>> No.10009302
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>> No.10009305

Same. Every book this board has recommended has been great.

>> No.10009306

A lot of great books actually.

Catch 22, Something Happened, Blood Meridian, Mythology by Hamilton and most of the classic literature that I would've probably ignored, Crime and Punishment, Dubliners etc.

Thanks lit

>> No.10009315

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