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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 460x259, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10002980 No.10002980 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good conservative literature with a non-Marxist bias? No far-right extremist bullshit, just looking for smart ideas and insight in regular conservative form.

>> No.10002989

Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk, Hamilton, Samuel Johnson

>> No.10002999

>smart ideas
Hmm no.

>> No.10003013

Sorry but I prefer bad conservative literature with a Marxist bias

>> No.10003044

Is there Marxist literature with a conservative bias tho?

>> No.10003061

Nick Land lol

>> No.10003075

Reinhart Koselleck

>> No.10003250
File: 888 KB, 1253x1548, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire conservative revolutionary movement disagrees with you.

Read Schmitt. Concept of the Political and Political Theology a great at critiquing liberal democracy and left wing politics.

>> No.10003318


>> No.10003341

>the thing in opposition to thing disagrees with thing, believes itself correct
shocking to perhaps dozens of us

>> No.10003367

V.S. Naipaul

>> No.10003673

The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and computers: a transscalar entropy-dissipation from international trade to market-oriented software that thaws out competitve dynamics from the cryonics-bank of modernist corporatism. Commerce re-implements space inside itself, assembling a universe exhaustively immanent to cybercaptial functionality. Neoclassical (equilibrium) economics is subsumed into computer-based nonequilibrium market escalations, themed by artificial agencies, imperfect information, sub-optimal solutions, lock-in, increasing returns, and convergence. As digitally micro-tuned market metaprograms mesh with techoscientific soft engineering positive nonlinearity rages through the machines. Cyclonic torsion moans.
The Superiority of Far Eastern Marxism. Whilst chinese materialist dialectic denegativizes itself in the direction of schizophrenizing systems dynamics, progressively dissipating top-down historical destination in the Tao-drenched Special Economic Zones, a re-Hegelianized æwestern marxism' degenerates from the critique of political economy into a state-sympathizing monotheology of economics, siding with fascism against deregulation. The left subsides into nationalistic conservatism, asphyxiating its vestigial capacity for æhot' speculative mutation in a morass of æcold' depressive guilt-culture.

>> No.10003708


>> No.10005268

Plato, Aristotle and the writings of Christians saints would be a good start

>> No.10005312

Just read all literature retard. The canon should keep you entertained, and give you a bit of freedom from muh left muh right. Having a grasp of the evolution of ideas is quite liberating, really. Don't know why people come here and think they have to look so hard for their own views and biases. You will find so many things that interest you won't be able to read them all if you just jump in.

>> No.10005362


Stop giving anachronistic recommendations anon, you can't just claim the Greeks as conservative. Btw, platonic philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity.

That's a far-right extreme bullshitter if I've ever seen one.

Lenin, Strasser, National-Bolsheviks.

>> No.10005388

>Btw, platonic philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity.
What did he actually mean by this?

>> No.10005392

>Btw, platonic philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity.
Was he retarded lads?

>> No.10005403

>more Peterson acolytes

What is a good way to disinfect /lit/ of this filth?

>> No.10005495

For Socrates, the passions, a.k.a the desires, are located in the soul, the psykhe, and not the body. The soul contained both vice and virtue, and there's no antagonism between soul and body. Socrates rejected the ascetic lifestyle, and claimed it was foolish to repress vicious desires by use of reason (read: faith). See the story of Leontius in The Republic. If the soul is the part of man which resembles the divine, and in the soul lies vices, then the divine is vulnerable to vice and not perfect. For Socrates, sexual desire was an urge from the soul, and not the body, and it was an apetite, such as hunger and thirst. You can't reconcile this with the christian concept of original sin.

>> No.10005562

Hayek's Road to Serfdom
Niall Ferguson
Thomas Carlyle
Some of Hume's political writings
The Righteous Mind is written by a centrist but provides a lot of arguments in favour of the conservatism.

>> No.10005565

>The Righteous Mind is written by a centrist but provides a lot of arguments in favour of the conservatism

>i haven't read it

>> No.10005608

look at this pseudointellectual spelling of psyche/ψυχή

>> No.10005630

It's literally the spelling in all translations I've read, and it's the correct spelling since ''psyche'' is a word which carries meaning in the contemporary world.

>> No.10006165

Seconding this.

>> No.10006184

wew anglos

>> No.10006799
File: 264 KB, 666x878, coprophagia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is some good conservative literature with a non-Marxist bias?
You don't read dialectically, what a pleb.