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File: 468 KB, 2162x1200, Repin_17October.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10001492 No.10001492 [Reply] [Original]

I need some recs.

>> No.10001498

Tolstoevsky is pretty good.

>> No.10001536

Dostoevstoy is pretty good, too.

>> No.10001547



>> No.10001551

That's a funny way to spell Chekhov.

>> No.10001553

I liked Turgenev's Fathers and Sons, haven't read anything else from him yet. Looking forward to reading Petersburg by Bely, I've seen a lot of praise for it. Gogol's Overcoat would be a good starting story for you, and if I knew where to start with Chekhov's stories I'd probably recommend some, too.

>> No.10001554


>> No.10001555

Most /lit/ answer yet

>> No.10001562

Oh, I also read Gorky's Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Wasn't really interesting, I might try some of his short stories or The Mother. Not sure.

>> No.10001930


>> No.10001934
File: 71 KB, 350x571, alexander-dugin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Dugin

>> No.10001940

Pseud answer

>> No.10001946



>> No.10001976

Where would you go next, anon? Should I read Rudin after Fathers and Sons or some of his short stories?

>> No.10001991

Bulgakov is a favourite of mine

>> No.10002019

i too am looking forward to reading andrei bely. careful no to pick the reduced version.

>> No.10002036
File: 5 KB, 186x271, maxim gorky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorky is great.

>> No.10002043

Read My childhood. It is Gorky's diary desu

>> No.10002047

Isaac Babel

>> No.10002059

I already got a copy (greek translation desu, a few days ago), just checked and it's the correct one. Good thing you mentioned it though, man. I didn't know there was a reduced version so other anons will keep an eye out.
Thanks, anon! I'll look for it

>> No.10002066

Viktor Nekrasov
M. Bulgakov

>> No.10002080

Read Gogoljs Dead Souls.

Some other good recommendations:

Ljermontov - Hero of our time; his poetry too if you're into it.
Sholokhov - And quiet floats the Don; Stories (especially Fate of a man)
Fyodor Sologub is pretty good too.
Arseny Tarkovsky's poetry if you're into it.
Mayakovsky - same as above.

>> No.10002087

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Fyodor Sologub.

>> No.10002089



>> No.10002105

On the "lighter" side, Teffi, Mayakovsky, Daniil Kharms.

I may be mistaken, but no one said Pushkin—so, Pushkin.

>> No.10002111

Why are the Russians so great lads? I cant even decide they are all awesome.

Recommend Turgenev as less read than some of the others.

>> No.10002114

Josef Stalin

>> No.10002454


wow you have earned your edgy badge in record time we shall get it in the mail post haste

>> No.10002578
File: 332 KB, 1182x1758, moskovskaya saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga right here, Vasili Aksionov, I truly enjoyed this novel

>> No.10002607

Strugatsky brothers obviously

>> No.10002616
File: 39 KB, 326x499, laurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turgenev for olde
Vodolazkin for contemporary

>> No.10002621

Bely, he's my favorite author in general

>> No.10003678

Bunin. He's a great writter;although his "Mitya's Love" was to strong on the Werther--quite inferior to Goethe's piece-- feels, I felt feverish when I finished

>> No.10003689

Mikhail Zoshchenko

>> No.10003695

this guy, turgenev, and gogol.

>> No.10004000

Gogol and Chekhov.

The cheeky brothers

>> No.10004032

Hard to be a god - strugatsky brothers

>> No.10004039
File: 125 KB, 618x1310, 2nsc66c-618x1310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lermentovs a hero of our time should be required reading for anyone here.

>> No.10004386

backed hard

>> No.10004712

F. Sologub is brilliant. I can recomend short stories esp. In the crowd and novel The little (pitty) demon.

>> No.10004719

Can you redpill me on it?

>> No.10004746

I recommend Ilf/Petrov's "Twelve Chairs" and its sequel, "The Golden Calf", if you haven't read them.

>> No.10004754

M. Ageyev is pretty good

>> No.10004763

>soviet comedy
trash. about as good as an episode of i love lucy after a few martinis and a subpar fuck.

>> No.10004853

Why is russian lit so fucking boring

Why is realism in general so fucking boring

>> No.10004856

>all russian literature is realism

>> No.10004865

Have you read it?

>> No.10004871

yep, trash.

>> No.10004944

>Who are your favourite Russian authors that aren't pre 21st century?


>> No.10005005
