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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.17258766 [View]

I cum muh jizz

>> No.17258879 [View]
File: 550 KB, 2006x2808, 1595220762700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good or just pretentious crap I wrote last night?

>> No.17258893 [View]


>> No.17259013 [View]

Royalroad, Quotev, Scribblehub, Tapas, Webnovel(chink business practices though), and a few others I might be missing. Most of them allow tipping the author too.

>> No.17259156 [View]
File: 1.28 MB, 3724x2028, The Finnish military.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13k words. The actual opening chapters are starting to form, but I'm not sure the first chapter is very interesting.

>> No.17259165 [View]

Should you bother editing/revising stories you know are shit?

>> No.17259574 [View]

technically fine but doesn't flow as well as "it didn't last long"

>> No.17259627 [View]

You will never receive truly valuable advice in these threads. Do what I did and begin building relationships with dedicated beta readers who get kicks from reading new material. I have 3 or 4 solid beta readers, one of whom is a professional editor and the other retired, and between the four of them I get as much critique as I need.

>> No.17259638 [View]

Well, at least I got one piece of advice that I consider valuable: your post.
Thank you.

>> No.17259654 [View]

Are Markov chains kino?
Here's three examples, they're txt files, but too big for here
>all the ray bradbury i have
>everything I have in text files
>didn't really name the sources here

>> No.17259753 [View]

No problem. I liked your writing. Gl anon.

>> No.17259754 [View]

I see Black Voices a lot on my Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Tubi but I don't know if that carries over to Kindle Unlimited

>> No.17259770 [View]

how do I learn to write bros? I would like to write my stories and ideas but Im so trash at writing it hurts

>> No.17259788 [View]

It's quite pretentious and that makes it hard to tell what the setting is. The pretentious language is quite jarring alongside words like "vocalist" and "weird" (i'd get rid of the pretentious language and those words personally). The sentence structures need more variety as well as it's coming across quite bland. The second paragraph spends ways too long describing the rings thing and I still can't picture it.
I'd line by line for more feedback if it weren't an image and I thought you cared.
>eyes peeking at him through the gaps of other eyes as they spun in circles
I liked this line a lot though and I wanted to know what happened so that's a good sign

>> No.17259810 [View]

You can't 'learn' how to write, you just keep doing it until you get better.

>> No.17260449 [View]

Not bad anon. The first sentence runs on a little long. I'd break it up to something like, "My father had taken me to a performance. He was in some kind of relationship with one of the instructors, though, like..."
Second sentence runs on as well so bear that in mind going forward.

>> No.17260474 [View]

you write
you edit
you write some more
you edit some more
you find where your weaknesses are and try and bring them up to snuff
you exploit your strengths
and then you write more
and edit more

>> No.17260483 [View]

You can cut down on the "pretentiousness" a lot by cutting unnecessary words or phrases.
>the meaning of the words did not escape his mind
would sound a lot better as,
>the meaning did not escape him

>> No.17260527 [View]

speaking of pretentious
How do you write a remorse riddled guy from the early 1800's living out in the country without it sounding pretentious?

Was bored one night and was overdosing on Edgar Allen Poe inspo and wrote this thing and went to edit it today and just.... The story is good imo, but the prose... I feel like it was written by an edge 16 year old or something.

>> No.17260544 [View]

Anyone else get an acutely dull pain in the front of your brain while writing a first draft? It kind of makes me feel retarded when it happens.

>> No.17260653 [View]

Thanks. I just wrote something I think is quite cool. It's only 3 paragraphs but it's something. It came straight out of me. Sadly not in English so can't post it here

>> No.17260911 [View]

>Do what I did and begin building relationships with dedicated beta readers who get kicks from reading new material
Spoonfeed me, anon. Where can I find people willing to invest time into whatever shlock I spew out?

>> No.17260923 [View]

That's called frustration because you don't have a process. If you're just writing whatever comes to mind without having planned anything, then yeah your brain is going to overload.

>> No.17261008 [View]

You can find in-depth critiques on Fiverr, or people willing to critique for free on R*ddit, along with people who want to critique swap. There are also dedicated websites for having your work read in discussed. And once I found a reader in one of these threads that I was impressed with, but haven't used since. I won't spoonfeed you completely anon, this isn't hard stuff. What's silly is expecting strangers in a 4chan thread to give you good advice, when you can see yourself the sort of writing people post here.

>> No.17261080 [View]

>without having planned anything
Not him, but the way you worded this might through people off. A process and a "plan" are different. By saying he should've planned things out implies he should've some kind of pre-writing. A process is more about finding out what works for you and what doesn't. For example, to really write I need to have a mug of Earl Grey in my system. Maybe that's just Pavlovian at this point, but that's my *process*.

As for OP's dull ache, I do find my head starts getting a little fuzzy after either 4 hours of writing or 4,000 words, and if I keep going I go further into that fog and I'm usually in it for the rest of the day.
Alternatively, the anon I'm replying to might have a point if you have zero clue where the story is heading and you're sitting there staring at the screen trying to think *real* hard about what happens next. Cranking your brain like that for extended periods of time knocks anyone for a loop, especially if you're not used to it.

>> No.17261088 [View]

I just finished Elements of Style

what next?

>> No.17261256 [View]

Is introducing plot lines that are to be resolved/built upon in a sequel a bad idea?

>> No.17261260 [View]

Do you have an end point for the sequels? If not then bad idea.

>> No.17261321 [View]

If I'm stuck at some point with writing I usually get up and walk around. Short breaks only need to be a few minutes long, as long as you break up the sitting time. I find it gets me unstuck and back to writing as soon as I sit down again.

>> No.17261395 [View]

How does one learn to make their writing more attractive? I want to make my writing have a better demeanor and come off as charming.

>> No.17261452 [View]

Unironically try roleplaying. It helps you get into a character's 'head space' to write more believable dialogue and directions and you're getting real time feedback from another person as you go. Not only that, but you can use the other person's writing in real time to see what sorts of actions are useful and what are superfluous by what you focus on in your response.

>> No.17261613 [View]

I feel like I can't write anything better than my best story. I wrote it over one year ago, got it published, got positive reviews, people liked it... and since then everything is shit. Am I just a one shot hack?

>> No.17261932 [View]

You know the answer to that anon

>> No.17262179 [View]

No, I mean, "what's the next book about writing"
Obviously I'm going to go write

>> No.17262189 [View]

>Obviously I'm going to go write
Are you?

>> No.17262361 [View]

I've written over 70,000 words in the last month.

>> No.17262499 [View]

That's great to hear. Good job, anon.

>> No.17262551 [View]

>853 views on royal road
>1 rating, 1 comment, 2 followers
Am I doing something wrong or am I just shit? Or both?

>> No.17262558 [View]

Is your story a LitRPG?

Why don't you link it or tell us about it?

>> No.17262601 [View]

I still want to keep learning tho, so which book should I go to next?

>> No.17262615 [View]

Well, in my opinion, Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft and Hero With a Thousand Faces

>> No.17262629 [View]

Of course, to each their own, anon.

>> No.17262874 [View]

Anyway, here's the new thread when this is archived. >>17262653

>> No.17262955 [View]

I like it, my only thing would be to keep with the metaphor more and don't reveal so obviously what you're really talking about, but that's just me

>> No.17263734 [View]

Interesting. I was writing hot garbage on there when I was 16 but got a bunch of people into it. Mostly girls who just pretended because I was somewhat attractive boy.
I'm fat now.

>> No.17264279 [View]
File: 54 KB, 1060x528, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf kind of nigger website is this? A 600 kb file is too big to upload onto regular websites? Go spread your viruses somewhere else

>> No.17265464 [View]

Why does it seem like so many famous writers insist on working first thing in the morning? Is it an age thing? I'm aware that no advice fits everyone, but it seems fairly ubiquitous in what I've read

>> No.17265926 [View]

You are the reason these threads are dying early. You complete fucking spaz.

>> No.17265981 [View]
File: 171 KB, 1276x1737, Memories of Hätilä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15k words bros. Just 85 thousand more and it'll be a book, kind of.

>> No.17266343 [View]

this would benefit from better imagery, e.g. "the ring of dancers tightened around him like a noose". not a good example, that, but right now i the picture you're trying to give is not very clear. it's rather dry.
this is also because you didn't tell us how he felt. he had dancers smothering him, he heard some strange song in a strange tongue, everything is dark, he felt pain. then what? did he feel fear, panic, hopelessness? readers can't relate to being in put in an eerie ballroom, but they can relate very easily to being scared.
the word "weird" is out of place. use "strange".