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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.17227776 [View]

China doesn't have to open its borders because accusations of racism carry zero weight for them.

>> No.17227788 [View]

Why would the youth bulge of India be anything other than an existential threat to the Indian state? It has to vomit those people out of the country or else they will overthrow the government one day because they felt bored.

>> No.17227794 [View]

It's one of the comfiest novels ever written. Every page of it is pure kino, and you'll fall in love with a large variety of characters by the end of it.

>not listening to chinese music though - the only thing that is completely offputting about chinese culture
That's a massive mistake. Classical Chinese music is incredible. I have a GuQin on my desk and hope to be able to play it competently one day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmc9nQKJX20

>> No.17227811 [View]

>I'm open to have my mind changed about the extralegal killing of journalists if you can discuss it without referencing the West.
not him but why do you venerate journalists? 99% of them serve as ready mouthpieces for elite power. the remaining "independent" journalists are just grifters selling whatever distorted truth their customers crave. and don't say Glen Greenwald. He might have a moral foundation but he's no angel. Everything he does is as calculated as the next man.
So, why are they special? Why is a journalist protected? The purpose to journalism is to program the populace. Get them upset or proud of whatever is preferred but the journalist's master. I think it is fully justified for a state to murder a journalist, as they would a spy, a drug smuggler, or a serial killer. The state has an obligation to survive in order to protect it's citizens. Or, conversely, the state has an obligation to keep its cattle docile and productive, which is the darwinian imperative of international politics between states

>> No.17227864 [View]

>China doesn't have to open its borders because accusations of racism carry zero weight for them
it's about vast sums of money. the same reason we have immigrants here in America. "racism" is just social programming for the cattle. we don't want the different breeds fighting in the pastures

>Why would the youth bulge of India be anything other than an existential threat to the Indian state
cheap labor and tax base. same reason we're taking immigrants here. if you have a top-heavy population you future is stagnation and failure. it's not pretty but that's the dynamic. yes infinite growth is impossible. doesn't matter in the short term

>> No.17227941 [View]

Both of you are right. China will simply create a non-han underclass. Yes they will have to import labour, but they wont give that labour the same rights as Han workers. There will be a perpetual underclass like in the Middle Eastern countries made up of south/east asians and african workers who will get sent home whenever they cause too much trouble or are no longer needed. .

>> No.17227981 [View]

how do you justify persecution of journalists and protesters when the idea of journalists and protesters don't exist? What is a protester to you and what is a journalist? Hell, what is persecution? If you see things from the persepctive that these ideas are Western language for Western events, then why would you consider using them for a culture that wants to reject the west? There isn't a universalist "journalist" there might be universal evil and suffering, and I think it would be better to ask how you can justify a state that causes suffering and evil, but i think that that is every state. So, to answer your question, how can you justify persecution? You can't, you're applying western ideas to a Chinese thing.

>> No.17228025 [View]

>cheap labor and tax base. same reason we're taking immigrants here.
We are much more 'balanced' than the impending social crisis India is incubating. A billion plus is not cheap labor in an increasingly automated world it is a massive liability since they will consume more than they are capable of producing. Tax base is a meme; high taxes come from wealthy citizens not armies of laborers.

>> No.17228027 [View]

Im very interested in China too, currently going through Greeks and learning greek but after that I really want to learn about the chinese

>> No.17228041 [View]
File: 247 KB, 534x766, Beautiful-Chinese-Woman-000003-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not interested in China, I just want a chink girlfriend bros :(

>> No.17228053 [View]


>> No.17228091 [View]

>Chinese are genetically coded to build in one style, and Europeans are genetically coded to build in another.

>> No.17228143 [View]

That might make sense if not for the fact that the journalists/protestors/activists in question are Chinese with Chinese minds. These criticisms I'm parroting aren't mine; they originated in China.

>> No.17228386 [View]

Neo-China sends you a "Hello" from the future.

>> No.17228396 [View]

>chinks just got somethin in their brains that makes them so much more fuckin smart & effective than any other commies in history

Because they're not commies, they're an authoritarian regime with state-run capitalism. The "Chinese Communist Party" is about as communist as the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is democratic.

>> No.17228733 [View]

Do you guys think it’s possible for a Westerner to learn and eventually write in Chinese?

>> No.17228753 [View]

Yes the Jesuits did in the 1500s

>> No.17228776 [View]

Not exactly what I mean. I mean, could a Western write a novel in Chinese and have it be well receptive in China, for example.

>> No.17228856 [View]

If it's positive of the Chinese system then maybe

>> No.17228868 [View]

Good point but also not what I was asking...

>> No.17228978 [View]

Yes? I'm not perfect at all but I can read and write a good amount of Mandarin.

>> No.17229003 [View]

Yes. Chinese isn't some kind of magical bastion knowledge forever limited to the vile waiguoren.

>> No.17229137 [View]

How did you learn it and how long did it take?

>> No.17229160 [View]
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took two intensive double credit courses in university and then let my language proficiency atrophy for two years . Currently studying again...

>> No.17229194 [View]

I should note that even with those classes I was probably only a 3/10 if 0 was non-speaker and 10 was native.

>> No.17229199 [View]

Mao succinctly summed up thousands of years of Chinese history in one word—"Cannibalism". Hope that can help.

>> No.17229416 [View]

holy shit, mao was savage. it's basically like religious folk telling atheists
>you'll go to hell
and atheists, naturally, not giving a SINGLE fuck

>> No.17229445 [View]

What I mean is do you think a non-Chinese writer could ever be popular in China?

>> No.17229491 [View]

Yes if their books weren't politically sensitive and their Mandarin was excellent. I'm sure there are one or two foreign-born Chinese-second-language authors who've found some level of success, though I don't know any off the top of my head.

>> No.17229510 [View]

Reccing this. Also;
Hungry Ghosts
Grass Soup
A mother's ordeal
Ancient Chinese Power, Modern Chinese State

Anyone read 30 Years in the Countryside?
Im looking to buy a copy...

>> No.17230606 [View]


>> No.17230630 [View]

I am interested in China but I also understand that since they’ve been around so long they probably think much differently than I do

>> No.17230892 [View]

I've been hunting for a book called Cannibalism in China by Key-Rey Chong for years but it doesn't seem to exist

>> No.17231431 [View]

china's literary tradition fucking sucks, just endless repetitive garbage. their history is mildly interesting solely to gleam how their sociopathic traits are a reflection of today.

>> No.17231449 [View]

>China alone long since arrived at a refined wisdom superior to philosophy: Taoism surpasses all the mind has conceived by way of detachment.
Oh fuck off.

>> No.17231652 [View]

Yes and what is the difference between those statements?

>> No.17231678 [View]

the traditional China, Taiwan, yes

>> No.17231685 [View]

reluctant chinaboo here
i was already kinda interested in china in like, high school when the economic miracle really started cranking, but i ended up doing a lot more research after i started dating a chinese girl
pretty sure half of the shit that i had to re-learn about china was result of a mindset where people imagine it like a regular normal country like it's Sweden or some shit and they have the same limitations as most countries, while they're sitting there with 1.5b people and 4k years of history and are subject to basically no limitations that mean anything

makes anthropological sense from the perspective of showing devotion to the departed by sacrificing something that has token value to you (but is replaceable in that the ritual can be repeated). imo it's unwise to take mythology at face value

>> No.17231695 [View]

i mean, from an iconoclast coming at the end of a corrupt and anarchic period, looking to unify china under a single vision, that line isn't history, it's politics. 'china' as a single monolithic nation is a concept that requires some justification, and that was Mao's

>> No.17231890 [View]

You've had your brain rotted by Marxism

>> No.17231939 [View]

I honestly think the CCP suppressing freedom of speech is understandable. Just look at the west and how in just the last 5 years so many people have been radicalised and brainwashed into believing crazy and harmful conspiracy theories like Qanon or voter fraud.

>> No.17231941 [View]

chink zipperhead faggots

>> No.17231948 [View]

Go back to R3ddit

>> No.17232538 [View]
File: 105 KB, 634x845, 1604886580191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Kissinger on China atm. Really only wanted to read for an american geopolitics entry, but now I'm going down the China rabbit-hole - any good recs on Chinese cosmology/celestial mandate/history???

>> No.17232774 [View]

bump for this

>> No.17233163 [View]

>look at the soviet union and youll realize the soviets never stood a chance
Yea, the chink cucks went first human to space and still uses soviet made rockets (renaming doesnt make they chinkcrap made) and they fought in the fucking most hoorible war in history and ended in enemy capital (not the americans did all job in pacific, chinkcuck only suck japanese cock)
Chinks were lucky to have ussr in their backdoor and US who invest fucking billons to their economy and gave them tech - thats all "chinas smartneASS"
USSR at least did and improove something by yourself and have some sense in his existence and history
China is literally noncense fucking uselles peace of garbage

>> No.17233317 [View]

please, visit china, moron deserves it.

>> No.17233367 [View]

You should take your meds

>> No.17234074 [View]

Bump for recs

>> No.17235236 [View]

Where should i start for translated chinese literature? I tried Romance of the Three Kingdoms but i was too name-y for me.