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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.17129569 [View]

>everyone German other than
>doesn't list Wittgenstein

Kill yourself now.

>> No.17130373 [View]

> Muh Schopenhauer pessimist
As dark as his outlook is, in the end it made me deal with life in a much better way.

>> No.17130400 [View]


>> No.17130442 [View]


>> No.17130454 [View]

All of them.

>> No.17130501 [View]
File: 52 KB, 360x450, 9302302B-E598-4FAD-B42F-42EA1482E106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a general rule.
Applies to every single book, movie, song, videogame, whatever.

If it was made by a kike, do not fucking consume it. Literally. Just. Don't.
It is guaranteed to contain nothing useful or interesting and has a 99% chance of being poisonous to your brain.

Everything else can mostly be figured intuitively, just don't be afraid of not finishing a bad piece.

>> No.17131005 [View]
File: 177 KB, 960x956, k2pbq6kzrty41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is vital for good /sci/ence, otherwise you are left with science-pseuds like the right half of pic related.
also cope faggot >>17129220

>> No.17131019 [View]
File: 63 KB, 410x598, CringeDepartment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17131105 [View]

kek was about to say that.

>> No.17131554 [View]

>Newtonian time
You haven't read Newton. Whoever you're referencing also didn't read Newton

>> No.17132288 [View]


>> No.17132313 [View]

Deleuze for sure, and probably whoever he was friends with too.

>> No.17133454 [View]

Foucault, right?

>> No.17133523 [View]

You just made me get rid of a considerate portion from my reading list for the next year. Thank you sir

>> No.17133577 [View]

Excluding Math, those are are all grounded on materialism and materialism is depressing and sociopathic. Just because it’s rigorous and empirical doesn’t make it valuable.

>> No.17134347 [View]

More like which philosopher isn't useless amirite

>> No.17135380 [View]

What books were you going to read anon?
Where they written by Dawkins et al.?

>> No.17135452 [View]


>> No.17135563 [View]


>> No.17135705 [View]

The Dawkins quote isn't that bad. The first one is even complimenting philosophers.

>> No.17135720 [View]

>(who is cool, if you turn him right-wing via Nietzsche)

>> No.17135734 [View]

>Why yes, my memory palace is in fact a white room with an interactive iPad on the wall, how did you know?

>> No.17135840 [View]

all of them probably have something somewhat interesting to say, though post-modernists can become kind of annoying at times, especially contemporary ones like judith butler

>> No.17135854 [View]

you and 10 other people, it seems

>> No.17135855 [View]

Ew, that is disgusting.
My memory palace is a Gothic style Castle that exists in perpetual darkness, with many dungeons, artwork, statues and prisoners, all of which are mythological creatures, specifically demons.
With a very seductive succubus that acts as a tour guide, and encourages me.

>> No.17136002 [View]

Young Adult philosophy like schopenhauer or camus

>> No.17136033 [View]


>> No.17136073 [View]

The one that one coworker makes fun of you for reading

>> No.17136079 [View]


>> No.17136106 [View]

You're joking right...

>> No.17136138 [View]

This thread is shite.

As a STEM "chad" I would say science could benefit from a lot more philosophy so that the STEM chuds can reflect on what they are actually doing.

>> No.17136204 [View]


>> No.17136210 [View]

the ones that don't agree with me

>> No.17136296 [View]

based proud robot calculator

>> No.17136871 [View]


Deleuze isn't anyone's anything.

>> No.17136877 [View]


What about the rigids?

>> No.17136896 [View]


>If you turn him right-wing via Nietzsche

Lmao imagine having the arrogance to think that one of the most complex minds of the 20th century is at the whim of your amateur philological acrobatics.

>> No.17136927 [View]

top kek

>> No.17136964 [View]

Absolutely blessed

>> No.17136976 [View]

Commies, anarchists, socialists, degenerates, Jews, etc.

>> No.17136981 [View]

implying it's reddit to not read women

actual retard

subhuman nonwhite detected



>> No.17137908 [View]

all of them, didn't you watch Soul (2020)?

>> No.17137927 [View]

Any thought resulting in dead-end philosophies, namely Existentialists, Sollipsists, anti-Natalists, etc.

>> No.17138337 [View]

Any philosopher who was not also a warrior.

>> No.17138683 [View]

That is literally what Deleuze did to other thinkers. Interpret them in ways that might seem blasphemous, yet have an internal logic.
So let a man have his interpretations.

>> No.17138732 [View]

Just read what you are interested in. The only waste of time philosopher is the one(s) that you don't care about. If you ask this because you want to get a broader knowledge of philosophy, and you are not sure who to skip. I can recommend you to read books about the history of philosophy or you can ask yourself what are you especially interested in. ( I mean like for example: do you want to know how does mind and body relate or how political systems justify themself etc.) And go from there.

>> No.17138762 [View]

Only good answer in this thread. Rest are pseuds in a dick measuring contest

>> No.17139756 [View]
File: 49 KB, 240x240, wutu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on Soul (2020).

>> No.17139858 [View]

I think autism like Kant or Hegel is beyond worthless, but if people like reading that shit it's fine. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.17140517 [View]

All the ones who aren't Christian, and I say this as a former atheist retard