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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17868098 [View]
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>Is he the only irrefutable philosopher?
Max Stirner.

>> No.17739699 [View]
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t. life-denier

>> No.16029949 [View]
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What have students of Literature programmes been up to in recent years? They can't all be doing critical race & gender analyses, right? At a certain point deconstructing must become tiresome to all those professors and students, I would think/hope.

>> No.13247836 [View]
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Buddhism by Christmas Humphreys

The Dharma talks by Bikkhu Bodhi found here:http://www.buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm


Supplement is Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.

>> No.13247790 [View]
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Depends on your contingency.

I think you forgot the adding to the feminine-non-all as well my petite doomerette.

>> No.13018318 [View]
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As far as I can tell there isn't really much thought going on in the west since Thales and Socrates. Theres plenty of posturing but nothing really worthwhile, O venerable shitposters.

>> No.13018261 [View]
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But why read when you can listen? : http://www.buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

>> No.13000658 [View]
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>He who strikes with meaning is
>killed by meaning.


>There is no more stage

I'd say there is nothing but the stage now. Everything is performative [qua Jaques in As You Like It & Butler gender preformativity].

>in fact, nihilism is impossible, because it is still a desperate but determined theory, an imaginary of the end, a weltanschauung of catastrophe).*1

I would say that they who claim to be nihilists are really just engaged in an antistrophe of meaning back towards futility. Its something akin to a very late stage of denial.

>One must be conscious that, no
matter how the analysis proceeds, it proceeds toward the freezing over of meaning, it
assists in the precession of simulacra and of indifferent forms. The desert grows.

Analysis always proceeds away from the Void imo. Language is always a way of vovering over our eyes from the void. The Logos is like a safety blanket. In this sense the wasteland was always destined to grow.

>Implosion of meaning

I would say rather that meaning is the schism of nature's self-bifurcation

>It is this point of inertia and what happens outside this point of inertia that today is
>fascinating, enthralling (gone, therefore, the discreet charm of the dialectic). If it is
>nihilistic to privilege this point of inertia

What is privileged is always what is outside of the inert though no?


Fuck I hate it when people use language like this.



>It is simply disappearance.

Did yall like Roderick's conception of banalisation in the self under seige?

> Theoretical violence, not truth, is the only resource left us

petty bourgeois idealism. - No, I'm not a trot.

>this active nihilism of radicality, the system opposes its own, the nihilism of neutralization.

It doesn't need to be opposed it because is non-radical as you yourself point out.


Are you trying to think through the fact that the bourgeoisie is indifferent [glean callous] about everything accept its own power- as individuals and then, via a conscious or unconscious synthesis, as a collective and class?

>There is no longer a stage

I think the West is suffering more from the coming-to-maturity concerning "the simulation". Its not that the stage is disappearing, its that we've only recently come to accept the idea on a more general scale and haven't fully grasped that the analogy is just that. The metaphore of the stage is like a metaphorical review of the show. Analogues and relations all the way down qua pratītyasamutpāda.


Annnnnnd I'm seduced.

>Those who strike by meaning are killed by meaning. Unless you want to be killed by the very logic of the system that you seek to oppose, we must resist meaning.

I love the first phase and the continuation of it. But I wonder what you mean by:

>theoretical violence, not truth, is the only resource left to us.

It seems like your holding onto some notion of radicalism, no?

>> No.12828192 [View]
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>Wake up 8
>Coffee and check news
>Walk brother to school
>Get distracted by this shit or reddit
>Hopefully be reading instead
>Meditate 15 mins+, would like to get to 30 mins
>Read a bit more, usually like an hour or so
>Write till pick brother up, often distracted
>Sometimes fitness stuff in arvo or earlier
>More reading or getting distracted
>Another 15+ mins meditation
>Sometimes watch things of evening for instance feel asleep watching this last night:


I pity you poor wagies.

>> No.10118666 [View]
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>> No.10088685 [View]
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Rand is spooked af mayne
Her metaphysics is basically Christian. It's full of sins and virtues, of the necessity to redeem yourself, and so on.

>> No.8721405 [View]
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>Is happiness just another form of vanity?
Say it with me now:
Ich hab' mein Sach auf Nichts gestellt, Juchhe!

>> No.8428069 [View]
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10. The Joyous Life of Tuan-mu-Shu

Tuan-mu-Shu of Wei was descended from Tse-Kung. He had a patrimony of ten thousand gold pieces.

Indifferent to the chances of life, he followed his own inclinations. What the heart delights in he would do and delight in: with his walls and buildings, pavilions, verandahs, gardens, parks, ponds and lakes, wine and food, carriages, dresses, women and attendants, he would emulate the princes of Chi and Chu in luxury.

Whenever his heart desired something, or his ear wished to hear something, his eye to see or his mouth to taste, he would procure it at all costs, though the thing might only be had in a far-off country, and not in the kingdom of Chi. When on a journey the mountains and rivers might be ever so difficult and dangerous to pass, and the roads ever so long, he would still proceed just as men walk a few steps.

A hundred guests were entertained daily in his palace. In the kitchens there were always fire and smoke, and the vaults of his hall and peristyle incessantly resounded with songs and music. The remains from his table he divided first among his clansmen. What they left was divided among his fellow-citizens, and what these did not eat was distributed throughout the whole kingdom.

When Tuan-mu-Shu reached the age of sixty, and his mind and body began to decay, he gave up his household and distributed all his treasures, pearls and gems, carriages and dresses, concubines and female attendants. Within a year he had disposed of his fortune, and to his offspring he had left nothing. When he fell ill, he had no means to buy medicines and a stone lancet, and when he died, there was not even money for his funeral. All his countrymen who had benefited by him contributed money to bury him, and gave back the fortune of his descendants.

When Ch'in-ku-li heard of this he said: “Tuan-mu-Shu was a fool, who brought disgrace to his ancestor.”

When Tuan-Kan-Sheng heard of it he said: “Tuan-mu-Shu was a wise man; his virtue was much superior to that of his ancestors. The commonsense people were shocked at his conduct, but it was in accord with the right doctrine. The excellent man of Wei only adhered to propriety. They surely had not a heart like his.”

>> No.8394674 [View]
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When you make the whole world your home
Then you're always with family and not alone
So you have no outside where to walk
You have no speech for you to talk
You'll still have soft, uncalloused feet
You'll do it all, while still a NEET
You'll gain a lot, without an end
Foes being nice, or a naughty friend
Without the risk of becoming a junky
Yet at peace with being a monkey
Eat the fruit from the tree
And let knowledge set you free
Let yourself go into the stream
And realize... you are that meme

>> No.8374940 [View]
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He's the best. Just the best.

(Polite sage due to an overabundance of Stirner threads.)

>> No.8120326 [View]
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You can
a) remind yourself people are what they are and anything else is a spook, not forgetting they do what they can with what they have
b) if you think they would benefit from you telling them about their flaws, go on about with patience, humbleness, honesty and understanding
c) don't be too self-aware, just be what you can be; if they aren't telling you what you're doing bothers or bores them, it either doesn't or they're well-suffering assholes and have put themselves on that situation -- people aren't fragile little things either, the courage to be honest to you is the least you could ask them

>> No.7939967 [View]
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Has Jun Tsuji's "Death of an Epicurean" been translated to English?

Stirnerism thread

>> No.7883344 [View]
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>> No.7805083 [View]
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lots of comfy taoist discussion on /lit/ recently
>tfw you finally reconcile taoism and stirner

>> No.6960871 [View]
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>be 27
>life is still uncertain
>there is no way to be found

>> No.6829277 [View]
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Considering the fact that Stirner is the apogee of ethical philosophy, yes.

>> No.6793045 [View]
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>Hedonism is no way to lead a fulfilling life.
>It's essentially going from one fleeting piece of happiness to the next.
is "fleeting" bad?
>Even then, does happiness even have any value? Intrinsic or otherwise.
>What stops Egoism/Nihilism leading to absolute Hedonism?
who cares

ur welcome

>> No.6697905 [View]
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>Pic related

>> No.6609487 [View]
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>Ohhhh, one word off.
Hey, you're right. Lemme fix that.
>The state is a group of people who successfully claim the only legitimate use of force over a given territory.

>Then I'll defend my property
>my property
It's only "yours" if you successfully use force against anybody who disagrees. Private property is a spook.

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