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>> No.9885991 [View]
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I liked it a lot.

It's basically a pretty cliched oppressed earth magicians thing. However, where it is set apart is in the worldbuilding and plot. The worldbuilding is very good and I enjoyed the characterisations of the main characters and I feel a lot of sympathy for the plight of the villains too.

There's one gay character in the first book who does stuff in the latter 1/3 of the book. By the second book, I don't think it's mentioned again and I think NK Jemisin does - whether she realises it or not - put a lot of lolicon subtext into the second book. The subtext probably skated over everyone else's head, but it's still surprising that it got past the radar.

I think it's definitely worth it, but if you want hard scifi with philosophical meanderings you are better off with authors like Peter Watts and Ada Palmer.

Broken Earth is soft scifi/fantasy and the prose level is basically midway in between Brandon Sanderson's and GGK's, more leaning towards Sanderson's rather skinny prose although BE is definitely more descriptive. I did enjoy the prose although it was quite economical. It's still probably one of the most interesting books written this year, although it probably can't hold a candle, say, to Vance or PKD or GGK or other authors like that.

It's definitely a series that I wouldn't want to skip before I died. Now, there is still plenty of time to completely shit the bed with the third book, but Obelisk maintained the quality in the first book so I definitely wouldn't want to miss it and I am looking forward to the third book and will definitely be fervently mashing the f5 key on mobilism (an exaggeration because I am going to write a regex notification filter and Jemisin is on my autodownloader already) on the day it's released.

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