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>> No.15632237 [View]
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>he is a rabbinical Jew, completely different from the original Jews of the Holy Land. Jesus came from the spirit of the Essenes and Enochites, along with John the Baptist. This guy comes from Pharisees
The Pharisees were in ancient Judea, retard. Pharisaic Judaism was the only one able to survive without the temple as the central location for Jewish activity, but it goes back just as far as the other forms. You know so little it's comedic. I'm glad to see David Icke is still able to make a living in these trying times due to the support of idiots like you.
This Talmudic method is generally used in the logic of Kal V'chomer, and is applicable in legal arguments pertaining to halacha. Often, its used to prove a small point and is not a strong proof. Its not applicable to proofs for Jesus, especially considering the New Testament can't be used as a source for proof.
You give us too much credit. Thanks though, sorry your life sucks and I'm glad we can make it a little bit easier by letting you blame us.
I was raised Conservative, align closest to that, but I can't stand the institutions. Aish and Chabad are basically Evangelical Jews, but only one of the two are idol worshipers. Conservative gives the space for bochur level knowledge while still living a "secular" life in the sense that I also live in the modern world.

>Is there a Jewish metaphysics of language?
Yes. there's no individual source i can name off the top of my head besides Maimonides's A Guide for the Perplexed and Mishneh Torah's Foundations of the Torah, and I remember some Spinoza on the topic. It builds on a lot of other concepts so those two are much better teachers of it than I am.

>How much study of Hebrew would it take to understand the Old Testament better than through an English translation?
It's not easy, especially if you're a monolingual native english speaker. However
If you can understand the basics of hebrew grammar and how possessive forms work, biblical hebrew will be much easier, as the vocabulary isn't too complex. Probably 1 year with the language and you'll be ready to start taking on biblical texts
>Is it feasible/possible for a goy to learn outside of access to Jewish institutions?
The talmud says a goy who learns Torah (which includes Mishnah and Talmud) is as holy as the high priest on Yom Kippur. Sefaria.org is your best bet for primary texts but is filled with other theological works. >>15631908 is a good reference for modern works that can help you connect the pieces.

Equally criminal and fucked up

Both, and neither. According to Judaism the act of divine creation transcends human understandings of creation, though we can understand different aspects and qualities of it, the whole cannot be grasped by our minds. Genesis doesn't serve to tell us exactly what happened, that's why there are two creation stories. We can't know, and we're not supposed to.

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