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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15446087 [View]
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Let me help you out, OP. Since you don't seem to get it, or understand where you are (no doubt you gave yourself brain damage with your exorbitant drug addictions). YOU READ FAGGOT SELF-HELP LITERATURE WRITTEN BY HOMOSEXUAL SATANIC GOBLINS WITH THE POSTURE OF GOLLUM. It's that simple.

Here is what you're going to do. You're going to go to the store right now, you're going to buy a big fat bottle of fortified wine, a nice Port wine should be fine, but a Moscatel de Setúbal is better. You're going to get a thick, stocky cigar, something beefy. And you're going to open up that bottle, light that cigar, and read MALLARMÉ. I don't give a fuck if you think it's hard. You're going to read some real literature for once in your life. And you're not going to read it in translation. If you don't know French, start learning it immediately. I don't want to see you trade drug addiction to become the spiritual equivalent of a roastie whore in her freshman year of college whose brain is rot from birth control and SSRIs. Throw away your gay Eastern books. Start weight lifting and reading Verlaine, Huysmans, Céline, etc. It's time to take the next step. Toss out the trash and come with me.

INB4 gay cope.

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