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>> No.13941673 [View]
File: 26 KB, 650x611, Nazi12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baudrillard explains this well in "The Consumer Society".
Farce is
>caricatural resurrection of legendary reference
>the exaltation of signs on the basis of a denial of the real
Examples he gives are gas fireplaces in modern houses made to look like realistic wood fires and designated natural parks preserved as wilderness is developed.

Real wood fireplaces, the use of which involved the strenuous effort of chopping wood out of genuine need for their warmth to survive; and the wilderness, a journey into which used to be a matter of life and death, were "the real" to Baudrillard.

Once these harsh 'realities' have been conquered, made obsolete, are they allowed to come back as 'farce', neutered throwbacks ready for safe mass consumption.

As >>13939880's image implies - do you think the System would allow /pol/tards to roleplay Nazis if there was even the slightest chance that fascism today posed a legitimate threat to the established order? Even just a couple decades after WW2, Sid Vicious could get away with pic related because everyone knew the nazis had been definitively BTFO.

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