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>> No.16248748 [View]
File: 48 KB, 615x409, Homeless 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nd that is ruining my fun so anyway i've always held that running with a knife makes you run faster certainly it gives a sense of urgency and i get to pretend that i'm the one hunting whenever i do it though it does make a bit of a scene so i'll never do it when regular people are around but then again there's no reason to really have a knife when regular people are around and there's no regular people around now so i'll stop jogging limp jogging but the future's coming up now and but it's obviously not now as it can't be the future it's like a simile again but I can't do similes however i'm onto metaphor around here perhaps it will come up when i talk about the fact i'd like to think there's some theme to my life or some way to produce a narrative but i'm not so sure trying to construct anything like that will amount to much except that it will be quite disappointing instead i will end up running away again from the hyenas that roam around during the night see i told you i would manage to get in a metaphor there aren't any hyenas here there are foxes and they do actually act like hyenas so they are kind of hyenas but it's not foxes i run from the metaphor is that the hyenas are those people who try to hurt me or that force i feel that chases me but i don't know which one it is however i suspect it's the people as the force has gone entirely now i was kind of hoping that would pay off as i'm sure that by stopping jogging did i stop jogging i was attempting to bring some kind of resolution in confronting it but strangely it doesn't want to meet me perhaps it was the joy of the chase that brought the force to me as i jogged or limped or walked in a hurried fashion like those women who walk faster when i'm behind them and it feels like an insult but i understand because i am an insult or at least it's insulting to know i'm around but i don't want to really think about that now and i'm just walking a bit by the river and i notice the river that runs through the city and it's all very ugly. Why are all rivers brown? I've never seen a clear river and i'd like to see a clear river but there aren't any clear rivers except in movies but i assume those must have been clear rivers sought out by location scouts whose job it is to find the little spaces that represent the thing that should be rather than the upsettingly normal spots that blot the eyes with their browns and grays. The river is calming. I'll have to give it that there's something about the sound of water that repeats like being rocked to sleep and it makes me think that drowning would be a good way to die like returning to the womb by pretending its amniotic fluid although in truth i know better it's not so pleasant to die no one has ever died both peacefully and aware and of that i'm sure even though i've never seen anyone actually die but i'm somehow sure that everyone who is aware that they are imminently dying is either whimpering or screaming

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