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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23543450 [View]
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Anyone read James Joyce's letters to Nora Barnacle? Worth a read? Saw a comment on a forum I frequent that the writing style is way different than his normal hard to approach stuff.

>> No.23380173 [View]
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How did this dude know 17 languages? What were they?

>> No.23318554 [View]
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Who should I read if I love James Joyce?
I've never bothered with Ulysses or Finnegans Wake but Joyce is probably my favourite author

>> No.23261830 [View]
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>> No.23187979 [View]
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Have you tried wearing an eyepatch? Serious suggestion.

>> No.22717413 [View]
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>James Joyce's interest in the "strong enchanter" [Nietzsche], whose work he discovered in 1903, remained superficial.
>As Richard Ellmann has written, "it was probably upon Nietzsche that Joyce drew when he expounded to his friends [in 1903/4] a neo-paganism that glorified selfishness, licentiousness, and pitilessness, and denounced gratitude and other 'domestic virtues'".
>Nietzsche was in fact the prophet of the neo-pagan cult practised half-seriously by James Joyce and Oliver St John Gogarty in the Martello Tower at Sandycove in 1904 - until, that is, Joyce was frightened off by a third member of the group (Samuel Chenevix Trench) firing a revolver at an imaginary black panther in the middle of the night!
>This incident made Joyce decide that there was something to be said for the 'domestic virtues' after all; he certainly showed a most un-Zarathustrian alarm.
>In the long run, certainly, Joyce's interests and sympathies were contrary to any sustained interest in Nietzsche, and only relatively unimportant echoes of Nietzsche are found is his work; but in 1903/4, when he was rather in the doldrums, he found it satisfying to think of himself as a Nietzschean Superman, "James Overman" as he ironically styled himself.
>Ten years later, however, Joyce was arguing against Schopenhauer and Nietzsche in favour of Thomas Aquinas; Nietzsche had been little more than a passing whim.
How has your favorite writer been influenced by philosophy, /lit/?

>> No.22717404 [View]
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>James Joyce's interest in the "strong enchanter" [Nietzsche], whose work he discovered in 1903, remained superficial.
>As Richard Ellmann has written, "it was probably upon Nietzsche that Joyce drew when he expounded to his friends [in 1903/4] a neo-paganism that glorified selfishness, licentiousness, and pitilessness, and denounced gratitude and other 'domestic virtues'".
>Nietzsche was in fact the prophet of the neo-pagan cult practised half-seriously by James Joyce and Oliver St John Gogarty in the Martello Tower at Sandycove in 1904 - until, that is, Joyce was frightened off by a third member of the group (Samuel Chenevix Trench) firing a revolver at an imaginary black panther in the middle of the night!
>This incident made Joyce decide that there was something to be said for the 'domestic virtues' after all; he certainly showed a most un-Zarathustrian alarm.
In the long run, certainly, Joyce's interests and sympathies were contrary to any sustained interest in Nietzsche, and only relatively unimportant echoes of Nietzsche are found is his work; but in 1903/4, when he was rather in the doldrums, he found it satisfying to think of himself as a Nietzschean Superman, "James Overman" as he ironically styled himself.
>Ten years later, however, Joyce was arguing against Schopenhauer and Nietzsche in favour of Thomas Aquinas; Nietzsche had been little more than a passing whim.
How has your favorite writer been influenced by philosophy, /lit/?

>> No.22698723 [View]
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>> No.22348107 [View]
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>actually sobering up
The best writers were drunk all the time.

>> No.22130695 [View]
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>The town is extremely catholic
The perfect breeding ground for disillusioned catholics.

>> No.22075763 [View]
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>Do you know of any complete all-round character presented by any writer? . . . Hamlet is a human being, but he is a son only. Ulysses is son to Laertes, but he is father to Telemachus, husband to Penelope, lover of Calypso, companion in arms of the Greek warriors around Troy and King of Ithaca. He was subjected to many trials, but with wisdom and courage came through them all. Don't forget that he was a war dodger who tried to evade military service by simulating madness. He might never have taken up arms and gone to Troy, but the Greek recruiting sergeant was too clever for him and, while he was ploughing the sands, placed young Telemachus in front of his plough. But once at the war the conscientious objector became a jusqu'auboutist. When the others wanted to abandon the siege he insisted on staying till Troy should fall.
>Another thing, the history of Ulysses did not come to an end when the Trojan war was over. It began just when the other Greek heroes went back to live the rest of their lived in peace. And then he was the first gentleman in Europe. When he advanced, naked, to meet the young princess he hid from her maidenly eyes the parts that mattered of his brine-soaked, barnacle-encrusted body. He was an inventor too. The tank is his creation. Wooden horse or iron box—it doesn't matter. They are both shells containing armed warriors.
>I see him from all sides, and therefore he is all-round in the sense of your sculptor's figure. But he is a complete man as well—a good man.

>> No.20832883 [View]
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>Also RIP Rushdie. He Rushdied
Source? Everything I read says he's in "serious" condition but will probably live. Although he will probably join the eyepatch club.

>> No.20610364 [View]
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>with a better outfit and a more confident face expression Joyce would be quite handsome
Like this?

>> No.20584973 [View]
File: 97 KB, 800x964, motherfuckingpirateshitbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As any naive fucker i tried to get into his literary world because everyone hailes Ulysses as "the greatest novel of the 20th century". Reading Portrait of the artist now and i cant understand how anyone can like this little faggot. Legitimately i havent read a more boring taigs in my life. Am i insane, started off on the wrong foot, or is this guy legitimately a no-nose-MUH-STYLE-FREE-INDIRECT-SPEECH-no-brainer sex fiend. Please help me atleast with some advice to finish this monstrosity or else i wasted my fucking money buying it

>> No.20516604 [View]
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Finnegans Wake is written with such disdain for the reader, I bet he was part of the Sylvia Plath school of thought where he believed only the rich should be able to read

>> No.20374148 [View]
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James Joyce is incredibly overrated by pseudo-intellectuals who want to seem intelligent. He is one of the most experimental writers in the English language but certainly not the best.

>> No.19557800 [View]
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They are big guys

>> No.18815400 [View]
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he definitely had syphilis, right?

the eyepatch, the litany of undiagnosed medical ailments that now resemble what we know of syphilis, the constant philandering with prostitutes, nora "dirty bird" barnacle ripping ass in his face, an arguable syphilitic insanity as intimated by his later works, etc.

it was definitely syphilis.

>> No.18236725 [View]
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>this was done on purpose
Is there as nastiest excuse for poor writing? It invalidates all critique.

>> No.18215156 [View]
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literally just a rehash of Molly's soliloquy

>> No.16550174 [View]
File: 98 KB, 800x964, Jayme Juicio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many a year ago daddy told be about the inn glands. O yes taddy, take me to the toy fair, the circlus of the marygorrans.
But what do the Glans do, Taddy!?
The inn glans, my son, the inn glans don't do anything. The greatest mons (some would say pons), of the Vulvsusius. Come again?
Never, my son - o so great may be the harses of the prayries - never you speak again of innglans in this house, so help me goud.

>> No.16196007 [View]
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James Joyce was steampunk as fuck.

>> No.15369514 [View]
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Yes, I can't believe an author would pose moodily for a promotional still, their hand consciously positioned in a dramatic way, their face purposefully conveying pathos and depth. This is something that only happens now, it didn't happen in the past

>> No.13830684 [View]
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>becomes the GOAT just like that
fucking based

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