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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16557104 [View]
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Take this humble donation.

>> No.14363325 [View]
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> I’m not a soulless bugman who can’t appreciate art and only started reading philosophy as addition to being a stembug
goddamn, not op but how can i go back to reading fiction thats not genre trash

>> No.13547274 [View]
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>humor me

>> No.13482894 [View]
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>Rabbi found the musnad

>> No.11984976 [View]
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State school
>how is it
I hate it, I’m years behind and I have D’s in all of my classes this semester. Wish I was born in some remote fishing village 500 years ago. My entire life would’ve been dedicated to autistically honing my craft and providing for my fellow villagers, nothing else. I’d die young too which is another bonus.

>> No.11727002 [View]
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Most people are so mediocre and boring that they tell themselves that they just need to do that one certain drug do be just as good at X like that one savance which did great despite drinking heavy or smoking a shitton, which the great individual did to cope with his sadly un-mediocre life which crippled him so much that he actually can touch so many people because he has passed the magical border. So now all those mediocre plebs use his coping mechanism thinking that's what make those men great, while actually making themselves worse at X because they don't have what it takes and drowning what little inspiracion they might have had in the dug of their gusto.

>> No.9853134 [View]
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>watching book reviews

>> No.9843608 [View]
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>tfw you will probably not be ready till the west has declined

>> No.9455369 [View]
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Just think lit, this is the most depressing time to be alive in the history of mankind. Look at how all of the books that are coming out right now are far better than anything that was ever written before the 19th century. It's because Christianity has finally lost it's stranglehold on society, and the advent of the printing press and eventually the digital form has given rise to the advent of unadulterated literature and literary freedom.

Yet this is precisely what makes it the most depressing time, because we know that we are only on the precipice of this new horizon. Hundreds of years from now, there will have been so many developments. Hell, people will probably live without diseases and never age by the time it's a couple hundred years in the future. The reason it's depressing is because we can see what the future holds, and know that we are the last people who have to endure the lingering remnants of the past, which have yet to just hurry up and die.

I guess I'll just die like all the billions of people who came before, before I get to see what the real future holds. No, I don't have any illness, but I doubt that they will solve the problem of aging and make brain to computer interfaces and augment human beings for symbiosis with machines before my time comes. I just think of all the great authors who could have written stories over the past several tens of thousands of years. They never did, because of either Christianity or lack of a printing press.

The next hundreds of years to come will probably have stories so mind blowing, written with the advancements of artificial intelligence, they will put all that came before to shame. And all the people who have enhanced intelligence and life spans will be able to enjoy it all. Meanwhile we're just here suffering in the unfortunate early 21st century.

>> No.8706773 [View]
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Like, are you even trying?

>> No.8698014 [View]
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Thanks anon. Didn't know about this.

It's literally the same shit the left tries to reanact again with their gender-studies.

>> No.8597800 [View]
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Oh boy, here we go

>> No.8167765 [View]
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I'm obsessed with books but I don't really enjoy reading

>> No.7317222 [View]
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210/1000 words done for tomorrow on Machiavelli and Plato in relation to power, authority and legitimacy. It's 8pm.

Can I do it?

>> No.7220379 [View]
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unless stopped by an outside force

>> No.6974632 [View]
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>want to write story
>write a few hundred words or so
>realize you don't want to write this story
>give up, want to write new story instead
>repeat last three steps forever

>> No.6934979 [View]
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>tfw can't write in any style other than stark Hemmingwayesque minimalism
>tfw any attempt to insert a unique voice make you seem like a try-hard

>> No.6630331 [View]
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>mfw Infinite Jest

>> No.6333642 [View]
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>> No.5908510 [View]
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>tfw I still have cable
>tfw loaded at like 9:00 pm
>tfw tonight I watched Home Alone alone at home
>made pedophile/washup jokes about Culkin (to myself: I was alone)
>700 Club comes on
>tip my fedora left and right at Pat
>take a 45 minute bath
>watch Home Alone 3
>Scarlett Johansson's in it
>I start masturbating listlessly
>mfw she was literally 12 when it was filmed
the world it mine I've only yet to take ownership of it

>> No.5868677 [View]
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I'd rather have a selfish idiot than a idiot crusader, you know.

>> No.5462266 [View]
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>This book you're holding, I read it once! It was good, or at least my publisher requires me to say that it was. Your purchase is validated now

>> No.5429882 [View]
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Recommend some really funny books.

>> No.5263305 [View]
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>Mark Leyner will never fill the American literary vacuum
>we will have to be satisfied with alt-lit, sterile MFA projects and the 3 or 4 books Pynchon, DeLillo, Coover, Gass, McCarthy etc have left in them

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