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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19671292 [View]
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It's a detective story...

Pale, bare Venus lay supine in the middle of the bed, her waist artfully wrapped in pristine white sheets. Two red streaks of blood soak either side of her nude, lifeless body like a pair of roses bursting through stone. Her breasts are motionless, her lips slightly parted, while golden locks of hair decorate the blood-coffin in which she now lays. It is as if it is not her the one who is ‘without life’, but rather the room of the living that is noticeably devoid of her breathing presence. I look up to the ceiling and feel a scream rippling in the arches, too faint to be heard. Is it my scream?

We called her Venus. I suppose that was inevitable given the state of her body. Her arms had been severed just beneath the shoulders and red torrents of fresh blood branched out from either side like two awful red trees. This was in stark contrast with the rest of her which was pale, serene and without blemish. It was as if she had been softly lulled into an eternal sleep and only then carefully cleaned after the work was complete. If one managed to ignore the blood-soaked bed, her body might be mistaken for a figure of white marble stone decorating the hallway of some ancient Roman temple.

We were on the 52nd floor of the Astoria Hotel, the penthouse suite. The balcony windows were open and thick morning fog crept in as if to shield the delicate pedestrian eyes from the horrible scene above. It had rained all last night and one could imagine that the mood wasn’t much different while the crime was being committed; the only difference being the change in air density from late night to early morning.

I lit a cigarette, and the smoke mixed with the fog.

>> No.10331853 [View]
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Was tolkien racist?

>> No.9686068 [View]
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Which are today's sacred cows we can't critique?

>> No.9673630 [View]
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wow it took the game industry 50 years to think of npc and enemies as real characters, wow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p40p0AVUH70

>> No.9668562 [View]
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What's the most common type of male women find attractive in romance erotica?

>> No.9635723 [View]
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Ok, let's have a real debate.

Do more people being now more literate than ever (remember that centuries ago only 2% of people could read at best) means that literature is now more popular than ever?

I'm being optimistic, sure, the publishing industry is trying to adapt to the internet, but it seems there's not better time to be a writer than today.

So, I'm being bias or do I have real reasons why the market has become bigger every year for writers?

Is not like there will be one or two more billion non westeners who will become new middle class in less than ten years.

>> No.8670333 [View]
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I want to read about the historical cycles of civilizations and civilizations decline and collapse.

Also about the moral decay in the last stage of the collapse of a civilization.

What do you got?

>> No.8513735 [View]
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should I major in literature and do a minor in graphic design if I want to write stories with pictures?

>> No.8461349 [View]
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Is self publishing destroying literature or are these just old people not understanding the internet?

Does youtube also destroy films?
Does deviantart also destroy painting?

>> No.8449495 [View]
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How much IQ do you need to reach the genius writer level?

>> No.8434410 [View]
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is more important to write a lot and read less or to read a lot and write less?

>> No.8422551 [DELETED]  [View]
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give one me one logical well reasoned non maymay argument as to why the left is wrong.

>> No.7779055 [View]
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ok, let me see if I get it right.

To get to the level of a genius in literature, I need to read at least the cannon (those old dead white guys) of western literature, plus the canon of eastern literature.

So far good.

Plus I also need to read and understand the basics of philosophy, theology and history.

So far so good.

Then I need to read books about storytelling and creative writing.

Then I need to read and understand stuff like grammar and the basics of stuff like rethorics.

Plus to be a comercial success I do need to also read and understand pop literature, plus the clasics of film, animation and games.

It's this correct, or there's something missing?

I guess if I make a 5 years plan of study besides entering college to study literature I can pull it off.

>> No.7384930 [View]
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are the canon writers like cervantes and shakespeare just too good or is the average person/writer just mediocre as fuck?

I don't buy the genius label people use on them.

I do believe someone in 2015 with enough IQ and really studying the rules of writing, like figures of speech, storytelling, hero's journey, script writing, poetrhy, read the basis of philosophy, economy, psychology, teology, sociology (by basis I mean, intro first year college books at least), have read at least the western canon, etc, could produce something of better quality than older geniuses.

I do believe someone studying hard in some top college could become a better writer than older masters, taking into account now we have the internet and we have better insight and resources on storytelling and writing than older masters.

I do think the 10k hours rule is true though, and I believe someone with a PHD in literature should have better skills in writing than older literature geniuses.

So, do you agree it's possible to archieve greatness or do you believe their work is dependant on some magical god fairy dust?

I'm not saying it would be easy if that's what you're thinking.

>inb4 your taco english suck as counter argument

>> No.7345330 [View]
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>tfw the average reading in my taco country are less than 2 books per year
It's literature dead at this point?

Aren't most kids engaging rather in playing minecraft and watching anime and youtubers to see literature having a future.

What do you think?

Do you think it'll get worse?
Do you think it'll be possible to become a writer post 2015?

>> No.7188889 [View]
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how do I get published?

Should I make first a pdf, upload to the web and hope it become famous enough so I get contacted?

Or make a webpage/mobile app and roll with ads?

>> No.6927038 [View]
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Who is the best poet in spanish?

>> No.3979069 [View]
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The idea of freewill is kind of nonsensical. Are you really free to choose what your will is? You may be free to make any decisions you want or experience a freedom but are you really free to choose your preferences? Can you choose your desires? Many of the decisions that you make don't originate from an entirely intellectualized place.

Letting go of the notion of freewill hasn't really changed my behavior at all. It has simply made it easier to be happy with the things in my life which I have no control over.

>> No.3884070 [View]
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You haven't signed up for classes yet? I picked mine in the beginning of May; a few weeks before finals. I didn't really have to make choices though. I'm almost done with my lower division GE and I needed to take bio 2 and chem 1 next semester. I picked spanish too because language and polysci are the only GE classes left that I need.

>> No.3466667 [View]
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I literally just took a test on this not 2 hrs ago. Why did you post this picture?

>> No.3062698 [View]
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>my dad gave me Old Man and The Sea to read for a book report in 2nd grade
>I bitched out after a few pages and read "Jessica Brown is Not A Crayon"

I've failed you. I've failed everyone

>> No.2836125 [View]
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>> No.2720792 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi /lit/,
French guy here.
Have you read some books from the Goncourt prize this year?

>> No.2689917 [View]
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>implying i'm not a /mu/slim tripcunt looking for some suggestions for ebooks to pirate

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