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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23569769 [View]
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Abrahamistic fags will hang on trees in the tartarus for eternity.

>> No.23202237 [View]
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>why yes I don't care for propping up my h-index for the pencil pushers in the office

>> No.22715410 [View]
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>> No.22661195 [View]
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>tfw too smart to not believe in God

>> No.22627254 [View]
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>Oh excuse me could I just squeeze by you? Y- yeah cheers haha thanks.... What you reading? Oh Infinite Jest? Right haha good one. Sorry yeah thanks, cheers.

>> No.22494933 [View]
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Weed is le good

>> No.22443224 [View]
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> I mostly try to get published by writing about very obscure critical problems in Anthony Trollope. These do nothing to advance the state of knowledge in any way, and are not at all worth the trouble it takes to produce them.

>> No.22329835 [View]
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>for all intensive purposes

>> No.22029470 [View]
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>don't finish a book
>google %book_name% explained
>shitpost about it on /lit/

>> No.21279424 [View]
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>I only consume classical literature via movie reboots, how could you tell?

>> No.20598744 [View]
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>> No.20123317 [View]
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>St. Augustine (pbuh)
>prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
>Foucault (pbuh)

>> No.19764036 [View]
File: 55 KB, 859x960, 1640834175934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do this
>continue to post on /lit/ about the book for at least 4 hours per day, for 3 months straight

>> No.19664466 [View]
File: 55 KB, 859x960, C2395D7C-C0CF-4457-92DE-03AF8AD04F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”you disagree because you’re a midwit”

>> No.19655042 [View]
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>> No.19469134 [View]
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What the fuck is a book?

>> No.18981490 [View]
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>So, the individual is that that is not "like" anything because there is no mode of comparison appropriate to it
Yes, it is the eternal secret, any thing that purports to "unfold" and understand it in this World is just a graft, a copula surgically attached to an Undecidable then bound to some (differentially grounded) discourse: language, then science, then philosophy, and so forth.

Yes, the One is this field that underlies the universality of the mixture, but remember even nothingness is a graft. So long as we're not regressing into emanation, continuation, tzimtzum or this or that: the One is utterly foreclosed to the Principles that teem (notice I didn't say Principles that teem FROM IT - this is the key, or else we're just back to Plotinus). This is why Laruelle hinges a lot of his system on the distinction between creation (monotheistic), production (Deleuzian)... and cloning.

>Are all possible sets and supersets just permutations of ontological coordinates...

Okay, that's the "Buddhist" answer: everything that is conditioned is Samsara, and the unconditioned and deathless is its non-ontology analog. So that's door #1.

Door #2 is the respect Laruelle has for the diversity of (all-)possible phenomenalisations/immanences that this field must "enable", so that's why he's always at pains to identify non-being as OTHER-THAN-being (we're not back to wanting be quenched by mystic nothingness; we're talking about the radically ulterior, not the negative, and YET, in this wing, the ulterior is the negative: Sloterdijk calls the True God the "acosmic supergod of the negative": if it is pure nullity, how could it be God?).

Let's put it this way. Imagine the color spectrum. Is Evil the entirety of the spectrum in its substance like Samsara (or one of its extremes, a la non-being/Matter in Plotinus), or is it just one color in a true zoo of colors? If the latter, then what you guys were talking about earlier, about Monads being the respective Goods and Evils of every other Monad could apply here... which maybe means the light is... the Evil of some infinitely remote abstraction we can't even begin to anticipate? But aren't Good and Evil still meta-categories at this point? I refuse to follow this line of questioning. That's the event horizon of thought there.

>Are you saying this world is every possible world because of the infinite variation in subjective perspectives?

Precisely, or it is the ground of conceivability for all possible subjective perspectives (phenomenalisations). It doesn't need to be infinite, it just needs to be true.

Where else can the "thinkability" of everything originate but in the site of which all is thinkable? Notice we're identifying it as something - thinkability, conceivability - it has a substance, it's just not just a permissive null, the trick is to think this Sense that is NEVERTHELESS every possible pre-sense, sense, non-sense, etc.


>> No.18977628 [View]
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I never ask others for criticism to keep my work and ideas pure and undiluted from anyone else's perspective

>> No.18973144 [View]
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I don't want to read, I want to live

>> No.18962248 [View]
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>> No.18941777 [View]
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>The book will still be available from the 1st of Sep if you want a good laugh

>> No.18907529 [View]
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>I, Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, on whom the gods have bestowed intelligence, who has acquired penetrating acumen for the most recondite details of scholarly erudition (none of my predecessors having any comprehension of such matters), I have placed these tablets for the future in the library at Nineveh for my life and for the well-being of my soul, to sustain the foundations of my royal name.

>> No.18888172 [View]
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>Ampliación del campo de batalla

>> No.18822710 [View]
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His insectoid masters have restricted his endorphin feed to below tolerance levels. He will be rebooted and with you shortly.

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