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>> No.18840654 [View]
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I didn't take it to make a point of how little I care about the society I belong to.
I also didn't take it because the vaccine 'incentives' outline perfectly the nature of 'freedom' we're supposed to be enjoying in this society.
You are free to make the choice of taking or not taking the vaccine, but if your free choice is to pass on it, you will first be told every single day about why you should totally get it.
If you persist then you'll be given a free doughnut, a free theater ticker or a hundred bucks to change your mind.
If that doesn't work then they'll up the fearmongering a bit; stories of sick people whose last breath was "I wish I had taken the vaccine", studies about "long Covid", young and fit athletes who got wrecked by the virus, people who'd be alright if only they had gotten the jab.
When that still doesn't work they'll try to get the majority of useful idiots to ostracize you, "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated", the "plague of Deniers", the "people who won't let us go forward" etc.
Last stage is when your 'free' choice is still 'free', but the counter-measures and counter-incentives are aimed to completely isolate you from most of financial or social activity. "Get jabbed or you won't be able to enter a university, keep your job, buy from the grocery store" and so on.
At this point I don't even believe there's anything wrong with any of the vaccines. I'd wager that even the russian and chinese ones are perfectly safe.
Me not getting it is a matter of principle. I won't budge to the fearmongering and inane propaganda. It's mortifying and ridiculous/

>> No.18385580 [View]
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>mattress caves in in the middle after only 4 years of use
>keep using it for another 2 years
>be large guy (6'2 / 200lbs)
>back gets fucked up
>wake up in pain every single morning
>save up for new mattress
>after 2 years I decide to get a new one
>finally the pain will be over
>employee at the store shows me this new(ish) thing that's all the rage
>it's called a foam mattress
>seems cushy and soft
>"sir, this here mattress contours to the body for extra comfort"
>buy into the story
>first couple of nights go well, have a normal sleep after so much suffering
>slight back and hip pain a week in
>pain grows more intense
>notice how the fact that my whole body sinks in the mattress is actually bad for me, hips and spine aren't supported at all
>new kind of debilitating pain that makes the previous pain look like a joke
>wasted 700 to sleep on the couch
Why am I so retarded? I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.18248397 [View]
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>a bunch of filthy krauts and deranged frogs
No wonder that western culture and society has been in this absolute state.

>> No.17765037 [View]
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There's so many books I want to read but I've passed on because the author is a Jude or from a jewish background. Fucking /pol/ has ruined me. Had to stop 30 pages in on I and Thou because i realized Buber was a tribe member

>> No.16986486 [View]
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>διάβασα όλα τα ελληνικά πανδοχεία

>> No.16767272 [View]
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Dumbest thread I've seen in ages.

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