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>> No.21301686 [View]
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Why should seeing new connections between things, seeing general developments that repeat themselves in different forms or developments that follow logically from what came before if seen at the right level of abstraction, all this stuff, why does it have to be "schizo"? This is just normal intellectual development, you don't have to be afraid of it or consider it as a disease or even just something not accepted by wider society. It's only schizo when you draw connections where there genuinely just are none, when you cling to ideas in spite of logic and facts just out of some deluded fancy. And even those things you can do, as long as you keep it in mind as an ambiguous uncertainty and not absolute conviction.

I always like this paragraph of plato.stanford on Deleuze:
>It’s important at the start to realize that Deleuze and Guattari do not advocate schizophrenia as a “lifestyle” or as the model for a political program. The schizophrenic, as a clinical entity, is the result of the interruption or the blocking of the process of desiring-production, its having been taken out of nature and society and restricted to the body of an individual where it spins in the void rather than make the connections that constitute reality. Desiring-production does not connect “with” reality, as in escaping a subjective prison to touch the objective, but it makes reality, it is the Real, in a twisting of the Lacanian sense of the term. In Lacan, the real is produced as an illusory and retrojected remainder to a signifying system; for Deleuze and Guattari, the Real is reality itself in its process of self-making. The schizophrenic is a sick person in need of help, but schizophrenia is an avenue into the unconscious, the unconscious not of an individual, but the “transcendental unconscious,” an unconscious that is social, historical, and natural all at once.

Lastly pic related
>Auguste Rodin (1840–1917) The Fallen Angel 1895 The winged figure, held by another naked female, has crashed to earth. This is thought to symbolise the consequence of pursuing one’s delusions.

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