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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22326711 [View]
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>Dosto - Demons
>Kafka - The Trial
>Father Seraphim Rose - Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age
>Highschool graduate
>Manual laborer
>I'm good at drinking and sinking into a deep, intense self-loathing melancholy
>Not cool bro

>> No.22325439 [View]
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Although, I will say, there are some undoubtedly high IQ posters here, you know who you are.
The fact that you're sharing a board with a retard like me... I don't know. It's like, I blame all the ills of my life on my low IQ but then I see you motherfuckers and I realize shit might not have worked out even if I had an average or even high IQ.
Fucking absolutely brutal. Is it all just suffering?

>> No.21914239 [View]
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>Thats why I come here 'cause I'm a nobody
You are nothing anon.

>> No.20570752 [View]
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no they're not, mythological tales are were mostly oral tradition that encapsulated customs, morals and beliefs of the people and would be shared and expanded by the people as their culture grew.
Compare that to frivolous flicks pushed by corporations with shallow values pandering to contemporaneous political stances for the sake of profit, not to mention most times they'll come like wolves to tear you apart if you try to expand their universe in any significant way, the only way it may be somewhat superior is in aesthetics and quantity.

There's a reason the labors of Hercules have survived for over two thousand years, who the fuck is gonna remember Wolverine vs Sabretooth for the 321th time in a century.

>> No.19944922 [View]
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>> No.19880801 [View]
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What does he read?

>> No.19710429 [View]
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Are there any books which attempt bridge the gap between God of theologians and God of philosophers? It seems to me that even when you have proven the existence of God there still isn't a good reason to choose any specific limited representation of the deity embodied in one of the major religions over the other

>> No.19528298 [View]
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Post a meme that represents a book and others guess what book you are referring to.

Notes from the Underground

>> No.18029204 [View]
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Jane Eyre

>muh suitors
>muh headmistress
>muh fake ghost

>> No.17465336 [View]
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I started learning latin to read Augustine. I read his Confessions a couple of years ago in Finnish translation and it was one of the most beautiful books that I have read. I've only practised for 3 months an it's agonizing to know that I need to practice for years more.

>> No.17451579 [View]
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What do I need to read to understand the history and theology of Orthodox Christianity?
I'm seriously considering converting.

>> No.17256409 [View]
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Not an incel. Incels have an unhealthy obsession with sex and resentment towards people who engage in it and other social activities. I have neither.

>> No.16621774 [View]
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Literarily speaking, "they don't think it be like it is but it do" sounds better than "they don't think things are the way they are but they are," and "propreantepenultimate" is easier to pronounce and understand than "before before before before last." Change my mind, /lit/.

>> No.15163241 [View]
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When was this board taken over by all these christcucks? Or is it a form of faint acceptance of religion as literature IE fiction?

>> No.14657845 [View]
File: 39 KB, 466x349, 1FBF2A62-1F11-491E-B193-BB975D0F3552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Guenon agaisnt nationalism? Is nationalism materialist? I’m not talking materialist in the materialist-idealist dichotomy of the marxists and neo-Hegelians like Gentilé, but in the context used by perennialists: to prioritize aspects of this mortal physical existence over the world or aetherial existence to come. In this context, would nationalism be considered materialist? One could also argue that nationalism has historically and can be used as a vehicle to advance principles that uphold order or dharma. I don’t know about guenon or evolas view on race too much as there are many conflicting sources, tho I do know Evola criticized fascism as being populist. Admittedly, I haven’t read any complete texts by either, just excerpts Iike the standard wanna be edgy esoteric intellectual, so pardon any lack of knowledge that I display.
(Pic unrelated)

>> No.14312315 [View]
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(you can skip to 3:00)
What this fellow is saying actually resonates perfectly with the knowledge that I feel was given to me by God. What should I read?

>> No.13720865 [View]
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books for this feel

>> No.13102263 [View]
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>> No.13025562 [View]
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It does matter lmao. The KJV is far more enjoyable to read than some shit like NRSV (although NRSV is good for less literary purposes). And both are far superior to some silly shit like The Message.
Just compare these:

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The Message:
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.

>> No.11594540 [View]
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>> No.11574790 [View]
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/pol/ is good for a little while to get truth on stuff, and I'm very fortunate that it helped me find Christ within the Orthodox faith. But for the most part /pol/ is a lot like pick up blogs and such, good to know the truth but it will make you heartless.

I jumped to /x/ for a bit and even /fringe/ on infinity Chan, but /lit/ and /fit/ have been lifesaver's, helping me focus inward and delay gratification.

>> No.10791941 [View]
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>buy nazi photographic aesthetics books on the representation of young children
>pages stick together

>> No.10736487 [View]
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>that whole ad
jfc has techno-capitalist hyperreality reached its height? I don't think so because AI and VR are yet to really yield their ugly heads, holy shit lads how bad are things going to get. Will we recognize anything approaching normal humanity in the generation being born right now?

>> No.10715690 [View]
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probably will tbqh, nice painting anon thanks

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