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>> No.21663794 [View]
File: 53 KB, 357x550, feyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are all leftist slave moralist shits


C.S. Lewis
>degenerate pedophile (Christian)

>degenerate drug addict and leftist


>literal who


>bugman CONSOOMER capitalist


>degenerate sexual exhibitionist and MEF

read Plato, read Aristotle, read the Odyssey, read the Iliad, read Caesar, read Dune, read BAP

>> No.21626372 [View]
File: 53 KB, 357x550, feyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting a bit late so I apologize if this isn't cogent.

1. Puberty blockers have always been a compromise that cis people came up with. It would be much safer and more effective if trans kids started their correct puberties at the same time as their peers. All this talk about puberty blockers is insane since cis people were the ones who requested them in the first place

2. It's basically impossible to have empirical data on this due to the ludicrously politically charged atmosphere surrounding this. I've read all the studies and most of them are methodologically shit. I don't see this changing anytime soon

3. what "childhood transition" entails is drastically overblown. Puberty blockers for trans reasons have been used on something like that less than 5 figures of children at this point. The vast majority of childhood transition is just social, letting kids have the haircut they want, wear different clothes, even going by a different name. Nothing that permanently effects the body. Shit I'm a zoomer and it was difficult to get on HRT even as an adult

4. ROGD is absolutely a thing and needs to be addressed. Non binary and tucute ideology "You can choose to be trans" is absolute bullshit. Note that this doesn't make TERFs or chuds correct

5. There is already so much gatekeeping that no cis kid is ever going to transition without lying through their teeth and being sociopathically manipulative. it just doesn't happen. Even the famous detransitioners like Keira Bell are still taking HRT and have only socially detransitioned. The number of people who detrans for non external reasons is vanishling small, something like less than 10k in the whole US, if even that. They are probably the most over presented group in human history, not exaggerating

Obviously a lot of this has more nuanced arguments, but I hope this gets at least part of my perspective across. You have to remember that the transexual movement has been COMPLETELY coopted by cis sleeper agents (tucutes and enbies) by this point. I cannot express how frustrating it is to talk about this stuff as a non leftist, non chud tranner

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