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>> No.17042111 [View]
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The truth of life is found through balance and harmony. Those who go to the extreme in any direction wander away from the path.

The mind always swings and functions in extremes. It is very easy for it to swing from one extreme to the other; that is its nature. Someone who is very attached to his body can also, in reaction, be very harsh and cruel to his body. The same attachment is hidden there in this harshness and cruelty. He is still attached to his body, just as he was before, but now in exactly the opposite way. The body was the focus of attention before and it is the focus of attention now. To keep its original attitude of attachment, the mind deceives us by swinging to the other extreme. This is why the mind always functions in extremes. This attitude of the mind of moving to opposite extremes, I call disharmony. So what do I call harmony? I call it finding a middle point between two extremes and being stable at that midpoint. And where there is inner harmony, life is full of music. The music of life is the product of inner harmony. By finding and settling in the midpoint between love and hate of the body, inner harmony is found - which is beyond attachment and repulsion. By finding and settling in the midpoint between infatuation and disillusion with the world, the balance called sannyas is found. Whoever practices this balance between all the extremes goes beyond them, and the music of enlightenment enters his life. Man's mind lives on extremes, and it dies if there are no extremes. When the noise of the mind disappears, man spontaneously starts hearing the music that has always been playing inside him. This music of the self is enlightenment, is ultimate liberation, is the ultimate reality.

To throw yourself into flames of fire to escape drowning is no way to save yourself.

>> No.16703259 [View]
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What you are calling the dirtiest jokes are those jokes which are condemned by your religions. Basically, because all the religions are against sex, anything that refers to sex becomes dirty.

It took thousands of years in the West for a Sigmund Freud to be born and to have the courage to talk about sex openly. But he was condemned by all the so-called sophisticated and cultured and educated and powerful people as a dirty old man, because he was talking about something which should not be talked about.

But in the East, the situation is different. Not today – today the West has contaminated the East completely. There exists a beautiful book, almost ten thousand years old, Karma Sutras. It means “maxims on sex.” It is the oldest book on sexology. The East has not condemned the man who wrote the book but has accepted him in the same category as Gautam Buddha: a seer, a man with clarity, a man with purity, a man of tremendous wisdom and understanding.

You will be surprised to know – and it is unfortunate – that Sigmund Freud, Jung or Adler never came to know about Karma Sutras; otherwise they would have felt that they were just beginners. The science had been almost completely developed ten thousand years before, by another man.

He describes eighty-four postures of making love – illustrated. You will be thinking: eighty-four? The West has known only one posture. When Christian missionaries came to the East, people were very puzzled: “These people are strange. They are fixed only on one posture.” They called that posture, with the man on top, “the missionary posture” because the first Christians who came were missionaries. And the Eastern people thought that, “This is so brutal – the beast on top of the beauty, heavy, doing push-ups. He can do push-ups anywhere; why torture that woman?” And the woman is lying there almost in deep meditation; she does not even open her eyes because that is against culture. A woman, if she makes any movements while making love, is thought to be against culture.

I have heard…

On a sea beach in France a man was caught making love to a dead woman. He was drunk. In the court he said, “Drunk or not drunk, I would have made love to that woman because I thought she was English! She was lying so ladylike, she did not make any movement. She did not even open her eyes. What more do you want? And I have not done any harm, just a few push-ups.”

>> No.15222878 [View]
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LSD, marijuana, mescaline, or any drug, gives you only a good sleep, and in that good sleep you dream. Those dreams are colorful, and your life is so poor and your life is such a misery that you would even like to live those dreams rather than live in this miserable life. You would choose – if that was the only choice – to live in a beautiful dream rather than to live in this miserable life. This life is like a nightmare. Even if a drug is only going to give you a luminous dream, colorful, three-dimensional, why not take it? – because what is there in this life? Because life is in such a mess, you choose dreams.

Drugs, alcohol, or other sorts of intoxicants have always been used by religious people, but through them you never move into reality. Through them you fall into a torpor, into a coma, and in that coma you can have dreams.

And if you have been thinking too much about God, you can see God, because you can project your own dreams. Dreams can be directed and guided. If you have been thinking too much of Christ, then while under the influence of a drug Christ will appear to you. This is your own mind playing games. If you have been too much attached to Krishna then he will be standing there with his flute on his lips, singing and dancing. If a Hindu, a devotee of Krishna, takes LSD he will see Krishna, and a Christian will see Jesus, and a Buddhist will see Buddha – but these are mind projections.

Reality is miserable, but don’t hanker after dreams, because if you hanker after dreams then there is only one way: how to help the conscious become unconscious again. A small part has come up out of unconsciousness, and that is the beauty of a human being; agony and ecstasy both, but that is the beauty of a human being – that he has become an island in a vast unconscious. This island has to grow higher and higher so it becomes a continent. Through drugs it will again go underwater, you will live again the life of an animal or a tree: beautiful in themselves but not worthy of you, because you are losing so much. And you could have attained reality; that island could have become a continent.

>> No.14213021 [View]
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>WTF Buddhist-bros?
My message is: try to understand Gautam Buddha. He is one of the most beautiful men who has walked on this earth.

H.G. Wells, in his world history, has written one sentence which should be written in gold. Writing about Gautam Buddha he writes, "Gautam Buddha is perhaps the only godless man, and yet, so godly."
In that illumination, in that moment of enlightenment, nirvana, he did not find any God. The whole existence is divine; there is no separate creator. The whole existence is full of light and full of consciousness; hence there is no God but there is godliness.

It is a revolution in the world of religions. Buddha created a religion without God. For the first time God is no longer at the center of a religion. Man becomes the center of religion, and man's innermost being becomes godliness, for which you have not to go anywhere - you have simply stopped going outside. Remain for a few moments within, slowly, slowly settling at your center. The day you are settled at the center, the explosion happens.

So my message is: understand Gautam Buddha, but don't be a Buddhist. Do not follow. Let the understanding be absorbed by your intelligence, but let it become yours. The moment it becomes yours, it starts transforming you. Until then it has remained Gautam Buddha's, and there is twenty-five centuries distance. You can go on repeating Buddha's words - they are beautiful, but they will not help you to attain what you are after.

>> No.14184122 [View]
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>For psychoanalysis on a whole to ever be "whole" it would have to incorporate the mode of general [unconscious conscious] 'being

I don't place much value on Freud and Jung because my attitude is on how to drop the mind. It can be dropped, and it takes less time to drop it, it is easier to drop it. In fact, it can be dropped without anybody's help.

The East stumbled upon this fact about five thousand years ago. They must have interpreted because in ancient Eastern books there are interpretations of dreams. I have not come across a single new discovery that has not already been discovered in the East somewhere in the past. Even Freud and Jung are nothing new. It is a rediscovering of old territory. Interpreting must have been discovered in the East, but at the same time they discovered that you can go on interpreting the mind and there is no end to it: it goes on dreaming, it goes on creating new dreams again and again.

In fact, no psychoanalysis is ever complete. Even after five years, it is not complete. No psychoanalysis can ever be complete because the mind goes on weaving new dreams. You go on interpreting, it goes on weaving new dreams. It has infinite capacity; it is very creative, very imaginative. It ends only when life ends, or it ends with meditation if you take the jump and die on your own. Death is needed for the mind, not analysis. And if the death of the mind is possible, what is the point of analyzing it? Analyzing and self-realization are two absolutely different things, and you have to be aware of that. Jung and Freud are geniuses gone astray: great intellects, but wasting their time. The problem is they discovered so many things about the mind, but they themselves couldn't use it. And that should be the criterion.

>> No.14149177 [View]
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>moralistic reasoning behind war and its necessity.

pick 2, leave one

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