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>> No.12759452 [View]
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I dislike this youtuber not because of his psuedo-intellectual posturing or his immature, quite frankly cringy content that caters to edgy teens and underdeveloped failsons alike. What I truly dislike is how his following has plagued the internet. You can not go on any forum or site without some brain dead Mongolian fuck telling you to "subscribe to pewdiepie" or unironically referring to him as "pewds" in some faux-endearing tone. It's embarrassing. His fans will have you believe that he has evolved, that the person who was playing slenderman and screaming at the television like an escaped asylum patient is no more, that now he is a sophisticated Übermensch who "gets it." The truth is that his adolescent viewers have grown up physically but remain mentally stagnant. They still enjoy the same brain dead schlocky entertainment they did as children but now they have dignity you see, now they must veil their immaturity behind a veneer of irony and intellectualism. They must spread their delusions to the masses enmasse, refusing to accept the putrid state of their being, failing to realize that their minds have remained still from when they first started watching these videos. Instead they live in fantasy and trade in delusions, undeniably, they are not simply content to writhe in their escapist filth but they must pull others down into the muck. The will not be satisfied until this mass hysteria has successfully permeated the mind of every individual on the internet. Indeed, this is an issue of ideology and idolatry. I merely dislike the youtuber but I truly despise his acolytes for they are the ones who do his bidding and it is due to them that I can't shitpost on this misbegotten hellhole for two seconds without seeing a thread about this guy. If the lord smote every single one of these individuals it would to be far too kind. One can only hope that these foolish individuals come to their senses one day and finally grow up. It is much more likely however that the whole of humanity while enjoin in their escapist delusions, and that my friends will surely mean the end of us and the end of what little life remains on this wretched planet. Steel your souls and sage.

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