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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22169541 [View]
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Finally, after seemingly endless decades of waiting, America can celebrate the death of Cormac McCarthy, the worst novelist ever.

McCarthy was known for such repulsive hack tripe as “Blood Meridian” and “The Road.” Along with edgy and predictable shock shlock, he also wrote kiddie romance novels.

Born to an Irish Catholic family, McCarthy, like many of his ilk, joined the Jews to help them destroy everything. Reading a Cormac McCarthy novel is humiliating and brings deep shame on a person. As you read the foul and unnatural arrangement of words, you feel as though McCarthy might as well have just broken into your house at night and pissed in your face while you’re sleeping.

Everything he wrote was utter garbage. It was sold to stupid peasants because it was simplistically written and filled with titillating scenes of violence and depravity.

For example, in “The Road,” you have a post-apocalypse scene where a father and son are traveling. At one point, they are hiding in a ditch from roving rapist cannibals, and the father holds a gun in his son’s mouth, telling him to pull the trigger if anyone sees him.

The underlying message of his work is that everything is completely meaningless – except kiddie style romantic love (i.e., sexual infatuation).

Why would such work exist? We are supposed to believe this man was some kind of genius because he was depraved? Are we to believe that the great writers of history couldn’t have written such disgusting scenes, if they had lacked all morals?

I will tell you this: virtually anyone with a sick mind and fifth grade writing skills could have written this gross, saccharine, self-indulgent, and above all repetitive prose. When you look at the “edgy” syntax, you are reaching below the fifth grade level. Any moron with a thesaurus can write broken sentences without correct punctuation. Mixing transgressive imagery with an assault on the written language, and underwriting it with themes of nihilism and blasphemy, should have been viewed as an abomination, an affront to God and man. Yet this worm was given awards, and he was given a top place in the literary hierarchy by the odious Jew Harold Bloom and his cult.

McCarthy was handsome as a young man, which no doubt played a role in his success, which was largely among women. However, if you were to see his soul – as Satan is now seeing it in Hell – it would look ratlike, like the startling visage of Bloom. The people who work in this Jewish system, perpetuating the Jews’ agenda, take on the radical Jewish spirit, and it swallows their humanity.


>> No.22153906 [View]
File: 1.09 MB, 1224x680, mccarthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Andrew Anglin kino dropped earlier today, dishing out the proper eulogy this disgusting freak deserves. Frankly, he deserves less.
>Finally, after seemingly endless decades of waiting, America can celebrate the death of Cormac McCarthy, the worst novelist ever.
>Everything he wrote was utter garbage. It was sold to stupid peasants because it was simplistically written and filled with titillating scenes of violence and depravity.
>For example, in “The Road,” you have a post-apocalypse scene where a father and son are traveling. At one point, they are hiding in a ditch from roving rapist cannibals, and the father holds a gun in his son’s mouth, telling him to pull the trigger if anyone sees him.
>Why would such work exist? We are supposed to believe this man was some kind of genius because he was depraved? Are we to believe that the great writers of history couldn’t have written such disgusting scenes, if they had lacked all morals?
>I will tell you this: virtually anyone with a sick mind and fifth grade writing skills could have written this gross, saccharine, self-indulgent, and above all repetitive prose. When you look at the “edgy” syntax, you are reaching below the fifth grade level. Any moron with a thesaurus can write broken sentences without correct punctuation. Mixing transgressive imagery with an assault on the written language, and underwriting it with themes of nihilism and blasphemy, should have been viewed as an abomination, an affront to God and man. Yet this worm was given awards, and he was given a top place in the literary hierarchy by the odious Jew Harold Bloom and his cult.
>McCarthy was handsome as a young man, which no doubt played a role in his success, which was largely among women. However, if you were to see his soul – as Satan is now seeing it in Hell – it would look ratlike, like the startling visage of Bloom. The people who work in this Jewish system, perpetuating the Jews’ agenda, take on the radical Jewish spirit, and it swallows their humanity.
>What I will say of the dead bastard and fiend McCarthy is this: he certainly embodied the spirit of the age.
Society needs to return to God and reject "men" like McCarthy. Beauty must return to the Earth and life must again be given purpose, but it cannot happen with perverted individuals like McCarthy being celebrated as masters of their craft.

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