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>> No.21469946 [View]
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>mfw rubberbanding at the speed of light from "I may be extremely right wing but I draw the line at slavery because it's unbefitting a noble volk, therefore I can't be a Confederacyboo" to "The real cause of the war was that the South was an agricultural old European society and the urban industrial North was inexorably dialectically compelled to destroy it because capital can't leave anything organic untouched" to "still, slavery though" to "maybe it's complicated, like how in Rhodesia, Smith couldn't just give all blacks the vote or it would be fifth column attacked by Anglos and turn into the shithole it eventually did become? Aren't negroes just weed-addicted welfare slaves now? That's what the North created, a different form of slavery" to "but come on, slavery still bad" to "true but all the Fathers knew the negro problem was huge, none of them wanted slavery or were happy blacks were in America, maybe the South was just biding its time with a yellowstone-tier volcano of a revolutionary social issue, like the tsars delaying liberating the serfs even though they wanted to" to "THIRTY FUCKING PERCENT OF THE POPULATION WAS ENSLAVED?" to "technically the Confederacy was legally in the right, the South Carolina constitutional crises over secession were not handled well by the Union" to "THIRTY PERCENT?" to "that goddamn negro almost hit me with his beater car, I wish I was in Dixie" to "That lovely negro was so nice to me at the farmers' market, I should stop being so racist, slavery is wrong" to "oh look, a hysterical liberal on the internet, I'd better defend the Confederacy to annoy him"

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