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>> No.17577025 [View]
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>into just the same vague categories. How could you sincerely call someone like DJT far right? Look at any leftists publishers like verso or zero and they’ll lump everything in as fascism when it suits. This is no different.
Exactly one of my points. Just as classical Marxism created the enemy of the “oppressive bourgeiosie capitalist class”, modern cultural Marxism has created the enemy of “the fascist far-right capitalist patriarchal white supremacist bigot class.” “Cultural Marxism”, in other words, is NOT 100% analogous to classic Marxism, but simply analogous to it in many ways.

Again, the totalitarian Marxist corruption of science, Lysenkoism, is also analogous to modern corruption of science with transgenderism. There is also the totalitarian censorship/“fact checkers” common to both (today known as “political correctness” and “debunking conspiracy theories and far-right disinformation”).

>> No.17419346 [View]
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“And as regards the buildings of the third kind, which were called 'anoroparionokimas,' they were erected, as I already told you, for the beings belonging to what was then called the 'middle sex,' whom our Mullah Nasr Eddin would call 'misunderstandings' or beings who are 'neither one thing nor the other.'

"Among these beings of the 'middle sex' were some of the male sex and some of the female sex.
"These were beings who, for various reasons, no longer had the possibility either of perfecting themselves or of serving Nature, they were, as our dear Mullah Nasr Eddin puts it in one of his sayings, 'Neither a candle for an angel, nor a poker for the devil. '
"Beings of the male sex were secluded in these houses for a certain time who, for some reason or other, were wholly deprived of the possibility of conscious contemplation, and beings of the female sex were secluded who either did not menstruate at all, or in whom menstruation occurred ab- normally, as were also those women who with regard to their sexual desires became transformed at certain periods into what are called 'khaneomenis' or, as our dear Mullah would say, into 'veritable mares in springtime. '
"The beings of the continent of Atlantis of that time were familiar with several definite bizarre symptoms by which these beings were recognized and confined in the anoroparionikimas.
"These symptoms could be recognized by the following particularities:
1 if a being believed in all sorts of 'balderdash',
2 if he began proving to others something he knew absolutely nothing
about, or was not quite sure of,
3 if he failed to keep his word of honor, or took an oath in vain,
4 and finally, if he showed a tendency to 'spy' on others and to be occupied
with 'took-soo-kef'
"But the most conclusive symptom of all was the appearance in a being of what was then called 'moyasul,' which your contemporary favorites consider as an illness and call 'hemorrhoids. '

"Beings with these symptoms were obliged to remain in these anoroparionikimas during the periods indicated by the beings around them, but they were under no compulsion to do anything, and existed as they pleased In regard to them there was only one purpose, which was that they
should neither meet nor speak with normal beings of the given locality.

"They were confined in these buildings because at certain periods of the month, according to the prevailing ideas, on account of their various 'taints,' their 'emanations' interfered with the quiet and regular existence of beings
surrounding them.

GI Gurdjieff’s “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson,” Chapter 43

>my entire view of the “right wing” comes from shitposters on /pol/

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