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>> No.16548433 [View]
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You're retarded. My notion of depth is perfectly coherent.
For example, the notion of a derivative is deep because it entails and opens up as a consequence a vast field of analysis and allows to solve many important and interesting problems. There's way more beyond the surface level definition of limit of f(x+h)-f(x)/h.
Another, more fundamental deep insight which is simple in appearance but provided a whole basis for doing mathematics and physics is the observation that there are some regularities in nature which are intelligible and can be explored through a rigorous intellectual process.
In the same way, a piece of poetry can be deep because it entails a whole range of facts and observations beyond the surface appearance when you analyze it and take account the author's background and look carefully at the meaning of the artistic expressions. I'm pretty sure the book Pale Fire is precisely about this.
In the same way, an anime can be deep if it explores themes and ideas which have vast consequences and implications, even though on the surface level it can appear as something simple. I think Evangelion is deep because beyond the surface appearance of a robot fight anime there are some deep philosophical and psychological explorations into topics that have been extensively studied and argued about throughout the 20th century by Freud and many others, most noticeably the death drive as discussed in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and it does so in a way that masterfully incorporates the elements of the plot (i.e. it's not ad hoc). You might say that it interacts with the ideas only superficially and so there's no reason to call it deep because anyone can namedrop some authors and philosophers in their art and that alone should not be enough to make it deep. But in the case of Eva I disagree. The reason it's deep and works well is that as I said, the elements are not ad hoc and are extremely relevant to the whole structure of the plot, and in fact without them the whole anime would not make any sense.

Sometimes I'm really surprised how many people outright deny the meaningfulness of such simple concepts like death, just because there are some people who misuse the word in inappropriate instances, or who don't really understand what they mean when they use it. Who is dumber, the person who uses the word without knowing what it means, or the person who watching that person becomes convinced that the word in fact means nothing?

>> No.15812240 [View]
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White and asian people are literally the only ones at a real disadvantage in america. How many black or brown people have lost their jobs or have not been admitted to college because of their race? Zero. On the other hand, there is plenty of factual evidence of white people losing their jobs or not being promoted based on their race, as well as not being admitted to college and being systemically disadvantaged simply because of their skin colour.
The US is systemically racist against white and asian people and that's the only form of systemic racism that can be factually proven to exist.
A lot of companies even brag about their initiatives to raise diversity. What does that mean in the end? It means some white dude will not get the job because a less qualified PoC will be taken to increase diversity. They're flaunting it in your face. I can't believe there are still people as deluded as you who think institutions favor white people.

>> No.15472552 [View]
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Is this a serious question? Obviously a hack. Pleb magnet.

>> No.15472472 [View]
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The point is that in order for an omniscient being to know an answer to the question, the question has to make sense, i.e. be well-posed.
Asking whether or not God knows your fate presupposes that such a thing as fate exists. Because if it doesn't, if there's no such thing as fate, asking "What is my fate?" would be essentially the same as asking "What colour are my wings?".

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