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>> No.17573365 [View]
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To be honest I've never read a more compelling "bad guy" that the Consult itself. It's so vivid and it fits Earwa so well, that clearly Bakker has a deep understanding of his world. He probably spend years on his life just imagining stuff happening, scenarios, events, history, etc.
I wish we explored the Consult more but I feel like revealing their mysteries would do them a disfavor.

>> No.17499740 [View]
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We're totally not freaks swear to god!!

>> No.17372438 [View]
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>And sometimes, more rarely still, she sees the particulars of their coming damnation. (...) Such torment. Clenched and cringing, huddled in ways outside worldly dimensions. Prised and flayed, the innumerable petals of his soul peeled back in shrieks and sulphurous flame. Screams braided into screams, pains heaped upon agonies. She sees it, his future, a gleam across his eyes, a fiery halo about his crown. His suffering disgorged like paint, smeared and stroked into obscene works of art. His soul passed from Ciphrang to feasting Ciphrang, dispensing anguish like milk through the endless ages. She sees the truth of the Excruciata, the One Hundred-and-Eleven Hells depicted on the walls of the Junriüma in Sumna.
Jesus christ almighty I'll never fap again, just don't send me to hell. Are there any other writers that can convey the sheer terror and suffering of damnation like fucking bakker?

>> No.15133150 [View]
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Very disappointing indeed.
Was the ending really just Kellhus failing and the Ordeal dying butchered, and the No-God walking forever, and the whole world ending?
Or do I have to look deeper into it? I'm so disappointed that the little shit Kelmomas managed to escape and bring ruin to Kellhus. And what happened to Akka and Mimara and the others? What was the point of Cnauir in the end? Honestly the ending seemed too convoluted and brusque for no real good reason other than trying to be edgy and pseud.
First trilogy? Yeah sure, he clearly wanted to write another series. But this?
Unless he really wants to write at least another book, I don't see a point in the Unholy Consult. The Dunyain escaping and being the secret masters of everything I can buy. The whole Inchoroi things being yet just another slave race, like the sranc but older, yeah. I get and completely understand all that he set up and paid in the end. Just that the end is useless. Has no purpose.
The huge battle at the end was dope though. Some of my favorite moments were Serwa vs the dragon, the whole random guys doing awesome things like random ass thanes and warriors just fighting like madmen and shit, and that guy who stood all mighty in front of the dragon, only to be suddenly eaten whole. Honestly, the whole thing was awesome. A really awesome journey, and I must confess that I like Bakker's writing style.
It's just that I am so very disappointed about the ending, even though arguably, I saw it coming.

>> No.14075494 [View]
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How do I get into Orthodox Christianity?

>> No.13267741 [View]
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Ok let me clarify, since you people downright IGNORE this fact. Not only you, few random posters on 4chan, but most people I've talked to about this subject. And smart people too, scholars and philosophers and actual pastors. It's like there's a shadowy veil over this, and people's minds are clouded.


"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; (...) therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

Because we disobeyed God's literal words, and we had known God before YET we still disobeyed his very own words, the one and only command he has given us, he threw us from the garden of Eden into the earth of dust and decay and suffering and sorrow. Life on earth, henceforth, was an extended punishment from the original sin. And because God is infinite, beyond time itself, whether it was Adam and Eve who sinned, or Bob and Susan 3 million years later, it mattered not. Time wasn't linear, God glanced upon us and saw sin that plagued our destiny. It was the MAN and the WOMAN who sinned, not the individual. Humans are sinners at their very core and for that, we must suffer on earth until the end.
That's why there is evil on earth and in places of suffering, and nowhere else. Because earth is a place of suffering and there is meant to be evil here, but not in God's kingdom, which is a reward for living in this pit and still accept the truth that is.

>> No.13146958 [View]
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Love god’s children as you love your god. Go outside and lay prostrate and kiss the ground before a peasant’s feet. Proclaim that you love him and the earth he wants on. This is the only way

>> No.12976732 [View]
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Thinking about beginning a study of Greek. Any Greek-knowing fellows have some recommended resources? Also what time period of Greek is most deserving of study. If one were to learn Koine would they be able to work out Attic, or of one learned Attic would they be able to work out Koine? Thanks for the company.

>> No.12869918 [View]
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There will be a lot of that in the story further on, Caile is after all on the path to becoming a battle priest of the god of war. The following day there's a huge religious holiday called the Usurpers Triumph that celebrates the victory of the current gods over the "tyranny" of the old ones, which is what the deer is for, so there's going to be a lot more of that for sure. If anything that in itself is my "style", in that I find an aspect to base stories around and expand on it in the extreme. One of my favorite stories I've written is about a battlefield healer because I got to flex my combat life saver knowledge. At one point he has to go into a guys chest up to his elbow so he can get his thumb over a hole in the dudes heart and seal it up, people got a kick out of it.

Anyway, that was a huge digression, jesus. Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.12839200 [View]
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Also does orthodox Christianity contain any initiatic esotericism that can be undertaken in a similar vain to sufism for Islam.

Any reccomended reading for this?

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