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>> No.22298028 [View]
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No. There is only one category used to measure mental abilities and that is IQ. EQ is largely useless, the emotional stability aspect of it is pegged positively to IQ, meaning a high IQ translates to an equally high EQ. The rest is just personality traits which is not a ranked or data set is therefore useless.

>> No.22252494 [View]
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You're unable to answer the question. Your posts are just character attacks on those posing genuine questions.

>> No.21621608 [View]
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I'm assuming you mean to spread this blood and increase the ability of those in possession of it by the often cited diversity argument? If you possess even a rudimentary knowledge of animal husbandry you absolutely destroy any pedigree by breeding it with less than equal ability. This is true in every single field of heritability, from plants to fruits to animals, to us.

Take dog breeds for example, there is a reason Border Collies are often excluded from many national level dog trials or included in their own separate competition because of the nature of their abilities. To breed the entire stock of this dog with other less capable but more populous dogs will ruin the abilities within a couple of generations of the Border Collie. This is because the likelihood of passing on the desirable traits, high intelligence, herd instinct, high energy levels and stamina, low aggression but high confidence, all of these would be destroyed by the introduction of a breed who does not possess them. That is why the seed from incredible pedigree animals, beef breeds, dog breeds, horse breeds is sold for incredible amounts of money, some of the highest value items per ounce in the world.

So no, it is an argument for multiculturalism. It is the strongest argument against one.

>> No.21559132 [View]
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If a person is not able to understand why an action is good or bad, they are not able to be moral. This is the same as the person who is incapable of evil (naive or cowardly) can not be good. Read what was typed, you fucking dribbler.

>to some extent morality

This means that intelligence plays some role but is not the only deciding factor. You absolute fucking mong.

>> No.21529506 [View]
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Minorities and ideologies that favor them over white is destroying everything whites build. No other culture or race has so deeply preserved the history of the world.

Whites needs to collectivize culturally against all non-whites.

>> No.21504089 [View]
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Don't lie, you nigger.

>> No.21498407 [View]
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No, democracy is the problem. Literacy does factor in to the problem but is merely a symptom of unqualified people in qualified places. What is at the root of all these problems is mass enfranchisement and the classical liberal system, all of these rely on the mistaken premise that because you have popular support for a position, it is the moral and correct thing. No politician in our memory has made broad decisions that were no universally unpopular but proven to be correct.

This is a problem as the population is treated like a spoiled, unruly child who can not be told truth. It has no interest in truth, all it wants is good news which eventually results in being told lies and fiction because there is not an inexhaustible amount of good news.

>> No.21469756 [View]
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>Wtf are you talking about? Seriously, where do you come up with this crap? How do you know my actions don't take effort? How do you know they dont affect my life? Whats this weird fantasy vision of my life that you concocted from one sentence I wrote?

I am talking about the movement as a whole, you as an individual I do not care nor can I possibly know. But you judge the movement as a whole, like you do with BLM, Antifa, like LGBT+, like veganism and others.

There may be, but rarely are, individuals who live up to a good standard and embody something that could be considered a well thought out life that reflects their values. But almost all people attached to a social movement, because that is what this is, are larping and for the brief few moments that you are able to show just how really hardcore trad you are there are countless others where you are not.

>Yes they are
No they aren't. They are not based on the idiotic perennial philosophy, which is hilarious horseshit. Nor are they based on any reasonable block of values, it is a cobbled together group of simplistic values based on Snr. Bush Era Neo-conservationism. It is functionally no different to the opposite side that it fights against as both are manipulated movements that allow big government/business to further fracture and atomize society and the family. Which is the most anti-traditionalist thing you can do.

>> No.21315159 [View]
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I write in a journal, almost daily. I use a ink pen and paper.

>> No.21197289 [View]
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I'm not a Muslim and have said so several times.

>> No.20976473 [View]
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They're still doing that now. School buses of decapitated and burned children regally show up. They sheer amount of violence and the brutality of their society would shock Europe.

>> No.20443235 [View]
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Christian Rome was closer yet it did not. The feat is beyond any of its age and one that has not been replicated under near conditions since. I suspect you are a member of a certain tribe who's nature is to undermine or you are the agent of said tribe and have been deluded in to thinking your ancestors are worthy of scorn.

>> No.20306835 [View]
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This is not a problem you simply pretend does not exist. This is being in a car crash not of your making. A rough moment when you have recoved when you realize that you can do everything right and something bad will still nearly kill you.

This is what people are waking up to. You can not move past it, you become aware of it and you use it to influence future decisions going forward. Like the man bitten by a dog, the shock and pain will pass but the truth that dogs can turn on you in an instant will never leave, nor will you put yourself in a position to be attacked by one

>> No.20031936 [View]
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They're incapable of self-rule, right down to the individual level.

>> No.19803997 [View]
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>Be Dr James Watson
>The highest mind in DNA and molecular biology
>Receive Noble price for work with DNA and genome
>Publish paper and books explaining the very essence of human code
>Receive honor from every academic and scientific body around the world
>Feel immense contentment that my life work means something
>Have dozens of doctoral students
>Many going on to highly specialized and rewarding fields
>Some become famous in their own right
>Lead the Human Genome Project
>Step down after coworker tries to patent gene sequences
>Gradually step back as one of the most accomplished scientists of his generation
>Morally, ethically and logically consistent in all that he does
>Says intelligence may well be linked with race
>Loses everything, is fired, cancelled and has his entire reputation destroyed, all honors revoked, even try to take away Nobel Price
>Name is redacted from several publications
>Be forced to sell noble prize to pay bills


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