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>> No.19091795 [View]
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I think Matthieu Pageau's "The Language of Creation" is a great deep-dive into the fractal structure of the Bible, especially focusing on Genesis, where everything can be viewed as a logical conclusion of the dichotomy between heaven and earth (meaning and matter) - almost like the stories themselves (although I do believe they contain actual biographical narratives of real persons) are structured in such a way as to present insights derived from that fundamental axiom, namely, the duality of heaven and earth. Concepts like "inhabiting/working the homeland" (also known as order, or the familiar and stable space) are tied to meeting the precepts of the covenants (eg. when meaning and matter, heaven and earth, are hierarchically ordered in a proper manner) are contrasted with the frequent descent into "wandering in exile" (also known as chaos, or the unfamiliar and cyclical time), which is tied to transgressing against the covenant between heaven and earth (eg. when meaning and matter do not line up).

This brief introduction I link below might be illuminating. I also recommend Jonathan Pageau's Youtube channel, especially his talks with Matthieu, where you can get a preliminary understanding of this fractal structure.

You also might want to read St. Irenaeus' "Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching", which will give you a brief outline of the typological parallels and Trinitarian theology hidden within the OT, which is fulfilled in the new. Happy to answer any more questions.

>> No.18840776 [View]
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>Why did Christians allow the French revolution to succeed?
The revolution was done in spite of Christianity, through a populist uprising which, in large part, manipulated the French by playing on their sexual desires. Over 30,000 priests were exiled, and hundreds more were put to death - any Christian opposition was stomped out with an iron and murderous fist.
>Is it because their entire bundle of doctrines is about abandoning real life
If Christianity entailed abandoning real life, it would not logically follow that the most charitable organizations on the planet are run by Christian institutions.

>Antisemitism is a sin
Explain how I am anti-Semitic for literally quoting the words of St. Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:15, and the words of Jesus Christ in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9? Should the Bible be banned for anti-Semitic hate speech? Or should certain passages have a star of David beside them, warning Christians about Holy Spirit-inspired passages that are "anti-Semitic"? This is what the European Jewish Congress posited:
"Later on in the recommendations section, the [groups in the European Jewish Congress] ask: "Translations of the New Testament, the Qur’an and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them.”

The fact that Jewish organizations like the ADL and the European Jewish Congress are using the secular authorities (the modern day Romans) to label the Christian faith as dangerous and hateful, is proof that nothing has changed in the past 2000 years. If you say that I can't quote the New Testament proudly and boldly, I will gladly face persecution by the modern-day Pharisees.

>> No.18547614 [View]
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>His idea of aerial toll houses is pretty puzzling.
Yeah, from my understanding it is basically the EO version of purgatory. Definitely an interesting theory.

>Isn't it counter-intuitive that a demon would appear as good, holy and radiant?
It might be counter-intuitive, but you have to keep in mind that these are hyper-intelligent spiritual beings that want nothing more than to deceive you and bring you down to their level - they would do anything in their power to trick us, and they are adept liars - as the sons of the devil, they are "refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.".
>Thank you for the links.
My pleasure.
>I think his question about marriage is legitimate, what are extreme introverts supposed to do?
Discern God's will - that is a primary message of Jesus, to always do what God wants us to do. "Thy will be done". If one really wants to get married, they can pray to God and ask for His help, but in the end, to always say "Thy will be done". Maybe one is called to chastity? I had many degenerate experiences before all of this, and I know that it was not pleasurable at all beyond the moment, and only brought me further into the depths of depravity and shame. Now, I've chosen perpetual chastity. Chastity is a beautiful path, and who knows - maybe one will find their wife along the way. From my experience, there are many traditional girls at traditional Church communities who are looking for marriage. Be the type of chaste and holy man they want and deserve, and maybe the Lord will move you together? But in the end, may His will be done, not ours.

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