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>> No.19773743 [View]
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it's not that strange you know. i live in bumfuck, nowhere in the third world, and i've still stumbled upon women of that sort. but they're just ''interests'' ; the degree of genuine dedication or care they might have for those topics obviously vary from one person to the next, but it's not necessarily a testament to them being brilliant or whatever. don't choose a woman due to some surface level overlap between your ''interests'', especially if it's something related to music taste for example. look beyond it and observe her enthusiasm, how she feels about her being somewhat different, how she treats other people, where she wants to go, and, this might sound strange, how human she really is. just read her, basically.
this online deification of women that show a passing difference from the mold is starting to get a bit ludicrous. we all like to joke about girls being shallow and yada yada, but you need to get your priorities straight and truly reconsider them.
mind you that undoubtedly brilliant women are rare, but feigning brilliance is incredibly easy to do nowadays if your observers aren't lucid enough. if you come across a genuine simone weil of today who isn't carrying herself in a perverted performative manner, then by all means hold onto her. be sure to examine your subject and not get too easily carried away.
i'm saying all of this because i did have a woman who was a part of that rare breed, and during my time with her i had this great sense of clarity in regards to other girls who were trying hard to give a sense of unique presence and climb up the ladder of ''''excellence'''', but they simply paled in comparison against a raw, strange character. i want to use the term pseud, but that's just an empty buzzword at this point.
anyway, be way anon.

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