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>> No.21282181 [View]
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He really had so much potential. If only he had a father figure or older brother to guide him. I could have unironically saved him.

>> No.20520477 [View]
File: 110 KB, 720x960, orangutan on bridge in rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. airportlit is comfy and warm and attenuated shades of beige and bright-lit crimson. travel is transience. reading "airportlit" while travelling transforms you in more ways than one.

>> No.20261064 [View]
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I’ve shouted and cried to God for three days straight.

>> No.20139484 [View]
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My mother has had a cough for the last 4 years that sounds like it’s been getting progressively worse. Doctors can’t really pin down the cause but they suspect that her heart isn’t strong enough to clear the fluid building up in her lungs. I didn’t notice it as much at first (in part because I was away living with my partner for a few years), but since covid I moved back into my family home and it’s really noticeable now, she’s constantly grunting and hacking and sometimes it’s so loud that it almost feels like it shakes the house. She plays it off like it’s a minor inconvenience, but I just feel awful for her. But then I also find it incredibly hard to read or write because it’s such a distraction, and then I feel horrific guilt at having had such a selfish thought. I keep looping through these cycles of frustration and guilt, and I feel as though it has completely stalled my ability to be productive. I genuinely don’t know what to do.

>> No.20077181 [View]
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Plato didn't predict it, it's presented as a very difficult thing to ever achieve, although theoretically possible
The true philosopher will not want to rule and will have little reason to care for public life, the pursuit of wisdom completes him, he is like the stargazer standing on the deck of the ship awestruck by the beauty of the heavens
The people are likewise naturally hostile to him, he is not bound by charm or by shame to convention and is a threat to what the people regard to be their own. He represents a mortal danger to the things held up to be good by the city and would be devoured by the creatures of convention.

The people must be convinced that this type of man is best equipped to lead them to the good, and this is possible if the men of rhetoric (previously convention's greatest guardians) see this and turn their craft on the people. This is possible, but the hardest component lies in convincing the true philosophers to rule, they must be compelled to re-enter the cave, they must be dragged in a manner of speaking back into worldly affairs, the city must force them to turn their eyes from the sublime to the vulgar. That free man wants to live out in the light and, once having left it, holds great contempt for the cave and its inhabitants, nothing in the city contributes to his specific pleasures. He wants nothing from it and he does not benefit from the city's riches as other types of ruler are.

It's a perfect circle, that the philosopher must persuade the people (or the men of rhetoric, the political creatures), but the people must compel the philosophers to persuade them to allow them to rule. I think the chief problem in the modern day is however that there are very few of these 'philosophers' as described, and one would be as likely to find such virtuous men outside of academia/scholarly circles as within

>> No.20013111 [View]
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>> No.20009227 [View]
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>buy a used copy of the critique of pure reason
>comes with a note from the seller
>”thanks for your purchase. all proceeds go towards the mental health charity CALM in memory of my son who committed suicide”
Turns out the truth won’t set you free.

>> No.19865954 [View]
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Is there any suggestion in the book that these dwarves differ in appearance? As I understand Tolkien's little creation logic, the first group of dwarves were forged by a single blacksmith-archetype deity so that would suggest that they are uniform in appearance/material and are one 'race'.
The elves and men differ in this regard with their creation, although beyond the contents of the work, the semantics of 'elves' as a race of beings in the European folklore Tolkien was drawing from would lead one to believe that they would be very 'white', probably paler than Europeans, and (while as I said this is not explained in the material) I really think that you are disingenuous if you contend this.
If they introduce 'racial' diversity into the show, they really ought to do it the way Game of Thrones did so with their series, with perfectly reasonable explanations (characters coming from lands which are clearly based on Arabic/African culture) which seems to be possible with the other lands Tolkien sets out.

As long as it isn't a naked Amazon Corp. (copyright) ham-fisted attempt at randomly having 'black' and 'white' cast arbitrarily presented as being of the exact same group with no appreciation for cultural complexities, it should be fine. So it will depend on the creative calibre of the people writing it, about whom I know nothing because I don't keep up with TV and probably won't be watching the series as the only show I ever watch is random episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation on repeat

>> No.18693740 [View]
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it's ok

>> No.18525913 [View]
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Ive been looking for books with twists to fill my Attack on Titan and Game of Thrones itch. But I don't really like outright thriller books. I was suggested to look into sci fi and fantasy. Is the Red Rising series good for emotional twists? If not, what books would you guys suggest when it comes to emotional / jaw dropping twists?

>> No.18395031 [View]
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Herman Melville is a comfy writer; his stories are always funny and well-written and weirdly insightful and wise; Whenever I read one of his stories it feels like I'm talking with a good friend and mentor. Do you anons have any writers that make you feel this way?

>> No.15992169 [DELETED]  [View]
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How do you cope with the fact that you'll never *really* understand yourself in life?

Digging into your psyche seems like complete neuroticism and egomania to a degree, and I feel like it can drive you insane. My visits to a counsellor do sometimes provide me with some insight and ability to overcome subdued emotions, but for the most part, none of us are THAT important right?

Is it just a complete waste of time?

>> No.15232539 [View]
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>> No.14439925 [View]
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Your prize; please, feel free to save it.

>> No.14272510 [View]
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That was uncalled for, anon. Real mean. Real rude.

>> No.10635048 [View]
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I want to try writing something good or decent

my unrealistic dream is to make money off of writing books and VNs (because I can draw ok). and have the money to pay back to my parents that dealt with my shit ever since I was born
Also I have some weird condition where I get panic attacks in public if I'm there too long. I worked for a year only to get fired because I freaked out too much. I can't help having this shitty view in life due to my legit autism

>> No.5920177 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 106 KB, 720x960, orangutang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't it be nice if you could forget your first

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