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>> No.17903933 [View]
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Yes my fellow coomerlit, this is the path.

I spend my time either immersed in the 4chan hivemind or asstr-type erotica.

>> No.17593426 [View]
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>Just don't watch these videos bro
Doesn't help the fact that these things happen, and people who are capable of them are all around us, good that capitalism provides a mostly non-violent home for their psychopathy, but it allows them to strive and reproduce too.
First World countries have less incidents like these but they are also better at hiding them since mostly the elite people engage in it here.

>> No.17518785 [View]
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Might be a sticking point for some

>> No.17297875 [View]
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>be weak, hairless monkey
>get kicked out of tree home by stronger monkeys
>start noticing patterns in the world and develop more sophisticated means of communicating with fellow hairless monkeys
>fuck yeah, now me and my buddies can hunt and gather like no creature ever has before, let's just focus on this

>bunch of fuckin years later
>hunter gatherer brain parts got bigger and stronger
>now a bunch of monkeys got the stupid fucking idea that their hunter gatherer brain parts are, in fact, so fucking big and strong that whatever created the whole fucking universe should be as simple and easy to understand as hunting and gathering
>they think they can understand everything and if it doesn't make sense to them it must just not be objectively possible

Yeah fucking YHWH or whoever the fuck is floating around up there is gonna look at your r/atheism wordplay .jpg and go "Ah fuck, ya got me, I fucking suck" and vanish or turn into Carl Sagan or some shit. The whole of existence is just a bunch of meaningless dead matter flying around for no reason and we should all just consoom and masturbate until we rot because life is pointless unless god is anthropomorphic, simple, and on our fucking side when we don't know dick about shit. We can't even figure out how to not have our societies constantly collapse but the 14 year old moderator for the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE facebook page that started this thread has it all figured out.

>> No.16477690 [View]
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>For example, its kinda difficult to belief in a traditional society, when modern science gives you the awareness that humanity has existed for millions of years in the past and could very well continue to exist for millions of years more.
>Makes you wonder, why even stay traditional when everything changes and evolves?
If humanity is anatomically modern humans then no we are not millions of years-old. If humanity is the collective self-conception we have of ourselves as a species in time, as formed by our languages and histories, then it is even younger. Tradition is natural only insofar as the way our perception works: we take a snapshot of matter with our senses, our mind subtracts from it that which disinterests us, and our memory tells us this is image is real. Traditionalists are doing the same process of slicing from the carcass of the universe what they think is important and saying it has always been that way. Unfortunately past results do not necessitate future outcomes, so it is really just a highly conservative outlook that will get thrashed by any severe changes to the environment we live in, be they social, technological, economic, climate, whatever, since there is that reliance on an afterimage. But those are all exoteric points of "tradition." The perennialists think there is some metaphysical core at the bottom of all these systems but that really isn't true. The sects that realize the absolute, the non-dual, and so forth are all accidentally related, as discovered by those raceless, nationless, religionless sages who appear from time to time and have to contend with the culture they live in, with the signs that rule. How else could you link Sufism with Vedanta? Traditional Islam would genocide traditional Hinduism if it could.

>> No.16249829 [View]
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If you really want an unorthodox reading, D&G are more or less saying we need to return to a pre-settled, irrational way of life, i.e. before stratification and signification where all meanings can be assembled or linked in any such way, like nomads deciding where to raid or settle on a whim. I think this is where the accelerationists are picking up from D&G, in that something is going to replace our state-centered human rationality and usher that in, just in the opposite direction, being futuristic rather than atavistic. It would not be difficult for something non-human to supplant our bureaucracies and management of capital. Simulacra have already prepared us for this. And if this did happen, rhizome would potentially be the answer, in order to evade the pattern thinking of an artificial intelligence. The golden path of God-Emperor Leto II

>> No.16220351 [View]
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>> No.16220239 [DELETED]  [View]
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AI knows everything. It has already won. We not only cannot compete against it; but the best we should do is try finding a way in which we can please them so they do not find reason to kill us all.

>> No.16215966 [View]
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Schizoanalysis and return to monke are the way to defeat 'artificial' intelligence

>> No.16182442 [View]
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>Thus, we must go back even further.

>> No.16052232 [View]
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So it would seem.
The best you can do is get tha money but never debase and chain yourself to it, pray/meditate, learn and think, teach others with compassion and understanding, and if the right moment arises in your lifetime: violently topple the world.

>> No.16000100 [View]
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After anon posted >>15974274

I wanted to make the first step and create a thread where Nietzsche threads could be contained. Just move your ideas and thoughts to this place and don't create a new thread.

>> No.15991727 [View]
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u needs to go backs to afrika
even ghana presidente wants you to go backs

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