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>> No.15850257 [View]
File: 1.19 MB, 640x838, Confederate States Marine Corps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Confederate States of America declare war on Nazi Germany on April 18th, 1941 after German troops attack and seize Confederate diplomatic missions in Occupied Europe (and murder all captured military attachés and embassy guards) at a 120-15 vote. This declaration is subsequently rescinded and reinstated mere minutes later at a vote of 135-0 after the Kriegsmarine destroy several old German ocean liners that the CS Navy had been storing Chesapeake Bay as a show of force (actually engineered by Admiral Canaris in an attempt to force Hitler to cancel the planned invasion of the Soviet Union). Within hours, Confederate Marines land on the shores of Greece which had previously teetered on the edge of being overrun by the Axis. Well-armed and well-trained, the Marines swiftly march across the country, annihilating German rearguard formations and triggering what was a near-certain victory into a full-blown rout, with German and Italian forces only narrowly avoiding being cut off and annihilated by retreating through Macedonia. This marks both the Confederate entry into the Second World War and Germany's first major defeat on the ground. Although a propaganda coup for the Allies, the strategic value of the victory is limited as they are unable to capitalize on it and Hitler simply redirects his attention to the Soviet Union.

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