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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20254808 [DELETED]  [View]
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Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:15:42 No.20254306▶>>20254437
>This. A trans /lit/gf is the final redpill
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:17:16 No.20254310▶
Yes, they really like it when you tell them they just have to read infinite jest... this is the thing they love most of all
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:51:26 No.20254412▶>>20254439
Reading is an effemenite activity
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)14:51:55 No.20254414▶
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Damn bro, i don't know if i should be the one to tell you this, butt is your relation to it that makes it either. If you read because it makes you LOOK smart or FEEL good (I.e. purely sensual purpose = aesthetic), then reading is an effeminate activity for you. If, instead, you read to create/refine a certain system or because you believe it makes you a better person (i.e. ethical reasons), it makes you masculi
Indeed french people are crazy. Tales of two cities. 04/21/22(Thu)15:03:16 No.20254443▶
>>20253998 (OP)

Let her finish the 4th grade.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:09:54 No.20254456▶
Nice words, but you're wrong
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:26:11 No.20254517▶
Nice blog fag
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:35:25 No.20254552▶
>>20253998 (OP)
Ah. A good old-fashioned sneed rant.

While I totally feel for the OP, as someone else commented, that's how women are. Women read dross, and authors will build their career around writing and selling dross.

For myself, I am totally focused on writing and selling ultra-high-Quality literature that women are capable of enjoying. It’s difficult, frustrating, time-consuming, and very, very rewarding (but mostly on an emotional level).

I work for free. Honestly, I can’t see anyone paying the very substantial premium required to write books at the Quality bar that I set. It’s orders of magnitude costlier than junk-grade New York Times best-sellers or Amazon romance "novels". Just yesterday, I spent almost all day, “tuning” a dialogue to express and present realistic emotions within a 1-word tolerance. It required that I rip out almost all my previous work, and realign my fundamental writing process.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:42:55 No.20254578▶
>>20253998 (OP)
why do you want a well-read girlfriend? as long as she's kind, faithful, nice looking and not a complete idiot just count yourself lucky and love her for who she is.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:48:46 No.20254598▶
Lumping together reading for appearances and reading for pleasure is a mistake. Reading will not make you a better person, for the most part. Frankly, I respect somebody reading for pleasure more than somebody reading for self-absorbed self-improvement.
Anonymous 04/21/22(Thu)15:55:24 No.20254613▶
It's not that women are dumb. It's that they are rudiment▶/21/22(Thu)16:39:34 No.20254738▶
real men play sports and work with their hands

>> No.19725823 [View]
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hgytfkychv yf6t868g[[bi i gtdrhvjl;b;b[ ih ihby778g78y u uguyg

>> No.19707231 [DELETED]  [View]
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/lit/ - Literature
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The awful German language Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:49:48 No.19707008▶>>19707073 >>19707150
I just read Martin Buber's "I and Thou" and one question popped into my head again. Why are so many German philosophers such vain charlatans?

The book itself has some understandable, though controversial ideas, and also has some poetic pathos that gives quite a distinct impression of what the author wanted to say. But in the end, it's impossible to read this while wading through bizarre stylistic clutter. It is the same with Heidegger, Hegel and others, who seem to be deliberately trying to make the text as unreadable as possible. And 100% of the time this is due to attempts to make banal judgments look incomprehensible in order to give the reader the impression of something very clever. At the same time, we have opposites like Jaspers, Nietzsche, Kant, and others who did not turn the text into mush. So don't you find all these "brilliant" stylistic choices devaluing to the perception of their work? I do.
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:02:02 No.19707073▶>>19707084
>>19707008 (OP)
He's Jewish, anon.
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:03:57 No.19707084▶
But Heidegger was German and liked Hitler, so what's his problem then?
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:13:18 No.19707150▶>>19707225
>>19707008 (OP)
>It is the same with Heidegger, Hegel and others, who seem to be deliberately trying to make the text as unreadable as possible
It’s a tactic to deflect argumentation. You can tell who is doing it and who isn’t. Sartre is a perfect example of someone who writes incomprehensibly because that’s the only way he can get his thoughts out, but is easy to follow because it comes from an organic and cohesive tangent of thought with proper conclusions and deductions. As soon as you start getting bored reading a chapter of his, you’ll find it ends abruptly because he himself is also bored of discussing it, because the topic has been exhausted and the next topic needs to be addressed without pages upon pages of self congratulatory redundancy.

Hegel is one of the worst examples of this type of writing. Any truths found in his writing are inseparable from his attempts at obfuscation, they are of equal importance and of equal need to be studied in regards of phenomenon in the ego as opposed to phenomenon in the existential sense. There’s an enormous wall of pride and anxiety in the legacy of t
I wonder if anyone of them had a literary editor.

>> No.18577163 [View]
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>> No.18321889 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.17785525 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.17568309 [View]
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>life hack

>> No.16893732 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.16711645 [View]
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>productive member of society

>> No.16705654 [View]
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>but you'd have to be joking to regard him as a great author/composers

>> No.16680976 [View]
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>wooooooah he went to colij he must be genius!!!!!
>woooooooah he wear marvel clothes just like me even though he so smart!!!!!

>> No.16449638 [View]
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>scientific axioms

>> No.16411500 [View]
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>Read theory chud
>Go to school for 8 years so you can totally diagnose the problems of society and show how shit it is
>Offer no real solutions, just pontificate and smell your own farts

>> No.16172879 [View]
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>happiness scores

>> No.16145313 [View]
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>> No.15976427 [View]
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>You couldn't throw a tennis ball against a light breeze

>> No.15933752 [View]
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>Modern Socrates

>> No.15848309 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15822364 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I want to learn more about WW2

>> No.15752419 [View]
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>> No.15630344 [View]
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Duuudee what PILLL should I pick to customize my personality????

DUUUUDE What if I picked the SUPER QUIRKy PILL that no one accepts. That would make me cool and rebellious, right guys?

And then I can just move on the next PILL when it gets popular. Right, I am cool? Right guys????

>> No.15624418 [View]
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> Dudeee what if I wrote a book that was like SUUUPER long aand SUUUPER Quirky. Has anyone done that before? That would be so original...

>> No.15623909 [View]
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>> No.15566868 [DELETED]  [View]
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If you believe life is meaningless, don't care about the nuclear family that will succeed you, and think we are just random balls of atoms floating through space, why would you still get so angry about politics?

If you think life is just about pleasure, why would you spend so much time thinking about politics and not just be completely egotistical.

I don't understand why the people throughout history that were the fiercest ideologues (Marx, Lenin, Stalin, etc.) also thought human life was totally meaningless and temporary.

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