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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8335216 [View]
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This book made me cry, actually.
The part that hit me the most was the testimony of the from the soldier about the little girl who clinched her mothers hand and cried, "I don't want to die yet mommy, I've been such a good girl"

I have a daughter. That hit me hard.

I think what makes this book so good is the ethical claims the author is making behind it. It feels deontological. Indeed, when it comes to our ethical discourse, you alone are responsible for your actions; groupthink or "following orders" is not a defense.

My recommendation is this book.
>pic related
It's not about soldiers who committed atrocities, but it is a good trip, worth reading because it's short and bitter sweet.

>> No.7930589 [View]
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What are some good cold/vietnam war books?

Right now I have on my reading list:
Meditations In Green - Stephen Wright
Democracy - Joan Didion
Dispatches - Michael Herr
The Things they Carried - Tim O'Brien

>> No.7898535 [View]
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favorite books of 20th century american literature?
pic related is probably my favorite
but i would also go with crying of lot 49, on the road, democracy, and white noise for my personal favorites

>> No.7812558 [View]
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what are the best vietnam war books? fiction, poetry, non-fiction, etc.
so far I have
Meditations in Green - Stephen Wright
Dispatches - Michael Herr
The Things They Carried - Tim O' Brien
Dien Cai Dau - Yusef Komunyakaa
Bloods: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Soldiers - Terry Wallace

I'm thinking of teaching a class on the vietnam war and was wondering if you would recommend anything more.

>> No.7772837 [View]
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>> No.7427266 [View]
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I'm doing my first research paper for college (ever) and i'm not kinda confused on how to go about it.

I have to pick an author that we used in class (I chose Tim O'Brien from The Things They Carried) and apparently I need to conduct research of his major works and also provide a basis for my thesis which includes what i discovered about his work (compositional methods, sources and influences, motives for writing, significant themes, writing processes, tactics to appeal to his audience and writing style). Also how this writer has helped broaden my understanding of what writing is about.

I'm not asking you do it for me just help me with what I'm doing. It says in the paper that this is not a report and not a biography of the author.
I'm new to college academia so please bare with me. I honestly don't see how a research paper is different from the other essays I've done.

Also it says to look for primary sources would that be like the author's other works?

>> No.7357235 [View]
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What does /lit/ think of this book?

>> No.7195091 [View]
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What do you think of my thesis statement for a humanities class I'm in?

The truth in the war experience lies in the ways an individual deals with war’s inherent carnage and chaos, which reveals one’s most essential sense of love towards his surroundings, fellow man, nation, or god in the face of destruction.

For the assignment we need to include something from The Things They Carried, the documentary The Fog of War, and a bunch of other articles and readings we got
And the topic question I'm doing is asking about the ways peoe have approached recounting the war experience and if there is reality to the war experience

>> No.7156583 [View]
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>> No.7056280 [View]
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This book fucken sucked, why was it spammed on /lit/ for a straight month?

>> No.6744871 [View]
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Too absorbing, too real. He is the fucking man.

>> No.6708539 [View]
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I was raised in a military family and my dad is a combat vet. Reading it gave me a certain insight into what war is like and made me empathize with my dad, because he won't ever talk about it to my family. It also showed me that books can be post modern without being pretentious and stupid, and at the same time a book can be about things like war without being dry and soulless.

A user on /lit/ actually sent me a copy of this book years ago (around 2010) in a gift thread, and I finally got it back from an ex who had it for years. It is probably my favorite book in my collection and I wonder if they guy who sent it to me realises how cool that was.

>> No.5884344 [View]
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Great book of short stories about Vietnam.

Also, the recent National Book Award Winner by Phil Klay, Redeployment, is another book of short stories about the Iraq war, although I haven't read it read, but it seems promising.

>> No.4056963 [View]
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Hey guys is /lot/ the right place to ask for critique on some of my writing?

I like doing it a lot, mostly writing short stories.

I tend not to share them with anyone, but a couple of nights ago, a friend of mine find one of my notebooks and after going through a few, told me they were really good. I know, he is my friend, and probably a top tier pleb, as am I, but hell, might as well give it a go.

As of now, I'm giving science fiction a try for the first time. If /lit/ is cool with it, I'd like to post some of it. Keep in mind that it's a first draft, and english is not my mother tounge, so if possible, call my mistakes on grammar and/or spelling.

I would like to use this as a worldbuilding excercise, rather than focusing on the story.


>After a plague strikes a barely standing planet Earth, the last of mankind takes shelter in a self sustaining megastructure. When resources start to dwindle, the last bastion of humanity devises a plan to restore the planet to its former glory. An exodus to Mars spans over a decade while, three machines -Aeolus, Neptune and Ceres- are built with the purpose to prepare a new Eden for men to come back to. The story follows Caleb, a young man due to depart with the last group of humans. Even though he never experienced Earth in its golden days, he is hesitant to leave home.

I have no /lit/ related pictures, so here. One of my favorite books.

>> No.4038156 [View]
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just finished reading this
what does /lit/ think of this? i thought it was pretty good

>> No.3975312 [View]
File: 30 KB, 332x500, The Things They Carried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just reread Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried." In basic research on O'Brien, I found that Kathleen, his daughter in the book and a key character, doesn't exist. Why make up a daughter at all?

>> No.3815505 [View]
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>do it

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