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>> No.12296200 [View]
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I'm wondering a lot about morals.
I'm thinking to myself that the movement to increase the amount of social safety net in america and the increased willingness among the youth to embrace socialism is really bad.
This is not because socialism is inherently bad. The nordic countries had some epic decades with it, and it was hygge and good, ikea meatballs and karl ove knussgard can attest to this. Abba gold album too. But if america pulled it it would not be good.
These countries have a heritage of morality. When the nazis took over denmark they said all the jews needed to wear stars, the king went on the radio and said "the jews are danish- the danish are jews." And all the danes wore stars and walked around outside and the nazis couldn't differentiate shit. I want you to imagine americans ever doing anything like that. We don't stick up for anyone. Our values go out the window as soon as we're confronted with any challenge to them.
Seriously, look at our bill of rights. Bill of rights is acceptable as a declaration of a national moral code,. You got speech- as long as one of the special people don't like your speech. You got guns- as long as the guns aren't too good at being guns. No bump stocks or full auto, those guns are unacceptable. Quartering of troops is historically irrelevant but I guarantee you if the troops needed quartering we'd end up quartering them. probably the government would try to get you to let them fuck your wife. Unreasonable search and seizure- cops can take all your money, the government can tune in to your phone and internet history without a warrant. Speedy trial? I dunno let's ask one of our glut of convicts. Excessive punishment? Go get caught with some drugs see how that goes for you. They will fuck you up.
It's fine, I just wonder why we bothered posturing like this if we were just going to throw it all out the window as soon as it wasn't perfectly easy to have these things.
So I see this spoiled, entitled college kids chanting for socialism I think it's going to go a lot more like venezuela than denmark, you know? I don't trust them. They don't trust me. Neither of us trust the government. Fuck you. We invented "Motherfucker."
We have had federal troops shooting at students before, Urban outfitters sold a sweater about it.
We are way more like one of those sick fucks down south then we'd like to admit, maybe the demo is just shifting to reflect that.
I think about how god punishes sinful cities, and I think about the bullshit herecy posted all over 4chan related to orthodox christianity (invented in 1999 btw), I think about the guy that cuts me off on the highway, I think about people blatantly fucking each other over, I think about all the moral questions we consistently fail on as a group, and I don't think it's going to be ok in the end. I don't think we'd need all this relentlessly optimistic propaganda about america if anyone else really believed that either.

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