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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5312707 [View]
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>Story craft isn't important
>Authorial intent isn't important
>Coherent sentences aren't important
>Post-modernism FTW!

You do realize, that you're the pleb?

>> No.5300940 [View]
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>> No.5277049 [View]
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>> No.5261752 [DELETED]  [View]
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⇒ignorance is universally preferable to knowledge

This is what philosophers actually want to make us believe.

>> No.5202263 [View]
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>> No.5166870 [DELETED]  [View]
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What went wrong, philosophers?

Back in Descartes' time philosopy used to be a respected profession and worked well together with science and mathematics. What happened over the course of the last two centuries? Why did philosophy become an anti-science and anti-math circlejerk obsessed with denying basic facts and with promoting skepticism where it is most inappropriate, e.g. "hurr durr reality doesn't real" or "u cannot know nuthin"? Nowadays philosophy is no better than creationism. It opposes progress and knowledge. Is it because math took away logic from philosophy? Is it because of the rise of the so called "analytic philosophers", a new cult of sophists who are willing to go full retard when they are being called out on their fallacies?

Has anyone rationally analyzed the course of events? Is there a book on the topic? I'm curious.

>> No.5070445 [View]
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Do you agree with pic related? Then half of /lit/ is gonna call you a retard.
Do you disagree with pic related? Then the other half of /lit/ is gonna call you a retard.

>> No.5032976 [View]
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>> No.5020724 [View]
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Science and philosophy are opposites.

>> No.4886563 [View]
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>> No.4839662 [View]
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never has this picture been more appropriate

>> No.4795057 [View]
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Why does seemingly nobody on this board know what "logical positivism" means? Why do you retards use it as a buzzword insults against all scientists? Are you even aware that you only make it obvious how you failed both, science AND philosophy?

>> No.4687912 [View]
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Maybe it would be if these science vs philosophy b8s didn't pop up daily and spawn trolls trying to troll each other.

>> No.4683616 [View]
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>> No.4665325 [View]
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How is scientism "edgy"? Isn't it just rational?

>> No.4653155 [View]
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Science means explaining observations in reality. Philosophy means denial of reality and escaping into pseudo-intellectual fantasy worlds.

>> No.4645512 [View]
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Philosophy is the last resort for pseudo-intellectual high school dropouts who are too unintelligent to talk about science and math where their baseless opinions would be objectively disproved.

>> No.4613104 [View]
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Do philosotards really believe their inane and baseless drivel could disprove scientific facts?

>> No.4593189 [View]
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lol no

Science and philosophy are incompatible.
Science means finding objective truth in nature by means of empircial observation and logic.
Philosophy means denying reality and dwelling in pseudo-intellectual untestable metaphysical nonsense questions like "what if solipsism?" or "how can my blue be the same as your red if our brains aren't real?"

>> No.4588693 [View]
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Science deals with explaining observations in the real world.
Philosophy makes up irrelevant and pointless questions which cannot be answered in a meaningful way.

>> No.4554221 [View]
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Daily reminder that the scientific method works irregardless of anti-intellectual philosophers' interjections.

>> No.4532550 [View]
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Anti-intellectualism is philosophy's answer to science. Some philosophers never wanted to accept the fact that science made philosophy obsolete. In their blind rage against science they went full anti-intellectual and started denying logic, the scientific method and even their own subjective experience, while regressing to kindergarten level emotional attacks and low quality rhetorical fallacies.

>> No.4519471 [View]
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How the fuck can you be too dumb for philosophy? Every toddler can into philosophy. Philosophy is for those people who are too unintelligent for science and math.

>> No.4515265 [View]
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