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>> No.22371112 [View]
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>> No.22093015 [View]
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>> No.21888280 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is precisely because Amrita has a quality so divine that it is proper to subject oneself to all that it entails and therefore also to its arduous preparation, and to put it on the table before food, so that it may be not found lacking in quality. This, of course, is perfectly in harmony with the doctrines of almost all traditional schools. Thus it is urged that the divine nectar be milked and consumed as a Sacrament by the initiated.

He then says:
>Without dwelling on the matter any longer, we will only note that while mating, a European male can (at best) be expected to produce far less of the nectar than a Negroid male of comparable stature, and that this difference in aptitude will certainly be passed on through the generations [...] Other so-called 'uses' of the diluted and 'Westernized' Amrita, we must point out, are among the most simple of 'occultic' devices, of a purely pragmatic nature; there are no spiritual functions involved in its use. It is also the most highly priced Amrita ever sold anywhere in the world; this facilitates not the proper transfer of Amrita as part of the traditional initiation rites, but a degeneration thereof to the point of caricature.

Later, in his correspondence with Evola, he simply states:
>Concerning Amrita and it's preparations, of this perfect medicine a single dewdrop sufficeth, and this may be true. Yet it is humbly and with all deference and worship my opinion that every drop generated (so far as may be possible) should be consumed.

>> No.21752903 [View]
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>The shadows grew deep as the sun set over the warm Cairo market, the smell of hookah smoke, spices and camel dung wafting through the palm trees and fires roasting animals over the ponds and fields into the windows of incense-scented humble dwellings furnished with luxurious carpets and plants. Contortionists, soldiers, catamites, madmen, beggars, saints, students, slaves, dancers, assassins and bureaucrats teemed throughout the evening tinged with electric air that hummed with cicadas. Rene Guénon exhaled a cloud of opium smoke and gazed across the room at his ever-expanding collection of Sanskrit literature. His young wife entered into the room through the bead doorway.

>She dropped her robe to reveal intricate henna tattoos covering her lithe nude body. She walked over to the low couch he was laying on and straddled him. Rene gradually emerged out of nididhyāsana back down to the baseline state of constant samadhi that he had been in for the past 8 years. It was time for the non-volitional and divine līlā of the Supreme Being to dance forth in ecstatic bliss. Sakti sought union with her dear Shiva. She masterbated him as he sucked on her perky tits. Guenon lay back and Sakti mounted her Lord. Bliss shined like sunlight from the One illuminating them both. Adam and Even were one in Paradise again, the mutual embodiment of al-Insān al-Kāmil and all his wives. The primordial state revealed itself as having existed all along. Rene become the All. Being and becoming simultaneously disappeared and the perfect bliss entered into itself. God shone forth in eternal plenitude, hypererotic sexual union experienced as tranquil observer. Brass windchimes singing an enchanting harmony in the breeze.

>Rene began to feel energy rising through his chakras, he immediately concentrated his third eye and clenched the subtle nerve running from the tip of the penis to the bottom of the spine. His time spent training in the Parisian suberbs with master Ho Shi-Quan had paid off. He reversed ejaculated into his chakras, Qi energy poured fourth into his body. Rene and his wife both went into a ten minute long trance accompanied by a perpetual dry orgasm. Purusha melded into Prakriti, both giving way to the Tao. Rene entered into a state of fanāʾ; the la petite mort a ritual reenactment of Prajapati's atmayajñá. The evening call to prayer was calmly sounded from by a muezzin from the minaret of a nearby mosque. The stars twinkled over the cold night as cheetahs chased hares over grassy dunes overlooking the nile, men pissing on fires, reading texts by candlelight. Cotton and silk, anise, heavy eyeliner, garlic breath hidden with rose water, tall tales, secret meetings of initiations and schemes.

>> No.21446880 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize all philosophical/metaphysical systems are inherently wrong simply by virtue of being systematizations, but metaphysics is eminently real and profound

>> No.21337234 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All religions secretly teach depersonalization and annihilationism, just ignore the parts where they don't
>No, I haven't read my sources, just trust me and my freemason handlers
>God and the after-life are like one big opiate

Can't believe how much of a hack this guy is. It's no wonder Guenon appeals to zoomers. It gives them an excuse to aestheticize their xanax pseudo-mysticism.

>> No.21303881 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join us: https://discord.gg/d4Frzhjk

>> No.21238082 [View]
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>We will mention, by way of reminder, that Descartes limited intelligence to reason, that he granted to what he thought might be called "metaphysic" the mere function of serving as a basis for physics, and that this physics itself was by its very nature destined, in his eyes, to pave the way for the applied sciences, mechanical, medicinal and moral, the final limit of human knowledge as he conceived it.

>Are not the tendencies which he so affirmed just those which at the first glance may be seen to characterize the whole development of the modern world? To deny or to ignore all pure and super-rational knowledge was to open up the path which logically could only lead on the one hand to positivism and agnosticism, which resign themselves to the narrowest limitations of intelligence and of its object, and on the other hand to all those sentimental and "voluntarist" theories which feverishly seek in the infra-rational for what reason cannot give them. Indeed, those of our contemporaries who wish to react against rationalism accept none the less the complete identification of intelligence with mere reason, and they believe that it is nothing more than a purely practical faculty, incapable of going beyond the realm of matter.

Server for the discussion of Religion and Metaphysics: https://discord.gg/9Fv2E6A2

>> No.20705670 [View]
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Thus the sedentary peoples create the plastic arts (architecture, sculpture, painting), the arts consisting of forms developed in space; the nomads create the phonetic arts (music, poetry), the arts consisting of forms unfolded in time; for, let us say it again, all art is in its origin essentially symbolical and ritual, and only through a late degeneration, indeed a very recent degeneration, has it lost its sacred character so as to become at last the purely profane 'recreation' to which it has been reduced among our contemporaries.

guénon /lit/ discord server https://discord.gg/Xz4k7754

>> No.20636897 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me a friend request and I will add you to the guénon discord server

>> No.20622995 [View]
File: 83 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to join the official /trad/ discord server, send me a friend request

>> No.20184976 [View]
File: 84 KB, 562x600, Rene_Guenon_17e053fc-8970-49dd-b48a-60fcbd11f460_562x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In our time it is fashionable to exalt work of whatever sort and no matter how it is accomplished, as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order. This has been the subject of innumerable pronouncements as empty as they are pompous, not only in the profane world but, what is more serious, even in the initiatic organizations remaining in the West. It is easy to understand that this way of envisaging things is directly linked to the exaggerated need for action that characterizes modern Westerners; work, at least when so considered, is obviously nothing but a form of action, and a form to which the 'moralist' prejudice is bound to attribute more importance than to any other because it more easily lends itself to being presented as a 'duty' for man and as ensuring his 'dignity'. Added to this there is usually a clearly anti-traditional motive, namely the depreciation of contemplation, which is assimilated to idleness, whereas on the contrary it is really the highest activity conceivable, and whereas further, action separated from contemplation can only be blind and disordered. All of this only too easily accounts for those who declare, no doubt sincerely, that 'their happiness lies in action' itself; we would rather say in 'agitation', for once action is thus taken for an end in itself, whatever the 'moralist' pretexts invoked to justify it, it is truly nothing more than that.
>Contrary to what the moderns think, any work that is done indiscriminately by anyone solely for the pleasure of acting or because of the need to 'earn one's living' hardly merits being exalted, and indeed it can only be regarded as something abnormal, opposed to the order that ought to regulate human institutions, to such a point that, in the conditions of our age, it only too often acquires a character that without any exaggeration qualifies as 'infra-human'.

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