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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23858673 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, the one and only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon doesn't understand cyclical nature of reality
Read Guenon.

>> No.23757724 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, the one and only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very obvious that Heidegger's dichotomy between calculated thinking and meditative thinking is Guenon's notions of action and contemplation. Moreover, Heidegger's "releasement towards things" is a secular form of initiation. Given the timing of these writings, it's clear to me that Heidegger clearly read Guenon.

>> No.23736255 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.22187419 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4-chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.21855677 [View]
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>> No.21845195 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4DE8EF25-E878-43F5-ACDC-8443CCE5CDCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like Evola, but you are hopelessly profane and materialistic

>> No.21602901 [View]
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I'm happy that someone saved my proposed paladin reading list from months ago. Pretty surprising really.

>> No.21501804 [View]
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>> No.20912611 [View]
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>> No.20879344 [View]
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They gave us this though.

>> No.20795197 [View]
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>> No.20776278 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4-chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which writer have you come to most associate with /lit/?

>> No.20735198 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, D067EE68-4E49-455C-A77D-39451F77800D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Guenon came back into the spotlight among zoomers/millennials. Jokers like the hideously batrachian Sartre were exposed by a true French master

>> No.20727721 [View]
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I would be happy to lay down ~$100 for several hours of video (since time-zones mean I could never be in the seminar live) on Evola from him. His traditionalist content is really top tier. But I just cannot justify $250. I hope he breaks the course down into a purchasable video series for a reasonable price after it is done.

>> No.20704880 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refuted by Guenon
>Among the religious or pseudo-religious sects widespread in America, the Mormon sect is assuredly one of the oldest and most important, and we believe that it would not be without some interest to look at its origins.
>At the beginning of the nineteenth century there lived in New England a Presbyterian pastor named Solomon Spalding, who had abandoned his ministry in favor of commerce, where it was not long before he went bankrupt. After this setback, he began writing a kind of novel in biblical style which he entitled Manuscript Found, and which, it seems, he counted on to restore his fortune; in this he was mistaken, as he died before he could find a publisher. The subject of this book concerns the history of the North American Indians, who were portrayed as the descendents of the Patriarch Joseph; it was a protracted account of their wars and their supposed migrations from the time of Sedecias, king of Judah, up to the fifteenth century AD. This account was supposed to have been written by various chroniclers, the last of whom, named Mormon, is said to have deposited it in an underground hiding place.
> The success of Mormonism seems astonishing. It is likely that it is due more to the hierarchical and theocratic organization of the sect—very cleverly conceived, it must be acknowledged—than to the value of its doctrine.

>> No.20695764 [View]
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This is really good bait but most of /lit/ doesn't read enough to get why kek

based (pbuh)

>> No.20615842 [View]
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>surf the kali yuga

>> No.20587888 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan legends

>> No.20576822 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4D7B5739-CF1D-41E2-956C-C525E72AFB72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Guenon(pbuh) reader

>> No.20567425 [View]
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Not really. Guenon thought that there was a difference in the basic mentality and orientation of East and West, rather than a mere difference in material development. And for Evola there were no remaining institutions or lineages of sages with an understanding of the true Tradition. Thus East and West were both equally adrift in modernity with no hope but the ending of the present age.

>> No.20556757 [View]
File: 230 KB, 332x440, 4chan legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beautiful (PBUH).

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