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>> No.20402904 [View]
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Hymn to Baphomet

Baphomet blessed among the ruined deep,
Where scores of taninim have churned the seas
Frothy as lakes of amrit milk, which kings
Of serpents stirred at the behest of god
And demon prince alike, and there enthroned
Upon an adamantine sphere encrowned
With a marble obelisk whose capstone
Divine is thine form, whose feet are cloven
As a satyrs and legs are lotus-crossed
As wrathful sadhus in meditation,
Whose waist chimeric, fish-scaled, and feathered
Bears the caduceus of life and death,
Whose breasts flow the streams of cit and Lethe,
Gesturing upward and downward your hands
Point to the lunar nodes whose secret names
Are writ upon your arms “coagula” “solve”
The formula of flesh and spirit’s cry,
Conjoint both the leaden cross of matter
And the gold-red rose of eternal light,
Both as the bridal bed of king and queen,
Of Eevens dark with levins roaring flame,
With Dawn who loves the whispered matin hymn,
I see in you the orchard’s apple tree
And the ghost who walks among the willows,
From your wings dashes the dancing springwind
To meet autumnal stars of countless hues,
And there they speak of you to whom all blooms,
Both the sweetbriar’s twisted eglantine
And the silverbush’s convolvulus,
For your face is a company of stars,
Your left eye is melancholic sorrow,
Your right eye is thricefold; blithe, Joy and mirth,
Thy mouth is silent but thy third eye speaks,
Thy impartial eye’s equanimity
Is signified by the five-pointed star
Of knowledge infinite and harmonized,
Thy devil-face is great and terrible
As leviathans but ever smiling
You bear the seraphic flame of worship,
The flame is love of God and love of man,
and these two are one but appear as two,
Thus the horns of his head appear as two,
Which signify all power over earth
And the heaven’s immensity also,
Thy face depicts the sins of Adam’s brood,
Thy blessèd body unites all contrary things,
Whether the self with the other or God
With the myriads of bestial humans,
Yclept as the sun and as Abrasax,
Yclept as Osiris and adonis,
Yclept as tammuz and Dionysus,
I invoke thy true name my lord Jesus.

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