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>> No.18931533 [View]
File: 47 KB, 500x708, 國共內戰時期周恩來.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I still like it :(
I will try to effort post
Firstly, weed is (most of the time) 100% addictive and 100% a gateway drug. Sure some people are special and can moderate and blah blah blah, but that is almost never the case. I truly cannot stand the promotion of weed as if it has no negative impact on life.
I started smoking weed in my first semester in college. Back then I was only smoking at parties and stuff and when I could get it. Eventually that progressed into a nightly marijuana habit and weed became a personality trait, I became a real "stoner" (if you saw me in the street you could tell I smoked weed). This continued up until about now, minus the "weed as a personality trait"(I cleaned my personality up about 2ish years ago). Last winter I had an epiphany and started admitting to myself that I don't fully enjoy this lifestyle and that there's just no chance it can continue forever. You can only wake up feeling like you got hit by a train so many times before it gets annoying. A lot of the times I would get high at night purely out of habit rather than really wanting to. Weed was becoming a boring thing and I wanted it to feel good again so in April I stopped smoking for the whole month and it was fucking great, I genuinely had an amazing time being sober. Then in May I started smoking every night again and it was fucking great because weed felt good again. Now its become boring and stale again and I've realized that this is just going to be a cycle unless I stop smoking every night. Which is where we are now.
I've said this many times to other anons and its the best way I can describe it, weed is a real love/hate relationship once you get too deep into it. Its really fun but it does cause a lot of problems, especially if you have other problems in life, you just start depending on it as a cope. It certainly affected my performance in college but that was also the party lifestyle in general. I don't feel like its made me dumber, but it has definitely affected my work ethic and caused an apathetic and existential mindset, I am not a negative and pessimistic person, I am just often times very unmotivated towards things. I spent many days in college where the whole day was basically me waiting to get high at night. It can really become a cope if you are not careful with it. Anyways. Ideally id like to continue enjoying weed in moderation for the rest of my life.
Would I recommend anyone trying weed? Hard question. I really can't say yes, its something you have to decide for yourself.

Anyways, now that I am moderating my habit again id like to change my moniker as I do not feel I am "the xi jinping of weed smoking" anymore. Another anon suggested Deng Xiaoping and I've personally been considering Zhou Enlai, but I am open to suggestions, it does not need to be a Chinese leader btw.

>> No.14664007 [View]
File: 47 KB, 500x708, 國共內戰時期周恩來.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seen in a lot of shitty anime and romance shit of protagonists who get all this attention from just because they are "Nice" and love interests fall for them. But thats just lazy writing nobody IRL falls in love with someone because they are Nice.

But how do you write a character who is for the most part is a good person with a big heart that genuinely empathizes with and cares about people.

How do you write a compelling character like that?

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