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OP here. some relevant song lyrics.

>Black Lives Don't Matter

they really don't, mate..
let me tell you, you won't believe me, well it's true!
you gotta trust me on it,
it's all gonna come out soon!

black lives matter? ha! don't make me laugh!
they only matter when the dead body has political expediency
otherwise fuck off, you cunt!

they only care when it's a white bloke who done it
black lives matter, eh? that's just a hate group
they're the same as the ku klux klan, you bunch of poofters!

black lives matter only when it serves the agenda
otherwise who gives a toss? you don't..
you and your white guilt, you cuck!

all you're interested in is furthering black violence
come on, admit it! admit it to yourselves!
or at least show us your tits, do something that matters..

don't act like you care, you virtue signalling slag!
go police each other on twatter and forget about it tomorrow

just keep blaming whitey for your collective failure
that'll do ya, right? that'll change things, ha!
don't take responsibility..

you'll only care about that child's death
if that child was killed by a white man
or you'll sweep it under the rug and ignore it
you don't care, admit it!

you just hate white people, you bigots!
you scurvy trash! get off your ass and own it!
who's the victim, eh? what?
soggy cunt!

black lives don't matter, unless you can exploit it!

>Women Have Penises Too

women have penises too
women have penises too
no more nazi white men
the patriarchy's come to an end

women have penises too
women have penises too
intersectional diversity
for all the muslims and lgbt

my body, my choice, my rights
abortion screamed inside and then died

women have penises too
and soon they'll be inside you
penises of color will bash the fash
as the patriarchy takes it up the ass

women have penises
women have penises
women have penises too

feminism embracing islam
1984 on the animal farm

>O Antifa

o antifa, o antifa proudly fight the nazi's
o antifa, o antifa follow in the footsteps of trotsky
goodnight alt-right, your heads will crack when every night is kristallnacht,
o antifa, o antifa
your eyes are closer together

o antifa, o antifa no platform for the fascists
o antifa, o antifa brown shirt & black bloc tactics
mao and stalin shall be revived on the next 'night of the long knives'
o antifa, o antifa it's not ok to be white

o antifa, o antifa no one is illegal
o antifa, o antifa clip the wings of the eagle
orange man bad, he's a nationalist
identitarian not globalist
o antifa, o antifa no border, no wall

o antifa, o antifa ending white supremacy
o antifa, o antifa forcing equality
and demographic replacement by third world immigrants
o antifa, o antifa no usa at all

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