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>> No.17697436 [View]
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Floyd’s death was blown out of all proportion to justify an agenda. BLM is an inherently ethnocentric movement. The death of white male Daniel Shaver by a cop was also abhorrent, but how many people know about Shaver as compared to George Floyd? Where are the riots for him?

A quick crash course in the statistics about black-on-black crime, white-on-white crime, white-on-black crime, and black-on-white crime, as well as all these same relations for cops shooting unarmed citizens, will quickly disabuse you of the notion that “white cops are literally genociding unarmed black men”. It’s virtue signaling being valued over rationality. No joke, the BLM riots last year led to more deaths than deaths in a year of unarmed black men shot by cops. Where’s the massive riots over the Afghani child who gets blown to bits by a drone strike?

Over the white woman who said “All Lives Matter” to some BLM rioters and got shot in the face?

Racism exists and it happens and it’s tragic. African Americans have indeed been oppressed and are poorer overall than whites due to broad systemic issues and lack of the ability to build up generational wealth. However, the elephant in the room is that the ghetto mentality is a real thing, creating a self-reinforcing feedback loop for some of these communities. When you add how it’s not “PC” to talk about statistics like blacks (13% of the population) being responsible for about 50% of violent crime arrests according to the FBI, you enter a bizarro Soviet-Russia-esque world.

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