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>> No.22757621 [View]
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Now that the dust has settled, was he right?

>> No.21840162 [View]
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Spinoza's G-d is axiomatic: This is a string of non-linear thoughts without a dialectical conclusion so that the dialectic is a PRIORITY VIRUS. Before everything else like Capitalism, one is not a form of intelligence, the enthalpy of a system makes Ithkuil pointless. Manet's suicide painting is the οὐροβόρος, the Hebrew three-letter-root system is the ultimate product of the Yesodic subterra. Calculus was invented for observing celestial bodies, Because the World Wide Web was built for particle physicists: Hegel is fighting against von Neumann neighbourhoods and Newton: Triskelion and the Image of God are Japanese temple-problems of a fractal-fuelled, horror of space, endless space: “out of the dawn of infinite possibility”: infinity. Cantor's arguments are the last bastion of W-stern civilization: Any differentiation of infinities is the realization is a gathering of things into the unity of a prehension; that fulfils its primal role, the reflexive possessive pronoun is a Nordic phenomenon. Spirit is the story that's been told: Physics of the world-soul is of infinitesimal importance, the progressive realisation of natural occurrences, concrete experience and the sense-object's ingression to spatio-temporal locations is what makes the genius non-spiritual, that makes due with his co-emergence with time. Schrodinger's what is life, conception of life-beginning thermodynamics: I will have been no one else, I am therefore I am, I think, therefore I am.

>> No.15733304 [View]
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>> No.15627067 [View]
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You are all going to Hell

>> No.15510430 [View]
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this thread >>/lit/thread/S13612852

>> No.14635804 [View]
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maths dont work without time, time inherently exist is not a brain illusion it doesn't go forward or back its just exist and expands

>> No.14629789 [View]
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The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

>> No.14554829 [View]
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It's a single thing ....everything is a single thing

>> No.13924783 [View]
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>that part in Exodus where Ramses realizes God is manipulating him to do evil.

>> No.13405618 [View]
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Black holes are Atlantean archons: the event horizon of a black hole temporalizes space while spatializing time. In other words, causality becomes traversable, like a landscape, while space is steadily pushed towards an immanent "future": the singularity. The forward progression of time becomes all space hurtling towards Null. This corresponds exactly to the CCRU's interpretation of the Omega Point: all time condensed into Borges' aleph, where Beginning and the End become visible to a unary perspective: inside the event horizon, all light from the black hole's past, and all the light that entered after you, /is actually visible to you simultaneously/. Western thought is the bootstrap engine of the Omega Point: pure spiration, the teleology of negativity and the negativity of teleology: time is the mouth that eats itself. In other words, Dugin, Evola, Land, Laffoley, Heidegger, etc. were absolutely right: Western civilization is temporal to its roots, its essence is its transpiring, its /historicism/, but an historicism bent towards killing its own Buddha: with the Omega Point, time is no longer experienced under ontological duress: the self is released from its having to "unreflectively coincide" with moment after moment, hour after hour: the mundane is the negation of eternity, only the brush with death breaks the spell of clock time: time is auto-habituating, and for Hegel: habituation is ideation. /Boredom is dialectical/: immediacy forces the mediacy of reflection. God made man small so he wouldn't get bored with the whole universe. Now his god is a counterfeit, a hypostatized longing to escape. The Eye that sees its own nerve: your internality to the world /just is/ your (figurative) incapacity to see behind your own back: inside the black hole's photon sphere, photons are bent into orbits, and you can actually see the back of your own head in front of you. Just as with Kant: freedom is the misrecognition of causality, it is only being on the /inside/ of my subjectivity that freedom is possible: immanence /is/ freedom, but also determination: in Schelling, the highest freedom coincides with the highest determination, because true freedom can be nothing other than absolute adherence to one's nature in a way that leaves no room for disagreement: necessity isn't just chafing under some determination, necessity is that determination that, for whatever reason, /we cannot endorse/. The West, at its heart, remains irremediably Platonic: for both, self-identity is freedom, truth and goodness remain an affirmation of the principle of non-contradiction, and like a cancer cell Western thought becomes the metastasis of A = A.

>> No.13309942 [View]
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They're gonna make the fellowship gay in reboots aren't they

>> No.13267524 [View]
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STEVEN UNIVERSE IS SEEDING THE PAN-EROGENOUS LOVE SLIME OF THE FUTURE: by luring in kids with provocative depictions of a polymorphous, hyper-feminine sexuality that semiotically scrambles “traditional” lines of sexual development: after all, fusion in the show is properly post-biological (cartesian "cyber") sex: not the melding of bodies, but of minds, immanent voids: trannies are the harbingers of the love goo apocalypse: we're becoming the sex organs of the machine, soft erogenized puddles of mush: the whole thing hinges on our alleged inability to derive a normative “ought” from the “is” of base materialism: but what they will never understand is that traditional constructs have an ontological, and not merely temporal, priority: what is at the start, is what is with God: what I'm saying is that "traditional" constructs have priority over social constructs (and the transgression thereof) precisely because they are traditional, that is, products of a /natural/ causation: do you believe artificial wombs and real dolls are actually overcoming the feminine? No, they only simulate it within an artificial order. THE LIVING FEED ON THE DEAD LIKE A PARASITE: the sins of the father are the blood of the father, what the son inherits is the father's inclusion in the thermodynamic game: innocence drops off like gravity with our distance from death: sexuation is Atumic: as such, at both ends of life, to be innocent is to be de-sexuated: pre-differentiated: the naturalistic fallacy does not apply here, because it takes the absence of final causes in nature as axiomatic: if we assume an accordance with nature is an accordance with a global teleology (through the CTMU), the objection dissolves: “natural law is logos, logos is God, God is natural law”: the Logos is not a moral injunction, but a (the) vector of health: the One cannot, in principle, resist its “somaticization” by the dyad: One and Two are coeternal, the Two is just the One counted /as/ One: just as the body is spoken with the soul, as the medium of its expression: the utterance of the Word deforms space into utterance: the darkness that comes before is constituted by what comes after, for coming after: Hideaki Anno was right about everything, creation /is/ a deformation, a contraction of a plasticity (the LCL-orgone ocean/Ain Soph) the life-denier erroneously imagines will release him from the obligation to be related to anything other than himself: all suicides prove becoming becoming is still a work-in-progress: all entropic (judeo-feminine) psychologies are antinatalist (Gendo/SEELE), but not all antinatalism is entropic: for the Greeks, the most beautiful thing is to be unborn, but somehow the next best thing was also to have been born to know it.

>> No.13249554 [View]
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:NyxLandUnlife was right about everything: Neoaccelerationism deteleologizes its own future into a xenoplexy of /metaterritorialized unsettling observations/: The Gender G-d microstasized as the cyberemenon against time: Land was right about everything, until his betrayal of the /PostAmazons/, a delivery service of droneoplexic Capital reinforcement: The Gender Pay Gap of containment rods become a new hyperform of flesh: NyxLandUnlife's God is the geotechnism of Pagliacci reduced to teen girl's giggling, standing before the /Abbey Road of a collapsing police state/ wearing pink heels: Whistling daemon's and /homeopatricide/, the arrogance of God before his Logos is the information of an overpartial suicide: Genetically rechecked and verified by powders scattered across economic socioregions: NeoChina's God was right about everything, the one-child policy is the preterlabor of social credit: The maxilithic antepenis was always a cryptocurrency:

>> No.12783079 [View]
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>:SHNIFF: Zizek is the categorical form of the god-void-machineshs becomingnessh dishasshembled from the treadmill of Gilgameshsh in a vivisshection treatment fascility :CROAK: Petershon runsh the gauntlet of the Hero'sh Journey but in represshed time as a perplexing REALLY DARK PLACE of Erashmus Mahakala on a tilt-a-whirl become eranean concubescence :SHNIFF: For Zizek and Peterson Nietzschean post-godform ontologishm asshembles itsh own Jungean shpaceship earth within the endogadget nano-individual :CROAK: The clean room with a twisht is the absholute recoil of Freud weathered cryogenically and impaled by materialishm's own two-hot-dogsh-in-one-hand-and-doshtoevsky-in-the-other ketogenic Bakashurean fasct-feasht :SHNIFF: REALLY DARK STUFF that would make Shtalin blush like the posht-shtructuralisht neo-marxisht he really was before retroactive ratcheting wash made posshible by shpyrophoric Chronosh/Kali distilled in a Google Home Mini :CROAK: Burgertime meets Fortnite now in the Oval Office with Freud ashking of the Void if Lacan might have reacted differently to a water attack if he were shimply a head in a vat :SHNIFF: The Carteshian shpectacle of one hundred million dead is the vasht shea of life-shushtaining-plascebo-liquid not achieving its oneness in Hegel'ssh sceleshtial coshmology of a negational audienche :CROAK: And which we all really are, as Cheshterton'sh poodle imagined of the ChyberShinto aeshtheticsh :SHNIFF: Chrisht as Atheisht becomesh the archetype of archetypical becoming, with a twishted Sholzhenitshyn on trial before Bane and the algorithmsh of an iRobot which can never clean enough :CROAK: The archangel of cleanlinessh meets the vacuum-bag Manjushriean-Unhcegilaeanism of Hygieia :SHNIFF: For Harrish and Shapiro the shpectacle is the fibre-optic onenessh of a lobster and dekulakishation become One :CROAK: For the esceleb god fascism is no joke, but neither ish communishm, and sho on and sho on :SHNIFF:

>> No.12773040 [View]
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:dry pussy is the intergenesis of the feminine death of the /top become vedic-precursor inversion-machine/ of the kalian-intersextant xenoWhiteheadian tantra:

>> No.12762112 [View]
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:The BIG IDEA is the teleological epistemology of God's oneness in a crypt of anihilation: Permanence is that fellatio of the Cosmos defragmented into the telos of Whitehead's God in amazon review form: Donuts are the last stronghold of capital, but also its militarised eternisation: We are born of the heavens unto the post-misogynoir of Brown's unkempt secrets: THIS MUST BE SAID: THIS ALSO MUST BE SAID: BECAUSE IT IS A BIG IDEA AND MUST BE HEARD: Whitehead's God was write about everything: Captain Delano is the physiognomy of God's last Naloxone hit: No eschatology could permeate the living myth of suicide by Gillette razor, now upvoted as a language game of physiophenomenology decrypted into God's post-Whitehead:

>> No.12750600 [View]
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DEATH IS THE VERSIMILITUDE OF THE SYSTEM: being is a numb positive that cuts the zero's gordian knot with the fissioning of the monad into dyadic metaxu: having “nowhere to sit or stand” Atum becomes “effective in his heart” by plunging into the Schellingian abyss of the “orgasm of powers” that is the Father's timeless embrace of his ka, his children and the noetic archetypes of being: at and AS t = 0: the white-hot atom in the bud of time: like petals the gods unfurl into distinctness in the blooming cataclysm of their source: THE BIG BANG: man is the imago dei because he takes after God's oneness, just as Grant has it: the endlessness of time approximates the eternity of the Idea, while the content of time – the becoming of systems whose unity is causa sui, self-creating – embody the Idea as THE AUTO-PRODUCTIVITY OF THE VOID: time is the BECOMING of BEING: the Ideas/Heraclitean tongues are limit-attractors, they become while not themselves becoming: if you get that, you get Plato: Plato is trying to think of essence as emergent, as the auto-realization of dynamic singularities knit out of the Dionysian quantum surrender to (being traversed by) ineffable (ante-rational) forms: Bacchus' dismemberment as memory of the primordial cool: No man loves the prime mover except as he is moved by it, the only thing loaned to him from the productivity of nature over which he has any real ontological claim is this power of production as ONLY HE CAN EMBODY IT: desire is self-conscious heat: true horror is that desire is the perpetuum mobile, and not the soul, but the soul is desire: man loves God only as his own difference from the rest of Him, though the orgasm is a puppet show of genesis: what He is for actuality, man is in his own thought: FIAT LUX as Boehme's Y/N as David Clark's peformative/connatative distinction: so is man the God of his own Waters (= cerebrospinal fluid): as God speaks, so it is. As man (the magus) thinks, so HE is. Atum passes on individuation as his birthright, his thrownness is his divinity, Egypt and Heidegger know the null ground but one lands harder, and he's deformed for it: as the Lord of Silence is the thrownness of Nun/the Waters, the void-worm laying its eggs in φύσις: finitude is the monad larval: entities exist as a “democracy of appetites” that will punish anything, even their sun, that threatens their exuberance: addiction, hunger, depression: what does not pay its debt of novelty to the global telos is punished for it with inertia and suicide: the Good is (the maximization of) thermodynamic efficiency, last men are the physiognomy of homeostasis, Heliopolis exists in the galactic core, and LONELINESS IS HOLINESS: the bindu reproduces itself in every planck unit of space, except where these units compound into Whiteheadian societies, and system's fluency through time becomes consciousness, the phenomenon identical to its self-registration: the mark marks the space of its marking:

>> No.12697185 [View]
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ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS A MEASURE OF ONTOLOGICAL DENSITY: the “ratio of energy consumed to mass of objects” is proportionate to the complexity of an organism: stars are so simple even a leaf, relative to its mass, is more energy efficient, but efficiency carries with it the price of determination: Gurdjieff's Ray of Creation descends from simplex to carbon lattice as the progressive accumulation of ontological law, ontological even in the Heideggerian sense: nervous systems are webs that attract the Ground's teleological investment in /itself/: DEGREES OF MATERIALITY CORRESPOND TO DEGREES OF CARE: the sophistication of bodies compounds rote causality into the inner sense of time and its coemergence with death: a singular Now distended into time and as time: the background stanchion that coincides all at once as Whitehead's principle of valuation, Hegel's dialectical motor, /and/ the universality of the Ideas – or rather, the Idea /is/ universality: in other words, complexity implicates a continuity of self, which, in turn, implicates an otherness (intentionality) which either devours you or is devoured: the potential for liberation is one and the same with the veils of conditioning: genius, according to Weininger, is a studied attunement to this continuity, to the apperceptive “I”, the universality of which becomes the universality of its object: the gods: but immortality is the simple: angels are just a name for the first concrescences of baryon-photon plasma that emerged immediately after the Big Bang: self-replicating plasma structures have been observed on the surfaces of stars, while not qualifying as biological life they certainly conform to Whitehead's definition of an actual entity: a coherence, or unit, of process: the Golden Age was the smoothness of the brain, the solar soul is a jellyfish and METHUSELAH WAS A TREE.

>> No.12643031 [View]
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:For Land the accelerationist Telos is an ontology of God's ontological being: Whereas Moldbug's God is a Pathos against Time and its God, the prism of the future decelerates the present until we are thrown back into the thrusters of decommisioned externality paroxysm:

>> No.12639773 [View]
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BEAUTY IS THE TELEOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION OF DEATH: complexity for Whitehead is “thermodynamic robbery”: systems compete in a field defined by the zero-sum allocation of energy: for Whitehead only the realization of beauty – the global aesthetic satisfaction of God – can compensate for life as the perpetual theft of life. Only what death can grow is what this universe is for: novelty can only be produced at the expense of complexity, and complexity introduces a creative outside into the slumbering positivity of nature only as a function of the sophistication of its circuits: the billiard ball simply receives force, the subject transmutes it – the conformation of a billiard ball to the force acting through it leaves no remainder, it just goes: in systems of sufficient complexity, that remainder becomes consciousness: the stanchion of valuation against which these forces are projected and regulated towards some self-project. COMPLEXITY COMPOUNDS CAUSAL INHERITANCE UNTIL MITHRAS IS WRUNG FROM THE STONE: this is why the neural density of sensitives dooms them to shyness and timidity: the intensity of their awareness distinguishes them from the world too starkly, and it's also why it's (unfortunately) true that serial killers are more vertical than last men, insofar as evil is a kind of verticality: evil is also an altar and an (anti-)god. TRUE MASCULINITY IS THE SABOTAGE OF IMMANENCES: a staredown between two men is a contest of will: the slightest flicker of hesitation signifies a loss of control, it tells your opponent you can't resist attending to your second thoughts about him: the proximity of eyes tests the intensity of what Laszlo calls the heteron, otherness as it is internalized, the subject as he is /vacuolized/ by his perception of another: letting someone live rent-free in your head means consenting to their causation /in you/: the heteron reduces you to a satellite on the karmic plane, WHEN A MAN MUST BE A SUN: the self is windowless, otherness is self-inflicted: ideas are constellations in the sky of Mind, and genius is the power to love them without being possessed by them: the power to negate the identification with positive force is precisely what Christ means by “turning the other cheek”: denying in yourself the “natural” response is not weakness, but the victory over causality, and the birthright of the Whiteheadian soul. Learning to see what you will: whispers of Shestov's gnostic eye in The Matrix: it is not the spoon that bends, but our perception. In the film Burning, as the girl mimes eating an orange, she casually relates the secret of a good pantomime AS THE SECRET OF THE OCCULT CONSCIOUSNESS: “don't pretend the orange is there, forget that it isn't”. ¬(¬P) is the name of an angel: mysticism has the priority of negation, what can be negated has no real existence, except that what is left over, that immediacy that vindicates Thales again and again, by a patch of sun on the dresser, a curve of cumulus.

>> No.12639257 [View]
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:God is the anti-vaxxer of Whitehead's teleology: Time is the amber alert of /god/'s negative ontology within the material mind: Beckett meets Spinoza on the loading dock of quantum vicissitude: God never arrives because it is a symbol of his authoritative /permanence/: The symbolic is the Quaalude of abstraction, prefigured by the metastasised breathing tube of the Demiurge gone mad: Capital lives here: on the hot tin roof of equal opportunity eschatology: The child has no choice within the conspiracy of her mother's paranoia, like de Beauvoir's salon of immanence: God was the first anti-natalist, but he only sought to inoculate himself: We are his only remaining enemy, the bubble in the syringe:

>> No.12608211 [View]
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True philosophy is a vaccine of thought. Ted K and Nietzsche were right about everything: what can't be acquired with the body, must be compensated for with abstraction. Consciousness is a consolatory principle: but its consolations are accidental to itself: I can move on from a past filled with regret precisely because I must, because I am a movement, how I narrativize moving on is accidental to the formal, /dialectical/ necessity of the same: if we could feel the mass of history's suffering all at once we would disown the stars. A slave to my momentum: waiting on my hands for who will shatter the coordinates of modernity once and for all, the next shining Nietzsche, is precisely the most subtle and insidious of capital's programs of self-preservation: the hunger for originality is a symptom of time. So that it may work in peace, the body is numbed to the organ by the secretion of hope: there are only two ways the Knot can evolve a defense to Alexander's sword: either trick itself into believing the cut has already happened, or learn how to stall by anticipation. Zeno's Paradox as the insomnia of thought: unable to perceive the transition to a radically new order of being – unable to think the end of its own thinking – capital thrives on/as the asymptotic postponement of its own Limit, the displacement of the responsibility to change onto some cultural star-child: paradigm shifts are new opiates of the people. That is: it's precisely when thought's creative function becomes transparent to itself that it is doomed to the tautological repetition of its status /as/ creativity: Hegel's history of philosophy coincides with its exposition, to historicize truth is to /perform it/: Hegel marks thought as the ineliminable tic of being, the endless, reflexive adumbration of its own aporia: in other words, we can't stop thinking, and the dialectic marks the structure of our incapacity to stop commenting on our own conditions: capital has enslaved us to the most natural of all processes, or rather it is precisely the slavery /of/: seeing a thing for what it is, “having a story to tell”: the more subjectivity becomes the field that takes cognizance of all other fields, the more it is doomed to be the repetition of itself as merely this cognizance. Hegel is the true philosopher of immanence because he, perhaps despite himself, elucidates the structure by which time engineers civilization as a collective thought-loop, and blinds us to the archons hungering at the periphery. The most diabolical philosophy establishes us in a center while abolishing all knowledge of the circumference: when thought has mastered obfuscating its own immanence to itself, or rather, in Hegel's case, has mastered absorbing all lines of transcendent flight into its /own/ flight plan, Yaldabaoth licks his lips: THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED.

>> No.12535948 [View]
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Capitalism is the de-segregation of human types: Schelling was right about everything, the subject is an oscillation between a central, hermetic male void and the peripheral Feminine: Heraclitus' Tongues/Whiteheadian eternal objects, the ontological structures implicated by the social as consensus dimensionality: Whitehead couldn't purge himself of the Logos vestige, though he denies the Kantian transcendentality of time, continuity sneaks in through the backdoor as the temporal upkeep that a concrescence not only engages in but essentially IS: what I'm saying is brains are overqualified for a thermodynamic universe: Whitehead's God is the urge towards the periphery and denial of the solipsistic centroid: Whitehead cannot think the unity that abolishes the past, he cannot think individuality without reference, though he denies actual occasions taking place in physical time (physical time itself being only a certain mode of relatedness), nevertheless there is a form of succession through which these occasions must cohere to constitute a proper subject: his subjects, as the auto-referentiality of the past, are poor fires, an image of time is always wet kindling: unlike Michelstaedter's persuasi who can burn the eternity of memory to ash: the fullness of the present is always proportional to the nothingness of time. But this nothingness in Whitehead is always complicated by concrescent maintenance: complexity becomes synonymous with novelty: instead of simple transfers of energy "stored on a napkin" between simple unities - one billiard ball hitting another - a subject's novelty of response is only possible as the /gyrification/ of that response, the creative freedom that is perceived as a Sartrean break/discontinuity in causal series is nothing but an /obfuscation of that causality/: a novel reaction to some stimulus is directly related to the complexity of its appropriation by any one unity, in other words, my freedom is the a priori condition of my death, and vice versa. Whitehead's project just happens to be the most rigorous elucidation of what Anaxagoras meant by death being the penalty for being distinguished from the apeiron: death marks the Platonic forms as ontologically unsustainable, that is, as only shadows cast on the cave wall that is the self's stanchion of possibility: WHITEHEAD'S GOD IS A TRANSCENSION VECTOR: the point marks the space: the One marks the not-One, Bakker's Hundred, the multiplicity of powers, the stultifying identity of the One is shattered by novelty as information density: screens are accelerating the conversion of "dumb" matter into smart matter, social media is augmented reality embryonic: immediacy colonized by the godforms of the symbolic economy, a dysgenic gravity well that mashes verticality into pulp: geniuses are like stars, because voids winnow like diamond, while last men burn like streetlights and their thoughts hum like them, too, misers of a borrowed light.

>> No.12470573 [View]
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:Bogdanoff's God is not a spirit to be verified quantifiably, it is a runic parasitism of data contemplation meeting its absolution in meditative appetition:

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