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>> No.19944946 [View]
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Germany wanted to avoid being dominated by the liberal capitalists to the west and the communists to the east and the result was that it split between both.

It was part II of the Europe's second "Thirty Years War." The German right was influenced by Nietzsche and Goebbels declared "the year 1789 has been erased from history" upon the Nazis rise to power. They believed that the Enlightenment had unleashed liberalism and also communism, and the communists themselves believed they were expanding on the Enlightenment. The Nazis rejected all leveling impulses, believed that inequality was the natural state of man, in blood and aesthetics, that the strong survive and the weak perish, and that war and conquest are enlivening and a solution to decadence. The Nazis thought the past 2,000 years of European history since the fall of the Roman Empire needed to be overturned with Christianity being a form of slave morality that Jews had created to enslave Europeans.

>The foundation of the National Socialist worldview is the knowledge of human inequality. No one will likely disagree with this as long as we stick to physical appearance. It is obvious that the “red skins,” the “yellow people,” the Negroes, and the whites are very different. And all whites are not the same. The careful observer can find differences in physical size and shape. The color of the eyes, hair, and skin also varies greatly.

>But there are also spiritual differences between people. That is particularly clear when various people speak about a particular subject. For one person, work is a “curse,” “God’s punishment,” a burden that one should remove as rapidly as possible. For the other, it is a necessary part of existence that gives human life its meaning. For one, bravery and loyalty are nothing but great stupidity. He would rather be “a coward for a few minutes” than to “be dead for the rest of one’s life.” For another, bravery and loyalty are the characteristics used to value and esteem people. He holds to his word, in good times or ill. He cannot live without honor and would rather die than be a coward.


>Even today, National Socialism’s racial thinking has implacable opponents. Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian churches make common cause in this matter. World Freemasonry conceals its Jewish plans of world domination behind slogans of “humanity.” The Jew and the Turk can achieve its degrees just as well as the Christian. Marxism has the same goals as Freemasonry. To conceal its true aims, it used the slogan of “Equality, Freedom, and Brotherhood.” Under Jewish leadership, Marxism wants to unite everything “that has a human face.”

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