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>> No.22314919 [View]
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It will be understood from what has just been said that any seeming contradiction or depreciation of the Mosaic Law that may be
found in the words of Christ or the teaching of the Apostles is in reality but an expression of the superiority of esoterism over exoterism and does not therefore apply at the same level as this Law, at least not a priori, that is, as long as this hierarchic relationship is not itself conceived in dogmatic mode. It is perfectly obvious that the main teachings of Christ transcend this viewpoint, and that is indeed the reason for their existence. They therefore likewise transcend the Law; in no other way could one explain the attitude of
Christ with respect to the law of retaliation, or with regard to the woman taken in adultery, or to divorce. In fact the turning of the other cheek is not a thing that any social collectivity could put into practice with a view to maintaining its equilibrium, and it has no meaning except as a spiritual attitude; the spiritual man alone firmly takes his stand outside the logical chain of individual reactions, since for him a participation in the current of these reactions is tantamount to a fall from grace, at least when such participation involves the center or the soul of the individual, though not when it remains purely an outward and impersonal act of justice such as that envisaged by the Mosaic Law. But it was precisely because this impersonal character of the law of retaliation had been lost and replaced by passions that it was necessary for Christ to express a spiritual truth which, although condemning only a false pretension, appeared to condemn the Law itself. All this is clearly evidenced in Christ’s answer to those who wished to stone the woman taken in adultery, and who, instead of acting impersonally in the name of the Law, would have acted personally in the name of their own hypocrisy. Christ did not therefore speak from the standpoint of the Law, but from that of inward, supra-social, and spiritual realities; and his point of view was exactly the same on the question of divorce. Perhaps the most striking proof to be found in Christ’s teachings of the purely spiritual and therefore supra-social and extra-moral character of his Doctrine is contained in the following saying: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his
own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). It is clearly impossible to oppose such teaching to the Mosaic Law.

>> No.22055145 [View]
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my friend is a Sanderson fan and swears by all his work, what other fantasy books would he like? he's read Abercrombie and liked it, but not nearly as much as Sanderson

>> No.21205086 [View]
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yfw BLM is just the mongrel hordes who murdered jesus for being a straight white male

>> No.20729824 [View]
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>Brother. You must find the most important words a man can say

>> No.20665998 [View]
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>30 year old white women

>> No.20531345 [View]
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>His life is difficult to trace, which in itself is typical, for when you try to follow the biography you can only collect very few facts here and there because, as is already clear, the puer aeternus never quite touches the earth. He never quite commits himself to any mundane situation but just hovers over the earth, touching it from time to time, alighting here and there, so that one has to follow such traces as there may be.

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