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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20741135 [View]
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>Nietzsche highly praised and enjoyed Dostoevsky

My entire respect for Nietzsche goes out the window. Dostoevsky wrote very Christian books yet Nietzsche loved him? What a hypocrite

>> No.20629039 [View]
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>Gardner’s books supposedly redeemed by unraveling the conspiracy and evil behind things
>go into everything BUT the JQ and actually totally ignore the JQ
>gets shilled incessantly by feds


>> No.20624433 [View]
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>be in museum
>extremely seductively cute girl looking alone at a fairly erotic painting with such intense
>suddenly get boner looking at her
>very graphic thoughts
>her head very slowly turns as if she can feel my stare and thoughts and she looks at me out of the corner of her eye
>try to look away and shift to hide boner
>boner persists
>finally look back
>she’s still looking me and pretty sure she can see my boner or realize my shifting
>make motion to leave and she starts fanning herself with her flier
>hear aesthetic but soft laugh as I make my escape
>is it just me? She says
>turn around
>she continues or is it hot in here?
>uh. Hmm. Both
>she smiles and says slick, very slick
>ask if she’s interested in art
>she is very much and we chit chat about it for a while and actually end up getting into poetry and literature, she’s a college freshman but has been passionate about literature from way back
>finally ask if she’s hungry
>a little
>I’m going to the museum café, wanna come with
>we talk in depth about Homer and how she thinks it’s beautiful how the Iliad presents war as both horrific and glorious, showing a book need not be anti war or pro war to make it a good depiction of war
>she eventually has to go but gets my number

>> No.20582808 [View]
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>man is unsatisfied with life until he realizes he is trans
>women is unhappy until she cheats with her bf with an explicitly black immigrant who shows her the wild side of life and sex
>mom finds liberty by leaving her husband

Rijneveld MUST be Jewish

>> No.20573200 [View]
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>BAP called him the Hitlor of the ancients.

>> No.20520827 [View]
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>Nations are primarily created by either ethnic predispositions or eternal myths, something soulless commies will never understand

>> No.20486021 [View]
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>see Japanese woman reading Moby Dick at coffee shop
>oh you like Melville
>yes I love him!
>can already tell by her accident her English is bad
>I see, and you prefer reading him in English?
>yeah a lot she says slowly
>any other English writers?
>I love Shakespeare!
>realize she’s bs’ing at this point
>ever need any help with him?
>I don’t know
>she looks uncertain
>maybe you would help me?
>would you tell me the truth? Be honest. Your English is not very good
>no haha. Sowwy! I’m thankful you talk slow
>yet you read Shakespeare?
>yes. Maybe you read to me?
>because you’re having trouble?
>so I can hear and learn

Are oriental people in general bs’ers about their literary knowledge?

>> No.20386099 [DELETED]  [View]
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>/lit/ will excuse Casanova for being so brainlet he criticized deism and Spinoza as crypto atheism just because he was a footfag

>> No.20375527 [View]
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One is low tier art, the other is high tier poetry. One is simplistic ethos, the other is not about good vs evil but anger and loss

>> No.20372583 [View]
File: 10 KB, 236x236, B66B92D9-390C-417E-A431-8F4E4B7576D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent is super eco where I am but sick of living with mom
>bite the bullet and try pod living until I can find a couple of decent roommates for an apartment
>find a pod complex for people who love reading
>sounds nice but the first guy I talk to is a Harry Potter fan
>everyone there is into pleb shit
>at least one interesting girl who likes philosophy and poetry, we talk a lot about Heraclitus who she’s been reading on her phone
>that night getting very crummy sleep because one retard is snoring but no one else minds
>finally nod off
>it feels like five minutes later the same girl is whispering hey over and over
>see her standing by my bed
>shhh people are sleeping
>look at my phone
>mfw it’s past 2:00AM
>have work that day
>just ask her what is it?
>I wanted to show you this
>she’s holding her phone and showing me some writing I’m way too tired to read
>just nod as nicely as possible
>wow, interesting
>expect her to go now
>do you mind if I sit here?
>want to say no but too much of a coward
>uh sure that’s fine
>it made me write some of my own, did you want to hear it?
>she looks totally awake and excited and obviously never slept
>uh okay
>she reads some poem from her phone I was way too tired to remember but it sounded Elizabethan
>what do you think?
>very good, a lot of passion
>she stays for like fifteen minutes before finally getting the hint to leave
>can’t sleep the rest of the night
>exhausted at work
>completely doze off on the bus ride back and miss my stop

Moving back in with mom desu

>> No.19306249 [View]
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>Jemon, the King of the Gagalua, fought valiantly in the Battle of the Sixteen Crowns, but soon after he was betrayed by his master commander, Meeggor, Son of Rowen. The truth is both were brothers in reality, born out of the Yeeyaa, known as the Root of the World, during the Age of Kings.

>> No.18875069 [View]
File: 10 KB, 236x236, D47D766A-2419-48F6-A92A-9FFDE007725A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A tour de force…

>> No.18101625 [View]
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>> No.18024704 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Resistance is not necessarily an oppositional act of political intention, nor
is it the simple negation or exclusion of the “content” of another culture,
as a difference once perceived. It is the effect of an ambivalence produced
within the rules of recognition of dominating discourses as they articulate
the signs of cultural difference and reimplicate them within the deferential
relations of colonial power—hierarchy, normalization, marginalization and
so forth. For colonial domination is achieved through a process of disavowal that denies the chaos of its intervention, as Entstellung [distortion,
misrepresentation], its dislocatory presence in order to preserve the authority of its identity in the teleological narratives of historical and political evolutionism.

>> No.17764268 [DELETED]  [View]
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> adjudicator: a person who adjudicates

>> No.17644808 [View]
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English majors please gtfo of Philosophy classes. Your contributions to class discussions are hot faggy garbage.

>> No.17558110 [View]
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>1984 is a cautionary tale against the political institution the librhuls want to establish

>> No.17509242 [View]
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>character thinks in written language

>> No.17452633 [View]
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>> No.14709899 [View]
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>start college course
>mandatory reading is a book wrotten by the professor himself

>> No.13504273 [View]
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>butthurt chapocels desperately defending the status quo STILL haven't been btfo enough times to leave /lit/

>> No.12302966 [View]
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>Using bigger/lesser used words to write sentences for stylistic reasons but being so insecure and small brained that you think the writer is only trying to be a pretentious douche.

>> No.12034169 [View]
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/lit/ needs IDs so I can filter OP.

>> No.10091828 [View]
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>author makes up words

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