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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9568390 [View]
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>spend all day whining about women
>you finding this annoying means that you're the one obsessed with identity politics, not me!!!

This aside, which board are you actually from? Your post syntax is not that of a /lit/ browser, or somebody who reads books. Not much of /lit/ is still autistic enough to say things like ""Im redpilled"" and ""Im an oldfag"" in the year of twenty seventeen. Your posts feel like they came from a Youtube comment generator.

>You fags are just butthurt about not everyone being into strong, experienced women as much as yourselves.
Not the case at all. I dont give a shit. It just ruins the quality of discourse when /pol/ stinks up every thread with "redpilled alpha here, if you read a book written by a women youre a libtard feminazi cuck, praise kek".

Just read the responses to the actual useful book recommendations ITT, for example. I realise that this was pretty much destined to be a shitposting thread, but it is a board-wide problem. I recall a Flannery O'Connor thread a week or so ago which basically ended up looking like this thread. It's so so dull.

>Why are you not reacting when underage redditors barge into a thread and start talking about communism with no reference or evidence of understanding any actual socialist literature
Annoying, but the internet tends to be more right than left, so it's usually more avoidable imo. Regardless, threads about political theory on whatever side are better and more on topic than "why are women so dumb kek" based threads.

>Where are you when r/atheism fedoras barge in and start throwing around "jewish carpenter" or "religion of peace xD" memes?
I dislike that just as much

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