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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23776442 [View]
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Here you go!

>> No.23774799 [View]
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Another one you might be interested in.

>> No.23726010 [View]
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>> No.23637993 [View]
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Never read Hogg.
Frisk was gross/good; hypersexual gays.
In the Miso Soup was graphic but more of a psychological thing.
Story of the Eye is eh.
The Necrophiliac seemed spiritually similar to Lolita.
Celine's books were only "sick" when it was him shitting his pants.
Pick up the Tunnel by Gass and skip to "Child Abuse," but it probably doesn't work as well if you're not already 600 pages deep in that style.

>> No.23404738 [View]
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>> No.23402796 [View]
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>this is your brain on Discord
Be more subtle when you guys try to shill, please. You're laying it on a little thick.

>> No.23312733 [View]
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The most disturbing thing about it is the reddit symbol

>> No.23237192 [View]
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Re-recommending you Jude the Obscure. Things go so awfully in that book that I finished it out of spite. Go download a copy from Project Gutenberg instead of moping here and hopefully the book will gut punch you into feeling something other than vicarious misery. If that's not enough, pull from pic related until you're bored of being miserable.

The other anon's recommendation of feels and rekt threads will probably work too but I'd bet you'd get sucked into a cycle of frequenting those places and (God forbid) posting. Read books until you feel something else; you can complete a book and feel different, but engaging in mope-ass threads has no finality.

>> No.23223868 [View]
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I'm reading it too, a little further than halfway now, but I've been stumped the entire time on how this is supposed to be disturbing. Certainly I like it a lot, but my expectations have felt fucked from the start considering my introduction to it was through a "dark and disturbing" lit chart on here (though I read Omensetter's Luck a year ago). Maybe it's that the chart put it alongside novels like American Psycho, Frisk, Necrophiliac, and In the Miso Soup that I expected something gruesome and gut-wrenching.

(Now I'm seeing Celine in pic related, which feels like a more apt bedfellow.)

Surreal: okay (structurally, mostly). Dark: sure? Disturbing: sort of?

If anything I find it moving, though in an emotional sense that isn't so much touching or sentimental as it is "effecting", if that makes any sense. Maybe as if I'm being impregnated with the Kohler's feelings. Reading the chapter "Child Abuse", for instance, it felt more like devastatingly relateable and prompted more of a fear of that in my self than anything like an external horror (what I mean by "impregnating").

For OP, I'd probably recommend Omensetter's Luck instead (though I'm not familiar with Lynch beyond Twin Peaks or the rabbit film). There's a much greater uncertainty about the reality of the events being portrayed or fundamentally what they represent and stem from. Has something of a fog over it, and calling it somewhat dream-like might make it akin to Lynch. (Been a year and my memory is bad, so someone who knows better can tell me I'm wrong.) The novel starts with an assay of events given by a senile man, in a sort of inner-outer ramble---to give more of an idea.

>> No.23192007 [View]
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Hey, creator of the chart here. This is the final version of the chart. It hasn't been updated since May 2019.

>> No.23118543 [View]
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You might want to check out this chart. Also, you should check out The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum. It's based on real events (the murder of Sylvia Likens), which are somehow a lot worse than in the novel.

>> No.22935992 [View]
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>> No.22934320 [View]
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How many of these are actually good? Any other good "edgy" books?

>> No.22867657 [View]
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Obey briefly reminded of Dog Faced Hermans. Like if they weren't feminists and had an anal fixation. Would recommend the novel Frisk if OP wants brutal sexual degradation.

Pic semi related. In the Miso Soup was being talked about recently. The writing isn't anything special in terms of prose style (to be fair I was reading it in translation), but I thought it was compelling, and I was impressed with it in the end. The scenes of gore bothered me in a way that American Psycho didn't; it may have been that they were more sparse in the former, or that you're given them from the observer's perspective, but either way I found that difference in feel interesting.

>> No.22863319 [View]
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That chart looks pretty nice!
I would like to hear more opinions on The Tenant, The Troop and The Only Good Indians, to see if they're good enough for the chart and deserve inclusion. (it is always difficult though, the horror chart before the one we're improving had a pretty mixed bag for 'recent horror', and it's difficult to predict which recent novels will be regarded as high quality/classics, and which ones aren't.)
I'm also not sure on having 2 books for Poppy Z Brite, but then again I have only read Exquisite Corpse.
A few more thoughts:
>I've heard good things about T.E.D. Klein's Dark Gods. Would that be good to include?
>Are we having too many authors with 2 books on the list?
>Might it be good to do the same thing I did when making the dark/disturbing chart, where you put the image of the best work on, and under the name and title you can put something like "Also: [title of second book]"? (pic related to show you.) That saves a lot of room, makes it less cluttered, and makes it easier to add a second book by an author. (It also puts the novels by the same author together, unlike how it is now.) I don't know if it's needed or useful, though.
>I was about to click send when I saw that North American Lake Monsters is straight up not there lmao

>> No.22824774 [View]
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It's not really horror, but was definitely unnerving at some points and left a strange impression: Omensetter's Luck by Gass.

Read both Miso and Frisk recently, so I'll re-rec Frisk to you. The Necrophiliac by Wittkop is another good one off this list, and Fires on the Plain by Ooka isn't quite horror, but it's good and disturbing.

>> No.22799069 [View]
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How many of these are worth reading besides American Psycho?

>> No.22798079 [View]
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Reggie Oliver is on the Horror Fiction chart. The chart you're referring to is the Dark and Disturbing Literature chart, which I actually made! (pic related)
I haven't read The Eyes myself (I've only read a few books on that chart, and mostly relied on research and experiences and opinions of others to create that chart), but it's very nice you've managed to find a physical copy!

>> No.22744260 [View]
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Recommend me some good "extreme" books like picrel

>> No.22432296 [View]
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None of these books mentioned ITT are even remotely scary. You guys suck as per usual.

>> No.21813475 [View]
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Here you go bud

>> No.21595107 [View]
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>> No.21562017 [View]
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Here, OP
this is what you're looking for

>> No.21546495 [View]
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De Sade is trash, both in prose and in ideas. He's only famous because he was the subject of an obscenity trial.
Bataille is hilarious but almost everything he writes always goes on longer than it should. His ideas are interesting (albeit deranged) but his prose is eh.
Rimbaud is just a good poet.
Check out Wittkop, btw. She's great. As is Sarah Kane.
Suskind's Perfume, on pic related, is also worth a read, though it really doesn't belong on the chart.

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