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>> No.22232040 [View]
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It's fun. The premise is a bit stupid but after you get over that it's like a better version of Ender's Game or other academy shit. Second book is significantly better.

It's a bit like Warhammer 40k but with genetically engineered 9 foot tall humans LARPing as ancient Greeks and Romans in space.

>> No.21960033 [View]
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depends on the model age. I remember seeing paperwhite 2 and 3 for like $30 on ebay US.
honestly I would save up and just buy new, it will last you forever anyway

>Can you directly download books from libgen or other sites on it?
not that I know of
you're going to have to plug it into your pc and drag n' drop or use calibre

if you jailbreak it and install KOReader, then you can send stuff from calibre to the kindle over wifi, but again, from your pc

just curious, what apps were you using and how long ago? KOReader used to crash occasionally (memory related like you said) on my paperwhite 2 but a koreader update last year solved it.

>> No.21404828 [View]
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I don't think that it totally it, but it's part of it.

It is one thing for a book that is not taking itself very seriously to become somewhat hackneyed and tropey, it's more annoying when a book takes itself very seriously and does this.

However, I also think it's that Brown does world building well. Things are introduced over time, not in big exposition dumps and not (as often) as dues ex machina to move the plot along. The MC might be a bit of a Gary Stew for the first three books, but his successes and serious setbacks arise organically enough. A big problem in the genre is shit getting wrapped up very quickly by inorganic introductions (I love Gibson, but he has definitely done this, Olympus is another example).

Brown also creates differentiated enough, enjoyable characters. Some might be caricatures, but they stand out well. GRRM is really great at this. The genre as a whole struggles with this, having characters serving as mere means to move the descriptions along. Case in point from an author I actually like quite a bit: all of Alistair Reynolds' characters are emotionless engineers. At first I thought this was the point, that the Spacers were supposed to be like that, but I realized reading Pushing Ice that it gets old when it's a copy paste across different characters.

The classical antiquity LARP lends it the framework to stay more consistent IMO. Basic knowledge of the culture fills in the blanks for the reader. IMO, more authors should take advantage of this. Dune is another example, where the Firemen being space Arabs fills in a lot.

>> No.21330707 [View]
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It was my favorite until Dark Age. Iron Gold was a little rough. The Lyrics story took a long time to get going and the overall plot felt a little aimless. It made me almost not pick up Dark Age, but that one is now my favorite. Just wall to wall action, and the slow POVs get much better IMO.

But next to that Golden Son was definitely my favorite.

The third book has some good parts, but the finale just felt a little too cute, like how Hollywood would end the series. Obviously the entire story is based on a goofy premises in the first place, but the books are actually at their best when he takes it seriously despite that.

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